Hillary....The Best Choice for 2016!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Why procrastinate in picking the next presidential candidate...the next Democrat President?
Waiting in the wings is a person with the perfect credentials.
Allow me to make the case:

1. "JERUSALEM – Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lie under oath when she testified in the January Benghazi hearings that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facilities in the Libyan city?

2. In her Jan. 23 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

3.... Clinton’s testimony is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.
Read more at Hillary perjured herself on Benghazi?

4. "SALT LAKE CITY —[Oct. 9 2012 ] Utah National Guardsman who headed an elite security force in Libya will tell a congressional committee Wednesday that his requests for more resources prior to the killing of a U.S. ambassador last month went unheeded.

5. Lt. Col. Andrew Wood is scheduled to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

6. "He was asking for more assets. He was asking for personnel. And the Obama administration denied that, and I think that plays a central role in what went wrong in Benghazi," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah." Utah Army commander Lt. Col. Andrew Wood sought more security before deadly attack in Libya | Deseret News

a. And, this, of course:
"On the occasion of the return of his son’s casket, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to Charles Woods that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film was arrested.” She said this knowing full well at the time that the terrorist attack that murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and three other Americans had nothing to do with an anti-Muslim YouTube video which was being blamed for provoking it." Dems Circle Wagons Around Hillary As Benghazi Whistleblowers Signal 2016 Attacks - Forbes

A trip down memory lane to burnish those Hillary-credentials....

7. "Hillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them." Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences

and this...

8. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.
Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit..... her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading... what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe.... Hillary Clinton was lying when she denied actively representing a criminal enterprise known as the Madison S.& L., and indicate she may have conspired with Web Hubbell's father-in-law to make a sham land deal that cost taxpayers $3 million."
Essay - Blizzard of Lies - NYTimes.com

What better choice for a party that twice endorsed a harasser of women, and rapist, her husband, as President.

And, what better choice to succeed a man who refused to offer newborns resulting from mishandled abortions the most basic medical assistance?

Go, Hillary!
A perfect fit in the Democrat

When Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer....

....well...he couldn't be more proud of his followers!
I think it says more about the Republicans view of their own line up of potential candidates if they need to hang their hopes on the Democrats nominating a disaster to oppose them.
Why procrastinate in picking the next presidential candidate...the next Democrat President?
Waiting in the wings is a person with the perfect credentials.
Allow me to make the case:

1. "JERUSALEM – Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lie under oath when she testified in the January Benghazi hearings that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facilities in the Libyan city?

2. In her Jan. 23 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

3.... Clinton’s testimony is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.
Read more at Hillary perjured herself on Benghazi?

4. "SALT LAKE CITY —[Oct. 9 2012 ] Utah National Guardsman who headed an elite security force in Libya will tell a congressional committee Wednesday that his requests for more resources prior to the killing of a U.S. ambassador last month went unheeded.

5. Lt. Col. Andrew Wood is scheduled to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

6. "He was asking for more assets. He was asking for personnel. And the Obama administration denied that, and I think that plays a central role in what went wrong in Benghazi," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah." Utah Army commander Lt. Col. Andrew Wood sought more security before deadly attack in Libya | Deseret News

a. And, this, of course:
"On the occasion of the return of his son’s casket, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to Charles Woods that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film was arrested.” She said this knowing full well at the time that the terrorist attack that murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and three other Americans had nothing to do with an anti-Muslim YouTube video which was being blamed for provoking it." Dems Circle Wagons Around Hillary As Benghazi Whistleblowers Signal 2016 Attacks - Forbes

A trip down memory lane to burnish those Hillary-credentials....

7. "Hillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them." Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences

and this...

8. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.
Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit..... her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading... what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe.... Hillary Clinton was lying when she denied actively representing a criminal enterprise known as the Madison S.& L., and indicate she may have conspired with Web Hubbell's father-in-law to make a sham land deal that cost taxpayers $3 million."
Essay - Blizzard of Lies - NYTimes.com

What better choice for a party that twice endorsed a harasser of women, and rapist, her husband, as President.

And, what better choice to succeed a man who refused to offer newborns resulting from mishandled abortions the most basic medical assistance?

Go, Hillary!
A perfect fit in the Democrat

When Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer....

....well...he couldn't be more proud of his followers!
Clinton is done !! the Irony is she is getting scapegoated by the White House that had real time info about Benghazi !! when it sinks in that she has been out smarted and played again by Obama fire works are going to fly !!Biden 2016 !!


  • $biden-laughing-2-579x354.jpg
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For one thing, Hillary is still saying she won't run. For another, Biden is sure it's going to be him.

That will put Biden and Hillary in a very nasty primary battle. Of the two, only Hillary has the tar brush of her years as Secretary of State.
I think it says more about the Republicans view of their own line up of potential candidates if they need to hang their hopes on the Democrats nominating a disaster to oppose them.

If they're hanging their hopes on a Clinton candidacy, they're a sad bunch. What are they going to think and where does the Republican party go, when she wins anyway?
For one thing, Hillary is still saying she won't run. For another, Biden is sure it's going to be him.

That will put Biden and Hillary in a very nasty primary battle. Of the two, only Hillary has the tar brush of her years as Secretary of State.
most candidates do not announce their intentions to run until they get close to election time..the reason is the scrutiny they undergo from the opposition is to intense to withstand for 4 yrs ....you can bet your ass they both want to be president !!
Both of them are too old. Didn't we learn anything from Reagans second term and the McCain and Dole campaigns?
For one thing, Hillary is still saying she won't run. For another, Biden is sure it's going to be him.

That will put Biden and Hillary in a very nasty primary battle. Of the two, only Hillary has the tar brush of her years as Secretary of State.
most candidates do not announce their intentions to run until they get close to election time..the reason is the scrutiny they undergo from the opposition is to intense to withstand for 4 yrs ....you can bet your ass they both want to be president !!

Biden has already said he's going to run. Hillary is still saying she won't run. No matter who the democrat candidate is, they are going to be dragging the albatross of obama around with them.
For one thing, Hillary is still saying she won't run. For another, Biden is sure it's going to be him.

That will put Biden and Hillary in a very nasty primary battle. Of the two, only Hillary has the tar brush of her years as Secretary of State.
most candidates do not announce their intentions to run until they get close to election time..the reason is the scrutiny they undergo from the opposition is to intense to withstand for 4 yrs ....you can bet your ass they both want to be president !!

Biden has already said he's going to run. Hillary is still saying she won't run. No matter who the democrat candidate is, they are going to be dragging the albatross of obama around with them.

the hundreds of video clips of hillary and biden making stupid statements will destroy them both.

hillary with her fake black accent, and just about anything biden has ever said.
2008 was Clintons year.

The Dems threw her under the bus for Barry.

I doubt she will run again.

As for Biden? Good Gawd. If he's the best the Dems can come up with then my dead Border Collie is looking good for POTUS in 2016.
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I want more of the same, so I will vote for Hillary. Or whatever hack the Republicans decide to nominate. One of them has to be willing to show me that they are for keeping the Status Quo.
Why procrastinate in picking the next presidential candidate...the next Democrat President?
Waiting in the wings is a person with the perfect credentials.
Allow me to make the case:

1. "JERUSALEM – Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lie under oath when she testified in the January Benghazi hearings that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facilities in the Libyan city?

2. In her Jan. 23 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

3.... Clinton’s testimony is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.
Read more at Hillary perjured herself on Benghazi?

4. "SALT LAKE CITY —[Oct. 9 2012 ] Utah National Guardsman who headed an elite security force in Libya will tell a congressional committee Wednesday that his requests for more resources prior to the killing of a U.S. ambassador last month went unheeded.

5. Lt. Col. Andrew Wood is scheduled to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

6. "He was asking for more assets. He was asking for personnel. And the Obama administration denied that, and I think that plays a central role in what went wrong in Benghazi," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah." Utah Army commander Lt. Col. Andrew Wood sought more security before deadly attack in Libya | Deseret News

a. And, this, of course:
"On the occasion of the return of his son’s casket, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to Charles Woods that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film was arrested.” She said this knowing full well at the time that the terrorist attack that murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and three other Americans had nothing to do with an anti-Muslim YouTube video which was being blamed for provoking it." Dems Circle Wagons Around Hillary As Benghazi Whistleblowers Signal 2016 Attacks - Forbes

A trip down memory lane to burnish those Hillary-credentials....

7. "Hillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them." Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences

and this...

8. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.
Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit..... her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading... what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe.... Hillary Clinton was lying when she denied actively representing a criminal enterprise known as the Madison S.& L., and indicate she may have conspired with Web Hubbell's father-in-law to make a sham land deal that cost taxpayers $3 million."
Essay - Blizzard of Lies - NYTimes.com

What better choice for a party that twice endorsed a harasser of women, and rapist, her husband, as President.

And, what better choice to succeed a man who refused to offer newborns resulting from mishandled abortions the most basic medical assistance?

Go, Hillary!
A perfect fit in the Democrat

When Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer....

....well...he couldn't be more proud of his followers!

You seem pretty confident these trumped up, Rovian talking points are going to carry your lame candidates to the WH.


Democrats do want Hillary to run but only if she is healthy and she really wants it.
Why procrastinate in picking the next presidential candidate...the next Democrat President?
Waiting in the wings is a person with the perfect credentials.
Allow me to make the case:

1. "JERUSALEM – Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lie under oath when she testified in the January Benghazi hearings that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facilities in the Libyan city?

2. In her Jan. 23 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

3.... Clinton’s testimony is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.
Read more at Hillary perjured herself on Benghazi?

4. "SALT LAKE CITY —[Oct. 9 2012 ] Utah National Guardsman who headed an elite security force in Libya will tell a congressional committee Wednesday that his requests for more resources prior to the killing of a U.S. ambassador last month went unheeded.

5. Lt. Col. Andrew Wood is scheduled to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

6. "He was asking for more assets. He was asking for personnel. And the Obama administration denied that, and I think that plays a central role in what went wrong in Benghazi," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah." Utah Army commander Lt. Col. Andrew Wood sought more security before deadly attack in Libya | Deseret News

a. And, this, of course:
"On the occasion of the return of his son’s casket, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to Charles Woods that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film was arrested.” She said this knowing full well at the time that the terrorist attack that murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and three other Americans had nothing to do with an anti-Muslim YouTube video which was being blamed for provoking it." Dems Circle Wagons Around Hillary As Benghazi Whistleblowers Signal 2016 Attacks - Forbes

A trip down memory lane to burnish those Hillary-credentials....

7. "Hillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them." Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences

and this...

8. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.
Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit..... her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading... what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe.... Hillary Clinton was lying when she denied actively representing a criminal enterprise known as the Madison S.& L., and indicate she may have conspired with Web Hubbell's father-in-law to make a sham land deal that cost taxpayers $3 million."
Essay - Blizzard of Lies - NYTimes.com

What better choice for a party that twice endorsed a harasser of women, and rapist, her husband, as President.

And, what better choice to succeed a man who refused to offer newborns resulting from mishandled abortions the most basic medical assistance?

Go, Hillary!
A perfect fit in the Democrat

When Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer....

....well...he couldn't be more proud of his followers!

You seem pretty confident these trumped up, Rovian talking points are going to carry your lame candidates to the WH.


Democrats do want Hillary to run but only if she is healthy and she really wants it.

So....you don't care to disagree that she is a sleazy, lying bottom-feeder?

If she's a healthy sleazy, lying bottom-feeder....she's got your vote?
Why procrastinate in picking the next presidential candidate...the next Democrat President?
Waiting in the wings is a person with the perfect credentials.
Allow me to make the case:

1. "JERUSALEM – Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lie under oath when she testified in the January Benghazi hearings that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facilities in the Libyan city?

2. In her Jan. 23 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

3.... Clinton’s testimony is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.
Read more at Hillary perjured herself on Benghazi?

4. "SALT LAKE CITY —[Oct. 9 2012 ] Utah National Guardsman who headed an elite security force in Libya will tell a congressional committee Wednesday that his requests for more resources prior to the killing of a U.S. ambassador last month went unheeded.

5. Lt. Col. Andrew Wood is scheduled to testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

6. "He was asking for more assets. He was asking for personnel. And the Obama administration denied that, and I think that plays a central role in what went wrong in Benghazi," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah." Utah Army commander Lt. Col. Andrew Wood sought more security before deadly attack in Libya | Deseret News

a. And, this, of course:
"On the occasion of the return of his son’s casket, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to Charles Woods that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film was arrested.” She said this knowing full well at the time that the terrorist attack that murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and three other Americans had nothing to do with an anti-Muslim YouTube video which was being blamed for provoking it." Dems Circle Wagons Around Hillary As Benghazi Whistleblowers Signal 2016 Attacks - Forbes

A trip down memory lane to burnish those Hillary-credentials....

7. "Hillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them." Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences

and this...

8. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.
Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit..... her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading... what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe.... Hillary Clinton was lying when she denied actively representing a criminal enterprise known as the Madison S.& L., and indicate she may have conspired with Web Hubbell's father-in-law to make a sham land deal that cost taxpayers $3 million."
Essay - Blizzard of Lies - NYTimes.com

What better choice for a party that twice endorsed a harasser of women, and rapist, her husband, as President.

And, what better choice to succeed a man who refused to offer newborns resulting from mishandled abortions the most basic medical assistance?

Go, Hillary!
A perfect fit in the Democrat

When Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer....

....well...he couldn't be more proud of his followers!

You seem pretty confident these trumped up, Rovian talking points are going to carry your lame candidates to the WH.


Democrats do want Hillary to run but only if she is healthy and she really wants it.

So....you don't care to disagree that she is a sleazy, lying bottom-feeder?

If she's a healthy sleazy, lying bottom-feeder....she's got your vote?

You're getting kind of senile there, PC. I didn't say anything even remotely similar.
If the economy is up, i.e. unemployment is 5-6 percent and declining, The American Voter is happy with what Obamacare is costing him/her, and America is happy with the Democrat approach to fending off Islamist Terror attacks against US, then the Republicans don't have a chance.
Where will they seek a better candidate?

Pretty much anywhere on the Democratic bench.

That's the good thing about being a party not composed of stupid and crazy people. There's no shortage of good people to be found. You don't know exactly who they are, but they're there. Obama and Bill Clinton sort of came out of nowhere. There's more where that came from. Biden and Cuomo aren't the only choices out there, and a good candidate would beat both of them easily.
If the economy is up, i.e. unemployment is 5-6 percent and declining, The American Voter is happy with what Obamacare is costing him/her, and America is happy with the Democrat approach to fending off Islamist Terror attacks against US, then the Republicans don't have a chance.

Unemployment is declining, but not because people are finding work. And I suppose people are happy with Obama Care, now that a private company has the power to tax individuals (also a broken tax promise).

Then yeah. I want more of the same. I'm just so use to the status quo.

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