Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

why? did she have all of them murdered too? :badgrin:
Both families are seriously twisted. Hillary tolerated a serial adulterer for a husband. Worse, she went after his victims of sexual assault with a vengeance.

This always puzzled me every time I hear this comments.
1. If you caught ( just an example ok.... I'm not saying that your wife cheat). your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Just be cool, give him a hug and be nice to her stud ..... No problem???? I don't think so.
Normally you would be very angry furious that you want to kill her stud who has a bigger dick? Am I right?
2. Now. ( again just an example) If your wife caught you cheating........ What/How do you think your wife should react? Be nice to your mistress or girl friend? Give them flowers and hug? I don't think so. Your wife probably wants to kill your gf........... Am I correct?

So for Hillary going after bad boy Billy's girl friends........ That is a NORMAL and EXPECTED reaction of a wife being cheated on.

I saw a big fight one time at a ballroom dancing..... Wife just show up a this place went after her husband's gf....... Pulled her hair from the back pulled her down to the floor and beat the heck of this poor woman. She end up in the hospital.
In Asia, Africa or ME........ They just shoot or cut the head off of the slut or the stud.
Liberals hate her for not dumping bill for infidelity. Not the right. I personally have admiration for people who can maintain civil relations after decades of intimacy and the raising of children. One of the few things I do admire Hillary for is her close relationship with the father of her daughter. It can't have been a lot of fun much of the time.

Hillary made a decision what is best for her family. Sometimes forgiving your loved one to keep your family intact is a lot easier to swallow ........ than destroying your family.
That puts him ahead of this freeloader with 15 kids by 3 baby daddies:

Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Yet over 70% of black babies are born bastards and you have no problem with that.

The other 30 percent are born dead when they're aborted by ghouls that white democratic women think shouldn't be monitored or in any way connected to mainstream medicine.

My point to Syriusly was that he has a problem with someone having kids with more than one woman despite supporting them yet has no problem with someone have kids with multiple men then not supporting them. He's more than willing to give the latter someone else's money.

LOL Conservative- if you couldn't lie about me, you could respond to my posts.

I have a problem with any father not being a good father.

I think both Trump and Clinton were bad fathers by risking their marriages by cheating on their wives.

I think that dad's like Newt Gingrich who abandon their families and don't pay child support are far worse.

And dad's who recklessly impregnate women and never support the resulting children are complete scum.

I take fatherhood seriously.

I understand your point. However, consider that President Clinton was a horrible father but was a decent president.

Then again, from all I have seen, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have been good parents. Had their two kids Baptized where they got married, a racist church in Chicago. What has been the result? The entire world in chaos, violent, fatal Islamic terrorist attacks. Our economy is balancing on a razor's edge with the best description coming from the Carter era, malaise.

So really, does it make any difference?
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.
why? did she have all of them murdered too? :badgrin:
Both families are seriously twisted. Hillary tolerated a serial adulterer for a husband. Worse, she went after his victims of sexual assault with a vengeance.

This always puzzled me every time I hear this comments.
1. If you caught ( just an example ok.... I'm not saying that your wife cheat). your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Just be cool, give him a hug and be nice to her stud ..... No problem???? I don't think so.
Normally you would be very angry furious that you want to kill her stud who has a bigger dick? Am I right?
2. Now. ( again just an example) If your wife caught you cheating........ What/How do you think your wife should react? Be nice to your mistress or girl friend? Give them flowers and hug? I don't think so. Your wife probably wants to kill your gf........... Am I correct?

So for Hillary going after bad boy Billy's girl friends........ That is a NORMAL and EXPECTED reaction of a wife being cheated on.

I saw a big fight one time at a ballroom dancing..... Wife just show up a this place went after her husband's gf....... Pulled her hair from the back pulled her down to the floor and beat the heck of this poor woman. She end up in the hospital.
In Asia, Africa or ME........ They just shoot or cut the head off of the slut or the stud.
Liberals hate her for not dumping bill for infidelity. Not the right. I personally have admiration for people who can maintain civil relations after decades of intimacy and the raising of children. One of the few things I do admire Hillary for is her close relationship with the father of her daughter. It can't have been a lot of fun much of the time.

Hillary made a decision what is best for her family. Sometimes forgiving your loved one to keep your family intact is a lot easier to swallow ........ than destroying your family.
BS....Hillary has done everything to save her political career and win the Presidency. She's not 'Mother Teresa', she's a political whore.
Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Yet over 70% of black babies are born bastards and you have no problem with that.

The other 30 percent are born dead when they're aborted by ghouls that white democratic women think shouldn't be monitored or in any way connected to mainstream medicine.

My point to Syriusly was that he has a problem with someone having kids with more than one woman despite supporting them yet has no problem with someone have kids with multiple men then not supporting them. He's more than willing to give the latter someone else's money.

LOL Conservative- if you couldn't lie about me, you could respond to my posts.

I have a problem with any father not being a good father.

I think both Trump and Clinton were bad fathers by risking their marriages by cheating on their wives.

I think that dad's like Newt Gingrich who abandon their families and don't pay child support are far worse.

And dad's who recklessly impregnate women and never support the resulting children are complete scum.

I take fatherhood seriously.

I understand your point. However, consider that President Clinton was a horrible father but was a decent president.

Then again, from all I have seen, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have been good parents. Had their two kids Baptized where they got married, a racist church in Chicago. What has been the result? The entire world in chaos, violent, fatal Islamic terrorist attacks. Our economy is balancing on a razor's edge with the best description coming from the Carter era, malaise.

So really, does it make any difference?
No, he wasn't a decent president. He was a criminal, his wife was and is a criminal, and he should have been tossed out.
why? did she have all of them murdered too? :badgrin:
Both families are seriously twisted. Hillary tolerated a serial adulterer for a husband. Worse, she went after his victims of sexual assault with a vengeance.

This always puzzled me every time I hear this comments.
1. If you caught ( just an example ok.... I'm not saying that your wife cheat). your wife cheating. What would be your normal reaction? Just be cool, give him a hug and be nice to her stud ..... No problem???? I don't think so.
Normally you would be very angry furious that you want to kill her stud who has a bigger dick? Am I right?
2. Now. ( again just an example) If your wife caught you cheating........ What/How do you think your wife should react? Be nice to your mistress or girl friend? Give them flowers and hug? I don't think so. Your wife probably wants to kill your gf........... Am I correct?

So for Hillary going after bad boy Billy's girl friends........ That is a NORMAL and EXPECTED reaction of a wife being cheated on.

I saw a big fight one time at a ballroom dancing..... Wife just show up a this place went after her husband's gf....... Pulled her hair from the back pulled her down to the floor and beat the heck of this poor woman. She end up in the hospital.
In Asia, Africa or ME........ They just shoot or cut the head off of the slut or the stud.
Liberals hate her for not dumping bill for infidelity. Not the right. I personally have admiration for people who can maintain civil relations after decades of intimacy and the raising of children. One of the few things I do admire Hillary for is her close relationship with the father of her daughter. It can't have been a lot of fun much of the time.

Hillary made a decision what is best for her family. Sometimes forgiving your loved one to keep your family intact is a lot easier to swallow ........ than destroying your family.
BS....Hillary has done everything to save her political career and win the Presidency. She's not 'Mother Teresa', she's a political whore.

What the fuck are you talking about dude? I am talking about marriage and relationships...... Not her political life. Try again.
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.
Try English lessons, and I don't have to have EITHER, I'm not running for office, and never will!

You don't have the qualification to run anything except your key board. Twit.
Hillary and Bill don't have a relationship.

She berated, attacked, bullied, intimidated, and threatened the victims of Bill's sexual assaults, sexual harassments, and rapes for years to save her own political opportunities.

He has slept with anything, including kids, except her, and she is rrportedly gay, or bi at least now (understandable being married to Slick Willy). She admitted Chelsea was even conceived because studies showed that politicians with at least child are embraced more by voters. (Links already posted in the past)

If you think for one second these two are a 'loving couple' you need serious help.
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.
Try English lessons, and I don't have to have EITHER, I'm not running for office, and never will!

You don't have the qualification to run anything except your key board. Twit.

You don't even have THAT skill....Skell!
She'll be lucky to find someone who wants to stand with her as her VP...

Unlike Trump, Clinton has not had leading Democrats publicly proclaim that there is no way that they would run with her- like Republicans did with Trump.

How many candidates said no privately to Trump's emissaries before they found one to say yes? 5? 10? LOL
You don't know that.

Wow the democrats are excited by Tom Kaine.....that's what you have? I mean the democrats don't have much.....where is Chuck Schumer, or Harry Reid.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

Yep- 5 kids from 3 wives.- nothing says family values more than having being the dad to three different families......

And I am sure Trump is glad that his kids didn't tell the whole truth........

That puts him ahead of this freeloader with 15 kids by 3 baby daddies:

Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Well if it's about hypocrisy.....then every democrat over min wage is doing it.....they are militantly against being wealthy.

And as for family, you don't know what happened there...
Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

No, she's only been married one time and her family doesn't look inbred.

No her husband raped people and she destroyed them....

oh and she got a child rapist off....yeah lets go down this road.,.........you'll fucking lose......
Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

No, she's only been married one time and her family doesn't look inbred.

Have you looked at Chelsea lately. While I don't know the guy she married or a lot about it, I do know he took one for the team when he did.
I am 99.9 percent certain he's a fag.
No kidding..
You know the democrats are ugly, when a Republican tranny is better looking than 99.9% of their women.
Leena Dunham alert, she's speaking at the freakshow......Jenner still a better looking woman than her...jesus democrats are FUGLY.
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.

Beauty can be from the inside...but the feminist baby killing democrats......who want to impose global socialism on people...are not it.
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.
Which of his kids were born of which of his wives?

yeah. sure. He's a champion of "Family Values".
Lberal's have morals of alley cats, so you don't have room to talk.

and Trump's ex-wives all say good things about him. Do Bubba's rape victims say good things about him?

Yeah, ain't it funny what money can do...

Right, I guess the Clinton machine didn't pay enough to silence his rape victims.
uhh, donny dangerous has a big family alright, he has children from all 3 wives and mistresses! whoot whoot!! :rolleyes:
At least Trump has taken care of his kids. Wonder how many illegitimate Clinton kids are running around.
Tell us. How many?
Considering how much a whore je is, could be hundreds. I know of one black boy that his mother claims is his. Looks like him too. Even more than Chelsea.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

Yep- 5 kids from 3 wives.- nothing says family values more than having being the dad to three different families......

And I am sure Trump is glad that his kids didn't tell the whole truth........

That puts him ahead of this freeloader with 15 kids by 3 baby daddies:

Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Well if it's about hypocrisy.....then every democrat over min wage is doing it.....they are militantly against being wealthy.

And as for family, you don't know what happened there...

LOL- great attempt to change the subject.- so I will point out the GOP 'family values'

Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family
Which of his kids were born of which of his wives?

yeah. sure. He's a champion of "Family Values".
Lberal's have morals of alley cats, so you don't have room to talk.

and Trump's ex-wives all say good things about him. Do Bubba's rape victims say good things about him?

Yeah, ain't it funny what money can do...

Right, I guess the Clinton machine didn't pay enough to silence his rape victims.

Trump is lucky he can afford to pay as much as it takes to silence his rape victims

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