Hillary: We have got to do something about gun violence in America

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
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“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Sure, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
The tards were all upset yesterday that Obama had not spoken about the shooting in Virginia. Of course, they only waited five minutes to start whining about Obama not rushing to the nearest microphone. I pointed out he did not rush to the microphone when black people were killed, and so they once again were setting a hypocritical bar.

They thought this absence of Obama before the bodies were cold proved Obama was a hypocrite because he had spoken about some black deaths.

Well, let this topic be a reminder to be careful what you wish for, retards.
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.
The tards were all upset yesterday that Obama had not spoken about the shooting in Virginia. Of course, they only waited five minutes to start whining about Obama not rushing to the nearest microphone. I pointed out he did not rush to the microphone when black people were killed, and so they once again were setting a hypocritical bar.

They thought this absence of Obama before the bodies were cold proved Obama was a hypocrite because he had spoken about some black deaths.

Well, let this topic be a reminder to be careful what you wish for, retards.
You must have missed this:
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?
Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.
That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
The tards were all upset yesterday that Obama had not spoken about the shooting in Virginia. Of course, they only waited five minutes to start whining about Obama not rushing to the nearest microphone. I pointed out he did not rush to the microphone when black people were killed, and so they once again were setting a hypocritical bar.

They thought this absence of Obama before the bodies were cold proved Obama was a hypocrite because he had spoken about some black deaths.

Well, let this topic be a reminder to be careful what you wish for, retards.
You must have missed this:
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
I am pro gun.

You missed my point entirely.
look at the demographics of crime..it isn't a gun problem, it's a negroes with guns problem
I have some more information which I am sure will appeal to your bigotry.

The guy was gay, too.
The tards were all upset yesterday that Obama had not spoken about the shooting in Virginia. Of course, they only waited five minutes to start whining about Obama not rushing to the nearest microphone. I pointed out he did not rush to the microphone when black people were killed, and so they once again were setting a hypocritical bar.

They thought this absence of Obama before the bodies were cold proved Obama was a hypocrite because he had spoken about some black deaths.

Well, let this topic be a reminder to be careful what you wish for, retards.
You must have missed this:
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
I am pro gun.
You missed my point entirely.
Deliberately, as your point is not related to the topic under discussion here.
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.

The figures for accidental gun deaths with children isn't out yet but 2013….under the age of 14…about 72…..

All accidental gun deaths in 2013… 505

All gun murders (including children) … 8,454

crimes stopped by law abiding citizens using guns… on average 2 million a year.
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.

Here is the truth in the gun debate…..who is injured by what each year….


Here are the stats on some common types of death....it would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling deaths...you would save more lives.....


guns, drowning and poisoning....



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013…. 72

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 72 ( in a country of 320 million people)



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self defense....now 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.
The figures for accidental gun deaths with children isn't out yet but 2013….under the age of 14…about 72…..
All accidental gun deaths in 2013… 505
All gun murders (including children) … 8,454
crimes stopped by law abiding citizens using guns… on average 2 million a year.
Even if that 2 million is off by 2 orders of magnitude...
20,000 crimes stopped compared to 9000 deaths.
Who can tell us the importance of maintaining loopholes in the background check laws?

What loopholes. A felon can't buy a gun from anyone. Therefore there are no loopholes….ohhhhh…you mean if you buy a gun at a gun show…that fallacy.

Sooo…a felon goes to a gun show. He tells the seller he wants to buy a gun but can't pass a background check…if the seller sells the gun anyway..he just committed a felony and broke the law. No loophole.

If the seller completes the deal, risking a felony and prison time, nothing you do will stop that transaction.

Or do you mean if I sell a gun to a family member?
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.
The figures for accidental gun deaths with children isn't out yet but 2013….under the age of 14…about 72…..
All accidental gun deaths in 2013… 505
All gun murders (including children) … 8,454
crimes stopped by law abiding citizens using guns… on average 2 million a year.
Even if that 2 million is off by 2 orders of magnitude...
20,000 crimes stopped compared to 9000 deaths.

And you know that the lowest number from all the studies is 764,000 times a year….and even the study of all gun research by the obama CDC in 2013, for 10 million dollars found a study that put the number at 500,000 as the lowest, and 3 million at the highest…and you can bet they were looking for the lowest number possible.
We see the Democrat memo has been circulated. that is the Third snake democrat saying EXACTLY word for word about GUN violence.

you see they won't talk about the black skinned homosexual Democrat voting shooter who went and killed his WHITE co-workers

don't you people get tired of them playing games with your lives?
We see the Democrat memo has been circulated. that is the THRID snake democrat saying EXACTLY word for word about GUN violence.
you see they won't talk about the black skinned homosexual shooter who went and killed his WHITE co-workers
don't you people get tired of them playing games with your lives?
Never let the blood of innocents go to waste.

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