Hillary wants government schooling to start at the age of FOUR!!

right out of the book on Marxism. she hid her TRUE ugly self until NOW

my gawd wake up

Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Study Marxism to Understand Hillary

By Cliff Kincaid -- Bio and Archives June 16, 2015

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in talking about opposition to her version of feminism and demands for abortion, was that “…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Bush also said of the Democrats, “They have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress.”

all of it here:
Study Marxism to Understand Hillary
The constitution says education is entirely a state matter and states need to say that.

Hillary Clinton calls for preschool for all children - LA Times

june 15 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton put early childhood education at the front of her agenda Monday, pledging that as president she would work to make preschool available and affordable for every American child.

Clinton, who started her career as an advocate for the Children's Defense Fund, has long lobbied for expanding the availability of child care and preschool. At a day-care center here, she outlined proposals, including a substantial boost in federal spending to help cover the cost of schooling for 4-year-olds from low-income families.
So...you really don't want us to compete academically with the countries we are always compared to then.

Exactly how does sending children away from their parents a year earlier accomplish that?

Finland is consistently ranked number one in the world in education. Their kids don't go to school until the age of seven and they rarely ever get assigned homework.
Most Finns have two white parents that they are biologically related to.
This is all about more free day care and free meals for black and hispanic kids. Democrats are buying votes again.
what ever happened to the parents teaching their children to read at home?

Indeed. I was reading at age 2. The government had nothing to do with it.

Of course, the problem these days is that after 5 decades of Left-run public education, a large chunk of American parents can't read either, not to say our illegal alien "guests".
The constitution says education is entirely a state matter and states need to say that.

Hillary Clinton calls for preschool for all children - LA Times

june 15 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton put early childhood education at the front of her agenda Monday, pledging that as president she would work to make preschool available and affordable for every American child.

Clinton, who started her career as an advocate for the Children's Defense Fund, has long lobbied for expanding the availability of child care and preschool. At a day-care center here, she outlined proposals, including a substantial boost in federal spending to help cover the cost of schooling for 4-year-olds from low-income families.

It never actually limits the schooling to public schooling, does it?
what ever happened to the parents teaching their children to read at home?

Indeed. I was reading at age 2. The government had nothing to do with it.

Of course, the problem these days is that after 5 decades of Left-run public education, a large chunk of American parents can't read either, not to say our illegal alien "guests".

Are 2 year olds allowed on this board?
While Head Start participation benefited children's learning and development during their time in the federally funded preschool program, those advantages had mostly vanished by the end of 3rd grade, a new federal study finds.

In the final phase of a large-scale randomized, controlled study of nearly 5,000 children, researchers found that the positive impacts on literacy and language development demonstrated by children who entered Head Start at age 4 had dissipated by the end of 3rd grade, and that they were, on average, academically indistinguishable from their peers who had not participated in Head Start. Head Start Advantages Mostly Gone by 3rd Grade Study Finds - Early Years - Education Week

Good post.
There's a reason most American public schools resemble a prison..........it prepares our children for their future......:lol:.
While Head Start participation benefited children's learning and development during their time in the federally funded preschool program, those advantages had mostly vanished by the end of 3rd grade, a new federal study finds.

In the final phase of a large-scale randomized, controlled study of nearly 5,000 children, researchers found that the positive impacts on literacy and language development demonstrated by children who entered Head Start at age 4 had dissipated by the end of 3rd grade, and that they were, on average, academically indistinguishable from their peers who had not participated in Head Start. Head Start Advantages Mostly Gone by 3rd Grade Study Finds - Early Years - Education Week
That study does not have anything to do with the point you seek to make, i.e. Head Start has no impact. I realize the site you got you link from misstated the study, but that does not make the misstatement true.

Approximately 60 percent of the control group children participated in child care or early education programs during the first year of the study, with 13.8 percent of the 4-year-olds in the control group and 17.8 percent of the 3-year-olds in the control group finding their way into Head Start during this year. Preventing families from seeking out alternative care or programs for their children is both infeasible and unethical. The design used here answers the policy question, how well does Head Start do when compared against the other types of services or care that low-income children could receive in fall 2002.

I thought this blog was interesting

They also raise a provocative question, at a time when many lawmakers are pushing to expand spending on early-childhood education: Do kids need preschool if a TV show works just as well?

Yes, say the economists — and the “Sesame Street” educational team. Head Start, Kearney and Levine write, was designed to provide more than an academic boost: It delivers family support, medical and dental services, and development of emotional skills that help kids in social settings.

Study Kids can learn as much from Sesame Street as from preschool - The Washington Post
The constitution says education is entirely a state matter and states need to say that.

Hillary Clinton calls for preschool for all children - LA Times

june 15 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton put early childhood education at the front of her agenda Monday, pledging that as president she would work to make preschool available and affordable for every American child.

Clinton, who started her career as an advocate for the Children's Defense Fund, has long lobbied for expanding the availability of child care and preschool. At a day-care center here, she outlined proposals, including a substantial boost in federal spending to help cover the cost of schooling for 4-year-olds from low-income families.
So...you really don't want us to compete academically with the countries we are always compared to then.

Exactly how does sending children away from their parents a year earlier accomplish that?

Finland is consistently ranked number one in the world in education. Their kids don't go to school until the age of seven and they rarely ever get assigned homework.
Most Finns have two white parents that they are biologically related to.

40% of Finnish children are born outside of wedlock, the same rate as the U.S.

Birth rate for unmarried women declines for first time in decades Pew Research Center
I see Hilary is pushing the cradle to grave plan of the far left..
what ever happened to the parents teaching their children to read at home?

Indeed. I was reading at age 2. The government had nothing to do with it.

Of course, the problem these days is that after 5 decades of Left-run public education, a large chunk of American parents can't read either, not to say our illegal alien "guests".

Are 2 year olds allowed on this board?

Well if they allow the far left drones like you on this board then I would say YES!!!
[ Their kids don't go to school until the age of seven and they rarely ever get assigned homework.

That is a fact that really doesn't tell much of the story at all.

Finland has had access to free universal daycare for children age eight months to five years in place since 1990, and a year of "preschool/kindergarten" at age six, since 1996. "Daycare" includes both full-day childcare centers and municipal playgrounds with adult supervision where parents can accompany the child. The municipality will also pay mothers to stay home and provide "home daycare" for the first three years, if she desires, with occasional visits from a careworker to see that the environment is appropriate.[9] The ratio of adults to children in local municipal childcare centers (either private but subsidized by local municipalities or paid for by municipalities with the help of grants from the central government) is, for children three years old and under: three adults (one teacher and two nurses) for every 12 pupils (or one-to-four); and, for children age three to six: three adults (one teacher and two nurses) for every 20 children (or circa one-to-seven). Payment, where applicable, is scaled to family income and ranges from free to about 200 euros a month maximum.[10] According to Pepa Ódena in these centers, "You are not taught, you learn. The children learn through playing. This philosophy is put into practice in all the schools we visited, in what the teachers say, and in all that one sees."[11]

Early childhood education is not mandatory in Finland, but is used by almost everyone. “We see it as the right of the child to have daycare and pre-school,” explained Eeva Penttilä, of Helsinki’s Education Department. “It’s not a place where you dump your child when you’re working. It’s a place for your child to play and learn and make friends. Good parents put their children in daycare. It’s not related to socio-economic class”.[12]
I'd rather take the money and put it in private vouchers for those parents with kids in failing schools.

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