Hillary's contenders for 2016

Paul is not TP at all, merely uses them to his advantage then ignores them when he gets what he wants from them. The TP is like a date who gets used and then ignored.

Bush and Paul are the leading contenders.

I think you mean "opponents".

I'd agree that Jeb and Rand are the top two guys right now.

On the Dem side, I wonder if - if Hillary doesn't excite them enough - there would be some kind of "draft Warren" thing.


Bush or Paul? Liberalism or Tea Party? Who will be the contender of Hillary?

Are you trying to claim Jeb Bush is a tea partier? If so, you are terribly misguided.

Jeb is even more of a progressive statist than his foolish daddy and brother.

If the choices are Mrs. BJ Bubba and Jebby, progs win no matter who wins.
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.
Hillary's contenders will be Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and O'Malley, governor of MD. And that's only because Kim Jong Eun and Castro arent eligible. But give them time.
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

I don't know were you get your information from, but you should stop going there... according to the people in the know, At the time of Hillary Clinton's suspending her campaign early on June 7, 2008, the superdelegate count was 246½ for her, and 478 for Barack Obama, with 99 still uncommitted[1] of the 823½ total then existing. try again....

have you notice how these republicans are so afraid of hillary
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

That's President Obama.

And...after the last two presidential election cycles.....for you to say that Democrats are fickle.....has got to qualify for projection of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if you personally went through at least three changes of heart in 2012. Most USMB nutters did.
Democrats have a problem...
They will get Hillary but they prefer the new shiny object in the room...
Liz Warren.
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

I don't know were you get your information from, but you should stop going there... according to the people in the know, At the time of Hillary Clinton's suspending her campaign early on June 7, 2008, the superdelegate count was 246½ for her, and 478 for Barack Obama, with 99 still uncommitted[1] of the 823½ total then existing. try again....

have you notice how these republicans are so afraid of hillary
I wasn't talking about delegates, I was talking about the popular vote. Thus my point about democrats being fickle. Hillary Clinton Wins the Popular Vote
By the way, I'm not a republican. I even voted for Hillary in the 2008 primary because in my state, unaffiliated voters can vote in the primary of their choice. I knew the democrats would win the presidency and she was a better option than Mr Obama.
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I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

That's President Obama.

And...after the last two presidential election cycles.....for you to say that Democrats are fickle.....has got to qualify for projection of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if you personally went through at least three changes of heart in 2012. Most USMB nutters did.
He was Mr Obama during the 2008 primary.
My comment about democrats being fickle isn't a projection, it's historical fact about the 2008 democrat primary. Hillary Clinton Wins the Popular Vote
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

That's President Obama.

And...after the last two presidential election cycles.....for you to say that Democrats are fickle.....has got to qualify for projection of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if you personally went through at least three changes of heart in 2012. Most USMB nutters did.
He was Mr Obama during the 2008 primary.
My comment about democrats being fickle isn't a projection, it's historical fact about the 2008 democrat primary. Hillary Clinton Wins the Popular Vote

Are republicans fickle? More or less fickle? Let's use descriptors that make sense, shall we?

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