Hillary's Asinine Wellesley Speech.Beyond Pathetic.No Mention Of Liberal Scandals Or World Crises?

I loved hiLIARy's speech. It's such a pathetic whinge and embarrassment to the Dems. Keep it up, girl!

Are you a demented, butthurt lesbian? Just curious as to what kind of fruitcake would celebrate such a pathetic speech!

Imbibing a tad early today, bub? Try reading again for comprehension.

And note, I am not my Evul Twin With A Beard, bodecea.
An Historic Election! Trump Beats Hillary By A Record 13.7 Million Votes!

Where was it ever recorded that Trump beat Hillary by 13 million votes? He beat the other GOP nominees by that amount, not Hillary. Likewise, it appears that the claim of 3 million is wrong too. Best official count shows Hillary getting about 1.9 million more votes nationwide.
This thread is off the charts, I would like to slap J.E.D.'s fat face. J.E.D. did you attend high school, if so where?
This thread is off the charts, I would like to slap J.E.D.'s fat face. J.E.D. did you attend high school, if so where?
i wonder if that crowd of liberal birdbrains have any idea of what happened in Benghazi
Hillary beat Bernie AND Trump, Dems would be fools not to run her in 2020 and 24, if necessary
do liberals understand what a landslide is? all they have to do is look at the "Post Election Map"!!! ITS ALL RED !!!
J.E.D. instead of describing the bad breath of dudes, can you answer as to where you attended high school if indeed you did so?
Hillary's _______________________________,


tune in to the present would you?

:eek-52: :smoke: :tongue-44: This came off as just another boring Hillary speech where most of us were assuming there were props on the stage, each one holding an assigned sign that reads "Applause",,,"Cheers",,,"Laugh",,,"Standing Ovation",,,"Sigh"...etc. etc.
Well either that or all of the "Liberal Girls" in the small crowd had some form of brain damage, or just a bit intoxicated at the event.
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ?? :hmpf: :dunno: :eek-52: :cow:
Funny thing is....if it hadn't been for what Hillary and Obama did in Libya......Manchester probably never would have happened.

Why can't the Clinton's do the country a favor and just fade away?

But these are the types of things that the media forgets to mention and of course, Hillary would never mention in her speech. She just was up there to gather some sympathy for losing and to trash Trump for trying to drain the Swamp in Washington.
:eek-52: :smoke: :tongue-44: This came off as just another boring Hillary speech where most of us were assuming there were props on the stage, each one holding an assigned sign that reads "Applause",,,"Cheers",,,"Laugh",,,"Standing Ovation",,,"Sigh"...etc. etc.
Well either that or all of the "Liberal Girls" in the small crowd had some form of brain damage, or just a bit intoxicated at the event.
Hillary never brought up any of the crises her and Obama created during the last 8 years.Hillary didn't bring up her sale of Uranium to the Russians, Hillary didn't bring up the fact that it was her party that caused the economic downfall of 2008 and that she and the rats did absolutely nothing to create jobs. Hillary never brought up her approval to give IRAN billions to build and sell more bombs. The list of her and Democrat Scandals/Screw ups just goes on and on and on! It seemed as if she was blaming white men and Trump for all the current world problems! and yet all of these young girls were agreeing with "The Beast" ?? :hmpf: :dunno: :eek-52: :cow:
Funny thing is....if it hadn't been for what Hillary and Obama did in Libya......Manchester probably never would have happened.

But these are the types of things that the media forgets to mention and of course, Hillary would never mention in her speech. She just was up there to gather some sympathy for losing and to trash Trump for trying to drain the Swamp in Washington.
i guess all of these students were 2 year old babies during the Monica debacle?
Nixon was impeached? REALLY, HILLARY?

The evil twat straight up lies in commencement speeches.

Let me see if I recall what Presidents have been impeached.

Hmmm......I seem to recall Hillary's HUSBAND being impeached...not so much Nixon.
Nixon was impeached? REALLY, HILLARY?

The evil twat straight up lies in commencement speeches.

Let me see if I recall what Presidents have been impeached.

Hmmm......I seem to recall Hillary's HUSBAND being impeached...not so much Nixon.
after how bad Hillary looks, they should add nixon to Mt. Saint Rusmore
Great speech. The audience thought so too - none of them walked out.

Why is it that people boo and walk out on Repubs? About half of an 8th grade class from his own state refused to appear in a photo with LyinRyan.

Love it but we all know what the RWNJ authoritarians would do, right?

They'd force people to applaud, not walk out, sit for a photo with a criminal. Seig heil.

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