Hillary's Health, not so good.

She always tired and listless, can't keep her lies straight, she's developing a hunchback, even Bill doesn't want to see her naked tub tub body, ever since her concussion she's been extra wild eyed and nutty and okay that cackle laugh is maniacal to the point of being scary.

I think she should be put in a secure "home" before she commits more crimes.
She will be in a secure home soon. It is called the White House.

By the way asshole, she hasn't even been charged with committing a crime, and won't be, because she didn't commit any crimes, dumbfuck.

You seem disturbed, you and Hillary have a lot in common it seems...:laugh:
No. I'm not disturbed. I'm just not an immature asshole like you.

Frivolous profanity is a sign of immaturity, lack of intelligence and a rotten upbringing. Trust me you're disturbed, stay away from guns, women and cars.

Puppies, too.:D
she hasn't even been charged with committing a crime, and won't be, because she didn't commit any crimes, dumbfuck.

No, she won't be because the "Justice Department" is in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

I think that's the reason she's constantly suck-holing Obama, without his corrupt Justice Department, she's toast.
Hillary singing the national anthem. "Yoho say can you ping, by the pawns early bite, what so boundly we crave, as the fat thighs were gently squeezing.
She always tired and listless, can't keep her lies straight, she's developing a hunchback, even Bill doesn't want to see her naked tub tub body, ever since her concussion she's been extra wild eyed and nutty and okay that cackle laugh is maniacal to the point of being scary.

I think she should be put in a secure "home" before she commits more crimes.
She will be in a secure home soon. It is called the White House.

By the way asshole, she hasn't even been charged with committing a crime, and won't be, because she didn't commit any crimes, dumbfuck.

You seem disturbed, you and Hillary have a lot in common it seems...:laugh:
No. I'm not disturbed. I'm just not an immature asshole like you.
If you are not immature why are you using 4 letter words to attack someone you do not even know over someone else you do not know (Hillary) on a public message board? Does that sound like something a mature person would do?
Of some interest here....

  • Emails show Clinton staff asked NFL for help spinning her concussion, State blacked out its list...
    Daily Mail ^ | 11/30/15 | David Martosko
    Emails show Clinton staff asked NFL for help spinning her concussion, the State Department blacked out its list of Hillary's 'achievements' and Madame Secretary couldn't find 'Homeland' on her TV Hillary Clinton needed help finding the Showtime network on her cable box - so she could watch 'Homeland' - according to an email the State Department released Monday. Her chief communications guru asked National Football League commissioner Roger Goodell for help spinning the press on the dangers of her December 2012 concussion, according to another message. The State Department completely censored a third, which appeared to consist of a bullet-pointed...

She always tired and listless, can't keep her lies straight, she's developing a hunchback, even Bill doesn't want to see her naked tub tub body, ever since her concussion she's been extra wild eyed and nutty and okay that cackle laugh is maniacal to the point of being scary.

I think she should be put in a secure "home" before she commits more crimes.

only she has about 3 Chefs....that cook for her.....

you know... the Foundation she has...pays for it all

she won't be baking cookies any time soon.

Could you imagine? No going shopping, just buzz down and whatever you want delivered or ready down below with the common folk. Anywhere you need to go anytime, car ready w/driver, security, planes. Never earned a bit of it, a few years as phony senator and 6 year 5-star vacation. now tired.

only she has about 3 Chefs....that cook for her.....

you know... the Foundation she has...pays for it all

she won't be baking cookies any time soon.

Could you imagine? No going shopping, just buzz down and whatever you want delivered or ready down below with the common folk. Anywhere you need to go anytime, car ready w/driver, security, planes. Never earned a bit of it, a few years as phony senator and 6 year 5-star vacation. now tired.

I know

The bitch has money

that she robbed from the sheeple

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