Hillary Will NOT Get the Nomination, less than 0% Chance


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
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She had No chance before she turned against Obama. She thinks she's independent of the New Democrat Party, that she's her own force of nature and she's just wrong. She wasn't getting the nomination in any event and now that she's gone public against Obama, she won't even get to sit and watch the Convention when they nominate Liz Warren or Duval Patrick.

There is no Clinton wing of the Democrat Party
She's a corporate democrat (the worst kind of democrat IMO), and does whatever her big donors want hence, she's a shoe-in if no other candidate outshines her.
Unlike the Republicans, we don't have DINOs. Nobody's getting nominated on ideological grounds alone or drummed out without a hearing.

Already trying feverishly to make Rushbo's prediction come true, eh? Good luck with that!
I'll wouldn't count her out just yet. She has a lot of "the people's" support which could greatly influence her.
Just because she had/has a difference of opinion with Obama is no reason to count her out.
if Hillary can get by Iowa she has a chance, hopefully someone else will win the nomination.

Unlike the Republicans, we don't have DINOs. Nobody's getting nominated on ideological grounds alone or drummed out without a hearing.

Already trying feverishly to make Rushbo's prediction come true, eh? Good luck with that!

I've been saying she won't get the nomination for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time now
If you think things in America are bad now, just think of how much worse they would be if we had a President like Hillary. Politically, she's done. I am thankful for it and look forward to the Republicans taking back the White House and both houses of Congress. The Democrats have ruined this country and it's time for the to take a hike.
She won the popular vote for the 2008 democratic nomination. Obama just pulled ahead in a few keys states to win more delegates.
I could never support a candidate like Romney who is at the very top as he does not represent me, a middle class business owner(former). So I had better hear some populist middle class stuff from the GOP candidate or they don't get my vote. I will simply not vote. Middle class people aren't going to vote for uber wealthy people. Nor do I blame them.
My God, haven't you people had enough of the two dictating parties, what possesses anyone to continue to vote for the very criminals that have dragged this country down. To do the same thing time after time and expect a different out come is the description of crazy ! Look around you, is this what you ant of your nation ?
I could never support a candidate like Romney who is at the very top as he does not represent me, a middle class business owner(former). So I had better hear some populist middle class stuff from the GOP candidate or they don't get my vote. I will simply not vote. Middle class people aren't going to vote for uber wealthy people. Nor do I blame them.

This is exactly why we are screwed: Low information voters influenced by irrelevant propaganda.
I could never support a candidate like Romney who is at the very top as he does not represent me, a middle class business owner(former). So I had better hear some populist middle class stuff from the GOP candidate or they don't get my vote. I will simply not vote. Middle class people aren't going to vote for uber wealthy people. Nor do I blame them.

Well, it is more than ridiculous to have a tax rate for businesses that actually create jobs and employees double what some PE or Hedge Fund trader who do their level best to kill jobs and bankrupt sound companies pay, that's for sure. But that's the people who buy influence and finance primaries and elections for both 'parties', so don't hold your breath; as you can read from these message boards the sociopaths on both wings wouldn't be caught dead supporting anything resembling reason or moderation.
Unlike the Republicans, we don't have DINOs. Nobody's getting nominated on ideological grounds alone or drummed out without a hearing.

Already trying feverishly to make Rushbo's prediction come true, eh? Good luck with that!

The Democratic Party enacted the 'Super Delegate Rule' back in the 1980's, just so the DNC and it's big donors get to decide who gets the nomination, so yes, there are indeed 'DINO's", and they run the Party, not the rank and file.
In determining whether Hillary will get the nomination in 2016, did she learn anything from her mistakes in 2008.

The reasons she lost in 2008 were-

1) Obama was a much more attractive candidate. I don't see anyone the Dems have in the wings that have Obama's star power. He was pretty much being groomed for bigger things the minute he won the Senate nomination in IL.

2) Being out of touch with the rank and file on Iraq. Wont be an issue this time, unless we go back in to fight ISIL, and not even sure how that will play out.

3) Not having a game plan past Super Tuesday. Point was, she was leading by a healthy margin up until Super Tuesday, and beat Obama in all the major states except IL. But then she had no organization in the states that followed- mostly red states where the Democrats weren't going to carry in November anyway. Those later states plus the superdelegates put Obama over the top.

4) Superdelegates - Didn't do enough to ingratiate themselves with them.

5) Not again- A lot of Democrats looked at Hillary in 2008, and wondered, "Do we really want to go through another 4-8 years of the Republican Crazy about Vince Foster and Stained dresses and Whitewater and Waco?" They thought Obama would draw less republican ire than Hillary, and they were wrong. Obama made the Republicans nuttier than Clinton did on his worst day.
I don't think #2 is as big a deal as the anti-war types like to think it is, as that meme is more of an ego trip for them than anything serious re the primaries, and #3 should include her Party screwing her over re Michigan and Florida as well.
I don't think #2 is as big a deal as the anti-war types like to think it is, as that meme is more of an ego trip for them than anything serious re the primaries, and #3 should include her Party screwing her over re Michigan and Florida as well.

I kind of agree.

BUt here's the thing. Florida and Michigan DID jump the line. If there hadn't been some kind of sanction, in 2012, all the states would have jumped the line.
Nothing wrong with Hillary per se, except she will energize the right. But with Obama backloading the bad news even worse than W the Ds are headed for a major spanking in 2016. Read up on Job Creation, Wage Growth and Labor Force Participation Rate. It's bad now, it will be much worse when the employee mandate kicks in.

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