Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.
Come on. With three wives you would suspect he had lots of kids.
Yep- 5 kids from 3 wives.- nothing says family values more than having being the dad to three different families......

And I am sure Trump is glad that his kids didn't tell the whole truth........

That puts him ahead of this freeloader with 15 kids by 3 baby daddies:

Hey I am glad that after Trump cheated on his wife, and left his kids, that he not only financially supported them that he stayed in their lives.

Not exactly a strongpoint of the GOP.

After all Newt Gingrich refused to pay child support when he abandoned his family

And then there is this guy
Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family

Yet over 70% of black babies are born bastards and you have no problem with that.

The other 30 percent are born dead when they're aborted by ghouls that white democratic women think shouldn't be monitored or in any way connected to mainstream medicine.

My point to Syriusly was that he has a problem with someone having kids with more than one woman despite supporting them yet has no problem with someone have kids with multiple men then not supporting them. He's more than willing to give the latter someone else's money.

LOL Conservative- if you couldn't lie about me, you could respond to my posts.

I have a problem with any father not being a good father.

I think both Trump and Clinton were bad fathers by risking their marriages by cheating on their wives.

I think that dad's like Newt Gingrich who abandon their families and don't pay child support are far worse.

And dad's who recklessly impregnate women and never support the resulting children are complete scum.

I take fatherhood seriously.
Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

No, she's only been married one time and her family doesn't look inbred.

Have you looked at Chelsea lately. While I don't know the guy she married or a lot about it, I do know he took one for the team when he did.

Nothing says class like attacking the looks of children of a candidate......low class that is.
Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

No, she's only been married one time and her family doesn't look inbred.

Have you looked at Chelsea lately. While I don't know the guy she married or a lot about it, I do know he took one for the team when he did.
I am 99.9 percent certain he's a fag.

I am 99.9 percent certain that you are a bigot and an idiot.

Have you looked at Chelsea lately. While I don't know the guy she married or a lot about it, I do know he took one for the team when he did.

what a loser you are.

oh right...women are only supposed to be arm candy that looks like centerfolds.

and you wonder why women don't vote for misogynist hacks.

Never said that they should. Responded to Lakhota's statement about someone's family members looking inbred.

I didn't see her statement. I see the statements of most of the rightwingers on this board which, like trump, insult women constantly

I don't consider my statement about Chelsea as an insult. I simply think she's ugly.

Yep- and you don't see anything wrong with calling President Obama that 'black boy'.

You will be voting for Trump in November.

Have you looked at Chelsea lately. While I don't know the guy she married or a lot about it, I do know he took one for the team when he did.

what a loser you are.

oh right...women are only supposed to be arm candy that looks like centerfolds.

and you wonder why women don't vote for misogynist hacks.

Never said that they should. Responded to Lakhota's statement about someone's family members looking inbred.

I didn't see her statement. I see the statements of most of the rightwingers on this board which, like trump, insult women constantly
You mean like all the trash that was talked about Sarah Palin and her children?

I am happy to condemn anyone who attacked Sarah Palin's kids based upon their looks. Attacking a candidate is fair game.

Let me help you with this:
Attacking Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin's looks- is classless but expected.
Attacking Chelsea Clinton or Donald Trump's kids for their looks- is an asshole move.

And fyi- attacking Melania for her accent or where she was born is an asshole move too.
Apparently successfully raising children gives a lot of LWNJ's fits.....:rofl:
He'll yeah! Lefties want babies aborted. Look how they critized Sarah Palin for having her Down Syndrome baby.. Lefties are evil bastards!

Hmmm which 'lefties' want babies aborted exactly?

As a 'leftie' I would be fine if there was never another abortion in America- just so long as American women were deciding not to have abortions.

Both Trump and Clinton successfully raised intelligent successful kids.

I expect the assholes on both sides to attack Trump's and Clinton's kids because that is what assholes do.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.
After Chelsea was born, Hillary probably late term aborted all the little Vince's she was carrying and a few little Bills. So there won't be many family members cheering her on.

Luckily we will never know how many women Donald Trump forced to have abortions.
Which of his kids were born of which of his wives?

yeah. sure. He's a champion of "Family Values".
Lberal's have morals of alley cats, so you don't have room to talk.

and Trump's ex-wives all say good things about him. Do Bubba's rape victims say good things about him?

All of Clinton's ex-wives say good things about him.

Trump's ex-wives are prevented by saying anything negative about him by their divorce decrees.

Trump made sure that they couldn't say anything bad about him after the divorce.

Now- during the divorce.....Ivana did claim that Trump raped her.

And what of Trump's other rape victims? Do they say good things about him?
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

Man....what a lame thread idea.

You didn't even try.

What makes you think that Chelsea doesn't believe that her mother has been a great mother? Anything that you can point to?

Chelsea loves her mother. How many other kids get their Mother to give them a $900,000 a year job?

Hmmmmm what are Trump's kids making per year?
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

He really should be more like Beta Male Obama: put on some plaid pajamas, grab a few 3 lb dumbbells, a fresh pack of smokes, and a hot cocoa!!

Or coming on to his employee's wives or cheating on all of his wives.

No wonder Republicans luv him, they share values.
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.
Who did Hillary cheat with?
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

Man....what a lame thread idea.

You didn't even try.

What makes you think that Chelsea doesn't believe that her mother has been a great mother? Anything that you can point to?

Chelsea loves her mother. How many other kids get their Mother to give them a $900,000 a year job?

Hmmmmm what are Trump's kids making per year?
More than they could if they were working at McDonald's.
How in the fuck does someone ignore clintons sexual indiscretions while attacking tump for three marriages in the same post?
Loony toon mother fuckers

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump has had his own sexual indiscretions which led him to be married 3 times.
The Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has had no known sexual indiscretions, and has been married once.
why would anyone want to be seen anywhere near Hillary, well, actually, dogs dont seem to mind.
It always puzzled me that Bill's women were all dogs.

Not kidding, if I was President in the 90s I would have been nailing Kim Basinger on my desk in the Oval Office, not some snaggletoothed intern!

Jesus, Bill. WTF is wrong with you, man?

JFK did it right.


What made you think Trump didn't fuck a dog? He has many relationships with married women.......

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

It's a large family because he has had 3 wives. :rolleyes:
How in the fuck does someone ignore clintons sexual indiscretions while attacking tump for three marriages in the same post?
Loony toon mother fuckers

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump has had his own sexual indiscretions which led him to be married 3 times.
The Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has had no known sexual indiscretions, and has been married once.
Putting up with adultery,lies and cigars is just as bad. But I was talking about her sexual predator husband.

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