Hillary To Run Soon.Then What? All "Rally Goers Need To Fill Out An Application"?

maybe Hillary will just demand that all white people be required to wear a muzzle?
If more democrats wore muzzles this nation truly would far better off. You know some of them are talking about the 2008 election?
It's like the spoiled brat looking at you and saying "But so and so did it back then!". SO WHAT?

The press is writing about Hillary just LIKE they did Nixon. They want to back pedal fine. But at least go back to histories LAST example of a parties GREATEST defeat.

WE Republicans learned a LOT. Seems the democrats need SPECIAL ED.
Many on the left are already declaring that Ted Cruz is on the Loco Side, really? and Joe Biden&Pelosi are Brilliant Scholars?
Tell me something there Rexx. WHICH party here is dressed as clowns?
just the Democrats and Moderate Republicans.
i can just see the first question on the "Hillary For President App" Gender:, Male, Female, Other, Kinda Gay, Somewhat Gay, Confused, and Pizza Catering Gay.
May is the official month is it not?
She said April AFTER putting it off twice. She delays again and the press will DESTROY HER!
I say she walks away with that 25 million she has raised and just laughs at the FOOLS who sent her money.
What will she run on? Just keep stealing money from the middle class? just like her party has been doing since 2007?
May is the official month is it not?
She said April AFTER putting it off twice. She delays again and the press will DESTROY HER!
I say she walks away with that 25 million she has raised and just laughs at the FOOLS who sent her money.

Like Pizza Bigot is walking away with all that free right wing money right now?
The true bigots in that one are the queers. Death threats for an opinion? You do know the pizza parlor doesn't cater weddings? So the queers lost nothing, before their false outrage. They could walk in the establishment and enjoy a meal with normal people. Not now though, nobody can. They sound like a bunch of two year olds. Also, why don't you tough guy go to the muslim baker and talk to him like you do about the pizza guy. You won't, cause you are a coward.
can we assume that Hillary just can't wait to go on Fox New/Live Interview?
:bow3::boobies::rock:, Shouldn't be too much longer before Hillary makes her announcement in a High School Auditorium where none of the teeny-boppers have any idea of whom she is. But Hillary must know that she cannot just let anyone in to her appearances. God forbid a dozen adults start yelling back at her "What Difference Does It Make" !!, and "Ben Gazzi" !!!, well to name just a few of her 12 or so scandals. Should be interesting to see who they select to fill her 2000 seater arenas/stadiums/schools/parking lots. Maybe her staff will not allow "Any Regular White Looking Middle Class American" into her events?:slap:

she could make the announcement at a day care for toddlers and the Republicans would still lose.


i can just vision a large poster. Posted at all entrances. "If You Look Like Any Of These People" you cannot attend the Hillary event.

She scares you this much already. It's going to be so much fun watching your total meltdown once she is elected POTUS.

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