Hillary's contenders for 2016

I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

That's President Obama.

And...after the last two presidential election cycles.....for you to say that Democrats are fickle.....has got to qualify for projection of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if you personally went through at least three changes of heart in 2012. Most USMB nutters did.
He was Mr Obama during the 2008 primary.
My comment about democrats being fickle isn't a projection, it's historical fact about the 2008 democrat primary. Hillary Clinton Wins the Popular Vote

Are republicans fickle? More or less fickle? Let's use descriptors that make sense, shall we?
In order
Don't know
Makes sense to me Fickle Define Fickle at Dictionary.com
I think her first opponents will be democrats. She has to win the party vote first. And we all know the democrats are fickle, after all, she lost to Mr Obama even though she had more votes than he did.

That's President Obama.

And...after the last two presidential election cycles.....for you to say that Democrats are fickle.....has got to qualify for projection of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if you personally went through at least three changes of heart in 2012. Most USMB nutters did.
He was Mr Obama during the 2008 primary.
My comment about democrats being fickle isn't a projection, it's historical fact about the 2008 democrat primary. Hillary Clinton Wins the Popular Vote

Are republicans fickle? More or less fickle? Let's use descriptors that make sense, shall we?
In order
Don't know
Makes sense to me Fickle Define Fickle at Dictionary.com

This is fun. In order for you to exclaim that members of one of the two major political parties is fickle.....and have credibility.....the members of the other one need to be far less fickle. Otherwise...you are saying things that do not make sense.

As the GOP membership is far more fickle than that of the Democratic Party, your comment makes no sense. It is bullshit. It makes you feel good to say it....but it is bullshit.

Next meme..........
This is fun. In order for you to exclaim that members of one of the two major political parties is fickle.....and have credibility.....the members of the other one need to be far less fickle. Otherwise...you are saying things that do not make sense.

As the GOP membership is far more fickle than that of the Democratic Party, your comment makes no sense. It is bullshit. It makes you feel good to say it....but it is bullshit.

Next meme..........
I admit that both parties are fickle (as a party, not necessarily the individuals). I'm glad it's fun for you that it makes no sense to you that I'm not a partisan hack.
This is fun. In order for you to exclaim that members of one of the two major political parties is fickle.....and have credibility.....the members of the other one need to be far less fickle. Otherwise...you are saying things that do not make sense.

As the GOP membership is far more fickle than that of the Democratic Party, your comment makes no sense. It is bullshit. It makes you feel good to say it....but it is bullshit.

Next meme..........
I admit that both parties are fickle (as a party, not necessarily the individuals). I'm glad it's fun for you that it makes no sense to you that I'm not a partisan hack.

Of course you are.
If the choices are Mrs. BJ Bubba and Jebby, progs win no matter who wins.
By what stretch of the meaning of the word "progressive" can you associate it with two reactionary, rich war whores like Clinton and Bush?
"progressive (plural progressives)

    • A person who actively favors or strives for progress towards improved conditions, as in society or government."

That definition is nice, but does not define American progressives.

Progressivism is all about big unlimited government to promote the welfare warfare state. It is not about individual liberty or rule of law. It is about the collective, rule by elites (abandonment of the Constitution), and the development of a vast bureaucracy to enrich and empower the power elite.

Mrs. BJ Bubba and Jebby much prefer and exemplify my definition.
Progressivism is all about big unlimited government to promote the welfare warfare state. It is not about individual liberty or rule of law. It is about the collective, rule by elites (abandonment of the Constitution), and the development of a vast bureaucracy to enrich and empower the power elite
While there's a rich history in the US of Progressivism being corrupted by elites like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, they were acting on behalf of various corporate elements of their time in much the same way Hillary and Jeb are today.

It's a mistake to conflate their defense of government serving its richest citizens at the expense of its majortiy with a movement Kant described as a path from barbarism towards civilization.

"In America, progressivism began as a social movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and grew into a political movement, in what was known as the Progressive Era.

"American progressives rejected Social Darwinism, believing that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace.

"Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change.[15]

"American President Theodore Roosevelt of the US Republican Party and later the US Progressive Party declared that he 'always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand'.[16]

"American President Woodrow Wilson was also a member of the American progressive movement within the Democratic Party."
Progressivism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Progressivism is all about big unlimited government to promote the welfare warfare state. It is not about individual liberty or rule of law. It is about the collective, rule by elites (abandonment of the Constitution), and the development of a vast bureaucracy to enrich and empower the power elite
While there's a rich history in the US of Progressivism being corrupted by elites like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, they were acting on behalf of various corporate elements of their time in much the same way Hillary and Jeb are today.

It's a mistake to conflate their defense of government serving its richest citizens at the expense of its majortiy with a movement Kant described as a path from barbarism towards civilization.

"In America, progressivism began as a social movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and grew into a political movement, in what was known as the Progressive Era.

"American progressives rejected Social Darwinism, believing that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace.

"Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change.[15]

"American President Theodore Roosevelt of the US Republican Party and later the US Progressive Party declared that he 'always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand'.[16]

"American President Woodrow Wilson was also a member of the American progressive movement within the Democratic Party."
Progressivism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Progressives believe government, which is essentially comprised of politicians and bureaucrats, is a force for good.

This alone is proof progressivism is nonsense. Man is not good and when he attains unlimited power, as progressives grant their government, he is corrupt and evil.

Government, throughout all human history has seldom been a force for good, rather it has almost always been about lies, war, death, suffering, and injustice.

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