Hillary Will NOT Get the Nomination, less than 0% Chance

If you think things in America are bad now, just think of how much worse they would be if we had a President like Hillary. Politically, she's done. I am thankful for it and look forward to the Republicans taking back the White House and both houses of Congress. The Democrats have ruined this country and it's time for the to take a hike.

I sure hope you're right.
I could never support a candidate like Romney who is at the very top as he does not represent me, a middle class business owner(former). So I had better hear some populist middle class stuff from the GOP candidate or they don't get my vote. I will simply not vote. Middle class people aren't going to vote for uber wealthy people. Nor do I blame them.

So you're going to vote for Poor Hillary??????????????
She's a corporate democrat (the worst kind of democrat IMO), and does whatever her big donors want hence, she's a shoe-in if no other candidate outshines her.
Obama is a corporate democrat. During his watch the poor got poorer and the middle class lost about 6% of median income but the rich got richer. The problem is in the perception. Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein and I would love her to be the nominee..
I could never support a candidate like Romney who is at the very top as he does not represent me, a middle class business owner(former). So I had better hear some populist middle class stuff from the GOP candidate or they don't get my vote. I will simply not vote. Middle class people aren't going to vote for uber wealthy people. Nor do I blame them.

This is exactly why we are screwed: Low information voters influenced by irrelevant propaganda.

Middle class is much more a set of values that enable people to be successful than it is just income.

Responsibility, thrift, discipline, concern for future generations, modesty, being a good neighbor...these are all things the Romneys follow. Can't say that about the Obamas or the Clintons.
She's a corporate democrat (the worst kind of democrat IMO), and does whatever her big donors want hence, she's a shoe-in if no other candidate outshines her.
Obama is a corporate democrat. During his watch the poor got poorer and the middle class lost about 6% of median income but the rich got richer. The problem is in the perception. Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein and I would love her to be the nominee..

Me too! That would be GREAT!

Hillary will be the nominee in 2016.
She will win the GE over (pick a GOPer, it doesn't matter) with around 57% of the NPV.

Nothing wrong with Hillary per se, except she will energize the right. But with Obama backloading the bad news even worse than W the Ds are headed for a major spanking in 2016. Read up on Job Creation, Wage Growth and Labor Force Participation Rate. It's bad now, it will be much worse when the employee mandate kicks in.

I can't see Hillary energizing the crazy right any more than The Black Guy does.
Nothing wrong with Hillary per se, except she will energize the right. But with Obama backloading the bad news even worse than W the Ds are headed for a major spanking in 2016. Read up on Job Creation, Wage Growth and Labor Force Participation Rate. It's bad now, it will be much worse when the employee mandate kicks in.

I can't see Hillary energizing the crazy right any more than The Black Guy does.

I personally don't think it is physically possible to get the Right to froth at the mouth any more than it is right now.

I learned my lesson in 1992 when I voted for Perot instead of Bush 41! As a result, we got the fool Clinton! Any R will be better than any D who is nominated. Even if the R candidate is not ideal, I will not vote for a Third Party, or I will not refuse to vote. I WILL vote for the R nominee because I don't have "Stupid" written on my forehead!
I learned my lesson in 1992 when I voted for Perot instead of Bush 41! As a result, we got the fool Clinton! Any R will be better than any D who is nominated. Even if the R candidate is not ideal, I will not vote for a Third Party, or I will not refuse to vote. I WILL vote for the R nominee because I don't have "Stupid" written on my forehead!

lets not be stupid or a prude, Clinton balanced the budget and created a surplus and had a merry time in the oval office while doing it ...

I personally don't think it is physically possible to get the Right to froth at the mouth any more than it is right now.


Frothing at the mouth has become the source of unity among Republicans...what else can they agree on?
I learned my lesson in 1992 when I voted for Perot instead of Bush 41! As a result, we got the fool Clinton! Any R will be better than any D who is nominated. Even if the R candidate is not ideal, I will not vote for a Third Party, or I will not refuse to vote. I WILL vote for the R nominee because I don't have "Stupid" written on my forehead!

gee, I guess I remember it different. We got Clinton. Unemployment went down to 3%. If you hated your job you could send out a resume and get a better one pretty easily. Oh, yeah, and we weren't at war with anyone for years and years with no end in sight.

Don't worry, Bush 43 messed that up.

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