Hillary's Crucible

I think you're right unless there is an upset in the GOP race. Hillary is just too dishonest, and Sanders looks and Sounds like he's on his last legs. Maybe CRUZ? I don't like his stance on immigration.
I think you're right unless there is an upset in the GOP race. Hillary is just too dishonest, and Sanders looks and Sounds like he's on his last legs. Maybe CRUZ? I don't like his stance on immigration.
After all but one REP candidate drops out and throws their support to Trump his numbers will go through the roof. Every REP candidate with the exception of Trump is a career politician. That's all they know how to do well. If they go quietly into the night they know down the road they'll be somewhere in some Government office building they can hang their hat. If they kick the cat on the way out the door they know they have committed political suicide. Not going to happen.
What too many political neophytes are not understanding is REPs tend to be 'party-line' voters. They are political pragmatists. Many REPs may not like Trump's manner but they will NEVER stay at home and risk having an Obama third term in the image of Hillary.
DEMs by their weird nature are the 'Party of Personality'. Hence Hollywood elites who have made fortunes pretending to be someone they are not. This quasi-living in a fantasy word suits DEMs to a tee.
DEMs do live in a fantasy world. Now dear old Bernie has a bunch of rosy cheeked dewy eyed children dopers fresh out of the Liberal Indoctrination Centers 'making believe' Berni is going to really give them free university educations (in Medieval Studies) and wipe out their student loans.
When Hillary, if she hasn't quit for 'health reasons' two weeks before the FBI charges are filed, becomes the nominee these little dopers are going to say "FUCK IT!" and spend the bus money to go vote on red liquorice and blunts.
The First Black President' The First President With A Vagina'. Next it will be 'The First Midget with no fucking arms!
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Marco Rubio will be the next president and he'll drag disenchanted democrats across the finish line with him. He's running a perfect campaign letting the others tear each other to pieces while he stays above the fray by only answering the most insidious attacks. I believe we're seeing a textbook example of how to become president. He's Obama without being a traitorous muslim dickhead.
Marco Rubio will be the next president and he'll drag disenchanted democrats across the finish line with him. He's running a perfect campaign letting the others tear each other to pieces while he stays above the fray by only answering the most insidious attacks. I believe we're seeing a textbook example of how to become president. He's Obama without being a traitorous muslim dickhead.

maybe, but Rubio is on the wrong side of the immigration debate. He also comes across as a career politician, bending to the political winds as they change direction.

having said that, if Rubio is the nominee, I will support and vote for him.

Anybody but the hildebeast---------------------------!!!!!
maybe, but Rubio is on the wrong side of the immigration debate. He also comes across as a career politician, bending to the political winds as they change direction.

having said that, if Rubio is the nominee, I will support and vote for him.

Anybody but the hildebeast---------------------------!!!!!

The hispanic voting bloc is real and growing so why leave them to the Rats to exploit? Neither Trump or anybody else is going to throw 12 million illegals out of the country....that's crazy talk. So demand they register, be accountable for paying taxes and obeying our laws and turn them into GOPers! Oh, and finish Certoff's fence along the border. I'd mine and patrol it with Apache Longbows....that ends the problem in a matter of days.
maybe, but Rubio is on the wrong side of the immigration debate. He also comes across as a career politician, bending to the political winds as they change direction.

having said that, if Rubio is the nominee, I will support and vote for him.

Anybody but the hildebeast---------------------------!!!!!

The hispanic voting bloc is real and growing so why leave them to the Rats to exploit? Neither Trump or anybody else is going to throw 12 million illegals out of the country....that's crazy talk. So demand they register, be accountable for paying taxes and obeying our laws and turn them into GOPers! Oh, and finish Certoff's fence along the border. I'd mine and patrol it with Apache Longbows....that ends the problem in a matter of days.
Ah theynk ya ken get in trubble fer shooten unarmed russlers.
Ah theynk ya ken get in trubble fer shooten unarmed russlers.

:lol: No worries.....no point in shootin the varmints when kickin up the dirt in front of em with a couple bursts sends em scurryin back to mehico.
maybe, but Rubio is on the wrong side of the immigration debate. He also comes across as a career politician, bending to the political winds as they change direction.

having said that, if Rubio is the nominee, I will support and vote for him.

Anybody but the hildebeast---------------------------!!!!!

The hispanic voting bloc is real and growing so why leave them to the Rats to exploit? Neither Trump or anybody else is going to throw 12 million illegals out of the country....that's crazy talk. So demand they register, be accountable for paying taxes and obeying our laws and turn them into GOPers! Oh, and finish Certoff's fence along the border. I'd mine and patrol it with Apache Longbows....that ends the problem in a matter of days.

true, but the next election will not be decided by the Hispanic vote. Both parties need to get over that obsession. Hispanics are a diverse as any other demographic.

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