Hillary’s Free Trade Fake-Out


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
While Hillary Clinton is probably lying about her newfound opposition to President Barack Obama’s trade deal, that doesn’t tell us much about her character. She is simply doing what every Democratic presidential nominee has done on trade for the past three decades: campaign one way, govern another.

Immediately after Clinton turned against the Trans-Pacific Partnership multinational trade agreement Wednesday, opponents and pundits pinned the flip-flop badge to her pantsuit lapel. A June review of her past 45 pro-TPP statements by CNN.com was quickly re-circulated on social media. But the most cutting reaction was the more-in-sadness-than-in-anger conclusion from Vox’s Ezra Klein that Clinton is being dishonest. “It’s hard to believe that Clinton really opposes the TPP deal,” he sighed. “As someone trying to understand Clinton’s likely governing philosophy, it’s unnerving.”

Read more: Hillary’s Free Trade Fake-Out

And that is going to be the killer. You don't need a bunch of made up crap to nail Hillary. You need to pay attention to the policies. Unless of course, by paying attention to her policies one would figure out how close they are to the right wing. Heaven knows we wouldn't want that.
she did not that say she no longer wants to proceed with a successful trans pacific partnership.

her position on the TPP hasn't changed, her stance at this juncture is simply a leveraged attempt to raise the standards of the agreement so as to be even more beneficial to the usa...
Why didn't she leverage for a better deal when she was in power?

The real problem is both parties drink the Free Trade Koolaid for different reasons.

Liberals have been for "Free Trade" since Woodrow Wilson (it was one of his 14 point) because they think it prevents wars and elevates impoverished countries.

Conservatives are for it because it crushes working people and benefits the rich.

Free Trade should be replaced with fair trade. The notion that we should have environmental and labor rules to protect our consumers and workers and then make them compete with countries that simply don't give a shit is fucking crazy.
While Hillary Clinton is probably lying about her newfound opposition to President Barack Obama’s trade deal, that doesn’t tell us much about her character. She is simply doing what every Democratic presidential nominee has done on trade for the past three decades: campaign one way, govern another.

Immediately after Clinton turned against the Trans-Pacific Partnership multinational trade agreement Wednesday, opponents and pundits pinned the flip-flop badge to her pantsuit lapel. A June review of her past 45 pro-TPP statements by CNN.com was quickly re-circulated on social media. But the most cutting reaction was the more-in-sadness-than-in-anger conclusion from Vox’s Ezra Klein that Clinton is being dishonest. “It’s hard to believe that Clinton really opposes the TPP deal,” he sighed. “As someone trying to understand Clinton’s likely governing philosophy, it’s unnerving.”

Read more: Hillary’s Free Trade Fake-Out

And that is going to be the killer. You don't need a bunch of made up crap to nail Hillary. You need to pay attention to the policies. Unless of course, by paying attention to her policies one would figure out how close they are to the right wing. Heaven knows we wouldn't want that.

Yet you far left drones will still vote for her..
hillary supported the president in trying to make a TPP deal and she still supports making a TPP deal.

it would be foolish to just blindly agree to ''a deal'' without being privy to the devil in the details...

for years she has spoken of leveraging higher standards..she knows that's how good deals are made.

Ever since the Obama administration announced last week it had agreed to a massive trade deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, lawmakers have been saying they must review the agreement's specific language before passing judgment.

"Without having read it ... I'm going to reserve my time to read it," Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, told NPR when asked whether TPP would win support in Congress.

So, why don't members of Congress just take a look at the TPP?

If the administration has signed off on the trade agreement involving the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim countries, then where is the document?

Scrubbing A Trade Deal: Translators Get Behind The Ears Of The TPP

The politics of trade are weird.

Will Hillary Clinton Turn on the Trade Deal She Lauded as the 'Gold Standard'?

Clinton's approach so far has been to stay vague. "She will be watching closely to see what is being done to crack down on currency manipulation, improve labor rights, protect the environment and health, promote transparency and open new opportunities for our small businesses to export overseas," her campaign said Friday. On Tuesday in New Hampshire, the candidate herself added, “Any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security. We have to do our part in making sure we have the capabilities and the skills to be competitive.”

"As of today, I am not in favor of what I have learned about it," Clinton told Judy Woodruff of "PBS Newshour."

"I have said from the very beginning that we had to have a trade agreement that would create good American jobs, raise wages and advance our national security. And I still believe that's the high bar we have to meet," she said. "I have been trying to learn as much as I can about the agreement. But I'm worried. I'm worried about currency manipulation not being part of the agreement. We've lost American jobs to the manipulations that countries, particularly in Asia, have engaged in. I'm worried the pharmaceutical companies may have gotten more benefits -- and patients and consumers fewer. I think there are still a lot of unanswered questions."

Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against TPP
again, headlines that say she OPPOSES or is AGAINST the Trans Pacific Partnership are bold faced lies.

she is all FOR a Trans Pacific Partnership...

she simply wants to insure the BEST deal in that partnership. :thup:
This is outrageous!! A politician has made a calculated decision based on a desire to win primary votes. I just cannot believe it. This never happens. There is no way that I could ever vote for a candidate who would do this. I'm sure everyone here would agree.
This is outrageous!! A politician has made a calculated decision based on a desire to win primary votes. I just cannot believe it. This never happens. There is no way that I could ever vote for a candidate who would do this. I'm sure everyone here would agree.

Your right it does not matter to you far left drones as you will vote for her anyway..
While Hillary Clinton is probably lying about her newfound opposition to President Barack Obama’s trade deal, that doesn’t tell us much about her character. She is simply doing what every Democratic presidential nominee has done on trade for the past three decades: campaign one way, govern another.

Immediately after Clinton turned against the Trans-Pacific Partnership multinational trade agreement Wednesday, opponents and pundits pinned the flip-flop badge to her pantsuit lapel. A June review of her past 45 pro-TPP statements by CNN.com was quickly re-circulated on social media. But the most cutting reaction was the more-in-sadness-than-in-anger conclusion from Vox’s Ezra Klein that Clinton is being dishonest. “It’s hard to believe that Clinton really opposes the TPP deal,” he sighed. “As someone trying to understand Clinton’s likely governing philosophy, it’s unnerving.”

Read more: Hillary’s Free Trade Fake-Out

And that is going to be the killer. You don't need a bunch of made up crap to nail Hillary. You need to pay attention to the policies. Unless of course, by paying attention to her policies one would figure out how close they are to the right wing. Heaven knows we wouldn't want that.
Bernie Sanders is opposed to it. Sanders has been opposed to every trade agreement proposed. Sanders has integrity while Hillary has none. It doesnt matter that Sanders is dead wrong on this, and everything else he believes. He at least has some kind of conviction and that is why people like him.
Hillary's only conviction is that she deserves to be president. Well, until the court hands down its verdict.
The Rabbi said:
Bernie Sanders is opposed to it. Sanders has been opposed to every trade agreement proposed. .

which Republican presidential candidate opposes a Trans Pacific Partnership deal..?
The Rabbi said:
Bernie Sanders is opposed to it. Sanders has been opposed to every trade agreement proposed. .

which Republican presidential candidate opposes a Trans Pacific Partnership deal..?
I think Trump opposes it. Check their websites for actual details. Was there some point you wanted to make here?
God forbid they take their time and get it right, that would be absolutely disastrous... :lol:

The trade deal -- which is being negotiated among 11 nations: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the U.S., Singapore and Vietnam -- would cover 800 million people and represents 40 percent of global gross domestic product, according to the U.S. Trade Representative’s office. It’s unclear exactly what is in the deal since it is being negotiated in secret by leaders of the 11 countries. The fast-track legislation was set for a Tuesday afternoon vote...

TPP Agreement: Where Do 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
God forbid they take their time and get it right, that would be absolutely disastrous... :lol:

The trade deal -- which is being negotiated among 11 nations: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the U.S., Singapore and Vietnam -- would cover 800 million people and represents 40 percent of global gross domestic product, according to the U.S. Trade Representative’s office. It’s unclear exactly what is in the deal since it is being negotiated in secret by leaders of the 11 countries. The fast-track legislation was set for a Tuesday afternoon vote...

TPP Agreement: Where Do 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
You understand Pres. Obama is wholly responsible for the trade deal, right?
The Rabbi said:
Bernie Sanders is opposed to it. Sanders has been opposed to every trade agreement proposed. .

which Republican presidential candidate opposes a Trans Pacific Partnership deal..?
I think Trump opposes it. Check their websites for actual details. Was there some point you wanted to make here?

my point is that hillary is smart to be prudent here, just as your ideal republican candidate (trump) agrees, and your point is to attack hillary because she's hillary... wa wa wa
You understand Pres. Obama is wholly responsible for the trade deal, right?

you realize the massive $cope of this agreement goes well beyond a political figure you dislike?

the TPP deal is with your country, dummy... not the man named obama.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who announced earlier this month she would seek the GOP nomination in 2016, said she was troubled by the secrecy of the agreement. "The truth is, we don't know what's in this deal. I think it's important to understand some of the fine print of what's in this deal," she said on “Meet the Press” Sunday. "For example, is China allowed to join this Pacific trading agreement in a couple of years, yes or no?”

TPP Agreement: Where Do 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
You understand Pres. Obama is wholly responsible for the trade deal, right?

you realize the massive $cope of this agreement goes well beyond a political figure you dislike?

the TPP deal is with your country, dummy... not the man named obama.
Sigh. You understand, right, that I did not negotiate even one sentence of this deal. Nor did anyone else on here. The only person who did negotiate for the US was President Obama or his aides. Therefore the agreement is his agreement, solely and totally. You get that, right?
Bernie Sanders is opposed to it. Sanders has been opposed to every trade agreement proposed. Sanders has integrity while Hillary has none. It doesnt matter that Sanders is dead wrong on this, and everything else he believes. He at least has some kind of conviction and that is why people like him.
Hillary's only conviction is that she deserves to be president. Well, until the court hands down its verdict.

Still wanking off to imaginary crimes Hillary committed, Rabbid?

Scooter Libby didn't go to prison. Petreaus didn't go to prison. cap Weinberger didn't go to prison. North and Poindexter didn't go to prison.

They all actually did stuff.

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