Hillary Will Win Because Americans Side with Evil Now

Bs, the Majority of the American people don't like austerity, deregulations of important sectors that cause recessions after deregulating them and deinvestment. That is all your party stands for anymore and it is unpopular. Another thing the American people don't like is how you kiss the rich mans ass with massive tax cuts just for them eventhrough they're the ones taking most of the wealth while outsourcing our jobs. Not popular!

How is hillary evil? I'd say the republican party takes that title in spades.
The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.
"Hillary Will Win Because Americans Side with Evil Now"

Such childish whining from the right.

No one is ‘siding with evil,’ the notion is nonsense.

A majority of Americans simply don’t want to have anything to do with the fear, ignorance, and bigotry represented by Trump.

And a majority of Americans correctly understand that Trump is simply not qualified to be president.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt....
The INFRASTRUCTURE candidate is Trump, yet you constantly bitch about the lack of infrastructure spending, by our big unlimited uncontrolled central government. Why do you suck on Hillary's tit?

Because it's sagging so low and easy to get to. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Bs, the Majority of the American people don't like austerity, deregulations of important sectors that cause recessions after deregulating them and deinvestment. That is all your party stands for anymore and it is unpopular. Another thing the American people don't like is how you kiss the rich mans ass with massive tax cuts just for them eventhrough they're the ones taking most of the wealth while outsourcing our jobs. Not popular!

How is hillary evil? I'd say the republican party takes that title in spades.

The last time the Republicans addressed the "rich issue" they increased taxes. They increased taxes on those making over 450K a year. They increased taxes on corporations. They increased taxes on capital gains. WTF else do you want?

Rich people don't "take" wealth. Rich people create wealth. The only people that actually takes that wealth is your precious US federal government.
Bs, the Majority of the American people don't like austerity, deregulations of important sectors that cause recessions after deregulating them and deinvestment. That is all your party stands for anymore and it is unpopular. Another thing the American people don't like is how you kiss the rich mans ass with massive tax cuts just for them eventhrough they're the ones taking most of the wealth while outsourcing our jobs. Not popular!

How is hillary evil? I'd say the republican party takes that title in spades.
The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.

How so? I believe the reality that so many people pointed the finger at the rich man for his outsourcing, importing cheap labor and fucking over the workers is a sign of the opposite. Doesn't speak well for a party that defends such treason.
Bs, the Majority of the American people don't like austerity, deregulations of important sectors that cause recessions after deregulating them and deinvestment. That is all your party stands for anymore and it is unpopular. Another thing the American people don't like is how you kiss the rich mans ass with massive tax cuts just for them eventhrough they're the ones taking most of the wealth while outsourcing our jobs. Not popular!

How is hillary evil? I'd say the republican party takes that title in spades.
The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.

How so? I believe the reality that so many people pointed the finger at the rich man for his outsourcing, importing cheap labor and fucking over the workers is a sign of the opposite. Doesn't speak well for a party that defends such treason.
Let me guess - you think Hillary is dead broke.
Hillary will win because the Republicans are nominating their worst candidate since Herbert Hoover. That's really all there is to it. This was a very winnable election for the GOP, probably the easiest they had since Bush in '88.

And they still managed to fuck it up! Conservatism stay losing.
How so? I believe the reality that so many people pointed the finger at the rich man for his outsourcing, importing cheap labor and fucking over the workers is a sign of the opposite. Doesn't speak well for a party that defends such treason.

So ask yourself why does the "rich man" do these things? It's because the American consumers are more greedy than the rich guy.

Until we change "our" attitude about our purchases, the trend will always be to make things cheaper and more available to the consumer.

People on the left whine and complain about jobs being lost, just before they dash out to Walmart to find that cheap Chinese junk and fill their carts to the top.

You can't have everything. Americans want good jobs. Americans want cheap products. Americans want growth in their stock market investments. We can't have it all. We had to make a choice. So we chose cheap products over anything else, and the "rich guy" is simply bringing us what we demand.
Look at our two choices. Both worst candidates in history. Obama being invited back for a second term was the first sign, our choices this November is the validation. Both there because people are drawn to evil like moths to a candle. They'll go with Hillary though because her evil is better documented and more verifiable.
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I'm afraid you may be right.
Hillary will win because the Republicans are nominating their worst candidate since Herbert Hoover. That's really all there is to it. This was a very winnable election for the GOP, probably the easiest they had since Bush in '88.
20 years ago candidates dropped out because they slept around and got caught.
Today Al Capone can get elected.
Americans side with evil now.

No, they just reject stupid and Trump and his followers are full of stupid.
Ditto for Hillary supporters with a dose of evil worship.

Which is why we were counting on you jackasses to give america something better than Hilary. That's all the fuck you had had to do, just do better than Hilary. And you fucking blew it.

Trump is 1000 times better than Hillary.
Bs, the Majority of the American people don't like austerity, deregulations of important sectors that cause recessions after deregulating them and deinvestment. That is all your party stands for anymore and it is unpopular. Another thing the American people don't like is how you kiss the rich mans ass with massive tax cuts just for them eventhrough they're the ones taking most of the wealth while outsourcing our jobs. Not popular!

How is hillary evil? I'd say the republican party takes that title in spades.
The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.

How so? I believe the reality that so many people pointed the finger at the rich man for his outsourcing, importing cheap labor and fucking over the workers is a sign of the opposite. Doesn't speak well for a party that defends such treason.

Democrats are the ones importing the cheap labor.

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