Hillary? Why Can't She Just Make Her Presidential Announcement Before A Live Crowd Of Cheering Fans?

Hillary's profoundly retarded campaign staff decided that announcing to this:


Was better than announcing to this:

Are we to infer from your last post, that a 'with-it' (trend-conscious) Presidential candidate should use impersonal technology, to announce something as historic and profound as a Presidential candidacy, rather than relying upon his-or-her humanity and personality and verbal communication skills, to present such a personal and impactful decision in a public venue such as a gathering of supporters or at a scheduled press conference?

Will such persons resort to Tweeting and Twitting and Whatever to lead the nation via texting?

No, you should infer that the year is 2015 and that you should get "with-it" and move beyond all the blathering old mentality bullshit you just posted.
Translation: Yes, I should infer from your last post, exactly as I originally inferred.

There is nothing new under the sun, youngling, except the constant changing of technology in the past couple of centuries.

Technology cannot be substituted for leadership nor personality nor interpersonal communications skills in the office of President of the United States.

Technology can (and should) certainly be incorporated into any modern campaign strategy, but the Presidency is far too impactful and important an office to relegate such announcements to the blogosphere.

That's not 'old mentality bullshit', my little Paduan Learner, merely an Eternal Truth which younglings do not yet understand nor appreciate.

You will change your mind as you grow up.
:boobies: Seriously? On Line? Hillary needs to make her announcement on Twitter? This is like a mouse hiding in its hole waiting for the cat to leave the house. How embarrassing! Cruz and Paul had no problem making their speeches "Before A Live Audience". At least a crowd of Manikins or "Dead Voters" would of been more appropriate than to hide behind one of her four gadgets. Does this mean that Hillary will be performing her campaign speeches on one of those giant 100 foot video screens before her screaming crowds of 500 naive liberal women and 15 year old girls?:poke::stupid:
Because she is a lying crook.

Keep wishing and maybe it will help you sleep at night.
I am not wishing, she is a proven lying crook. Only retarded idiots woul support that witch. Idiot.
:boobies: Seriously? On Line? Hillary needs to make her announcement on Twitter? This is like a mouse hiding in its hole waiting for the cat to leave the house. How embarrassing! Cruz and Paul had no problem making their speeches "Before A Live Audience". At least a crowd of Manikins or "Dead Voters" would of been more appropriate than to hide behind one of her four gadgets. Does this mean that Hillary will be performing her campaign speeches on one of those giant 100 foot video screens before her screaming crowds of 500 naive liberal women and 15 year old girls?:poke::stupid:
Because she is a lying crook.

Keep wishing and maybe it will help you sleep at night.
I am not wishing, she is a proven lying crook. Only retarded idiots woul support that witch. Idiot.

awwww.. I bet you were just as nice to Obama when he ran in 08 weren't you?

hows that working out btw?

:boobies: Seriously? On Line? Hillary needs to make her announcement on Twitter? This is like a mouse hiding in its hole waiting for the cat to leave the house. How embarrassing! Cruz and Paul had no problem making their speeches "Before A Live Audience". At least a crowd of Manikins or "Dead Voters" would of been more appropriate than to hide behind one of her four gadgets. Does this mean that Hillary will be performing her campaign speeches on one of those giant 100 foot video screens before her screaming crowds of 500 naive liberal women and 15 year old girls?:poke::stupid:
Because she is a lying crook.

Keep wishing and maybe it will help you sleep at night.
I am not wishing, she is a proven lying crook. Only retarded idiots woul support that witch. Idiot.

awwww.. I bet you were just as nice to Obama when he ran in 08 weren't you?

hows that working out btw?

Obutthurt has proven us right, he is an idiot. You idiots prove yourselves stupid with every slobbering post supporting the witch.
:boobies: Seriously? On Line? Hillary needs to make her announcement on Twitter? This is like a mouse hiding in its hole waiting for the cat to leave the house. How embarrassing! Cruz and Paul had no problem making their speeches "Before A Live Audience". At least a crowd of Manikins or "Dead Voters" would of been more appropriate than to hide behind one of her four gadgets. Does this mean that Hillary will be performing her campaign speeches on one of those giant 100 foot video screens before her screaming crowds of 500 naive liberal women and 15 year old girls?:poke::stupid:
Because she is a lying crook.

Keep wishing and maybe it will help you sleep at night.
I am not wishing, she is a proven lying crook. Only retarded idiots woul support that witch. Idiot.

awwww.. I bet you were just as nice to Obama when he ran in 08 weren't you?

hows that working out btw?

Obutthurt has proven us right, he is an idiot. You idiots prove yourselves stupid with every slobbering post supporting the witch.

uh, I've never voted for Obama. But all of your smear tactics sure worked on other voters who did ... TWICE !!!

keep up the EXCELLENT work !!!

God forbid Hillary gets her "Vicious Monthly Attack" while speaking to her audience of 24 naive students. hey, didnt that happen to the lead singer of some group that named themselves after a hot vegetable?
Because she is a lying crook.

Keep wishing and maybe it will help you sleep at night.
I am not wishing, she is a proven lying crook. Only retarded idiots woul support that witch. Idiot.

awwww.. I bet you were just as nice to Obama when he ran in 08 weren't you?

hows that working out btw?

Obutthurt has proven us right, he is an idiot. You idiots prove yourselves stupid with every slobbering post supporting the witch.

uh, I've never voted for Obama. But all of your smear tactics sure worked on other voters who did ... TWICE !!!

keep up the EXCELLENT work !!!

Reading comprehension not your strong point is it? Witch=Hillary.
Hillary does not want to have to answer questions. Since her staff bought office space, she had a time limit to announce her intentions. Hillary's negatives are getting higher.
The left wing of the party doesn't want her. I don't know if it's a plus or a minus.
Before Hillary could announce before a throng of cheering fans she'd have to find a throng of something other than dung beetles.

Not easy for a woman who can't remember what day it is. Or was. Or might be if only.......
They could not find a venue large enough to hold the crowd and Hillary's humongous ego. (not to mention her planetary wide ass)
That was cold.

And funny.

No it wasn't.
Oh, I assure you, it was...

No. Really. It wasn't. It was lame.

Yes. I am one to judge.
Sometimes truth is funny, and truth hurts libtards all the time.

The truth is funny in most cases. But....in this case....all we have is a lame comment about a woman's ass. It isn't funny in any way. But....given the general lack of humor found in the average nutter, it is expected that you'd disagree.
"Hillary? Why Can't She Just Make Her Presidential Announcement Before A Live Crowd Of Cheering Fans?"

That you feel the need to ask speaks volumes.
"Hillary? Why Can't She Just Make Her Presidential Announcement Before A Live Crowd Of Cheering Fans?"

That you feel the need to ask speaks volumes.

Yes, it does... it speaks in significant volume, to the fact that Monica Lewinsky's Ex-boyfriend's Wife can't fill a room... .
Maybe she knew that the media would of been making fun of her cause she wears pants? A Woman President wearing a Man Suit wont cut it.

Women have their own pants suit now. You, like many in the GOP, are still either living or want to be living in 1958. Sorry, Dwight is not in office....:badgrin:

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