Hillary's New Ad Shows GOP Terrified of Her

That's because they realize she is a threat to the middle class. All socialists and Marxists are. Duh. At least they are beginning to focus in on the true enemy of the US; HR Haldeman Clinton.
The middle class thrived under Clinton as well as Reagan because of cheap energy. As energy went up under Bush the economy began to drag. Bush took measures to fix that but obama reversed those measures causing the economy to stifle by obama's design.

Energy prices under Obama have been cheaper than under Bush. Out the window with that stupid argument.
Wrong. Gas was under $1.40 until Obama drove it up. Hadn't been anywhere near that low since. Ignorant dupes are who buy your lie are bad for this country.

So you're accusing President Bush of deliberately driving million of Americans out of work just to create a short term gas glut to drive gas prices down at the end of his 2nd term?

As bad as he was I don't think even he would do that!
Geez, you're stupid. Cheap gas had nothing to do with the CRA housing market crisis.

You're just pretending to be ignorant of supply and demand aren't you? Very simply put, demand dropped like a rock. The economy's was bad shape, people were being laid off by the hundreds of thousands b per month. People were driving less, due to cutting back, not working, etc, the big factor is simply the faltering economy destroyed demand.
Wrong. Demand never completely drops unless the global economy completely collapses to the point of Neanderthal times.
And your revisionist-history logic doesn't hold in that the economy never recovered so the price should have stayed low.
The price dropped in July 2008 after Bush reversed an exec order, effectively ending a drilling ban off the Alaska coast. There was no housing crisis at that point and demand was at its annual peak. That illustrates the impact even potential drilling expansion has just as a reversal of that development would have the opposite effect.
If the economic hardships created by that market crisis had caused cheap oil, the price would have stayed low because the economy never recovered.

Hahahahaha sure it didn't.

It didn't. 10% real unemployment and people make less while everything costs more.
That is economic contraction. You must live in a fairyland.
You're an idiot. Gas prices dipped that low because the economy was spiraling out of control and demand dropped world wide. You seem to forget that gas prices were over $4 per gallon shortly before everything collapsed.

Do you blame Bush for gas prices going to $4/gallon?

Then what do you blame for price fluctuation?

Demand is the biggest driving factor, assuming production is at its peak. Anyone who understands economics would know this.
You know what they say about "assume."
Do you think the huge increase in US oil production, opposed by Obama, might have something to do with it?

It's a combination of increased oil production along with a decrease in demand. As a country we are using less oil than we did ten years ago because cars are more efficient.
Do you blame Bush for gas prices going to $4/gallon?

Then what do you blame for price fluctuation?

Demand is the biggest driving factor, assuming production is at its peak. Anyone who understands economics would know this.
You know what they say about "assume."
Do you think the huge increase in US oil production, opposed by Obama, might have something to do with it?

It's a combination of increased oil production along with a decrease in demand. As a country we are using less oil than we did ten years ago because cars are more efficient.
No its because the economy is down. Look at the charts and you see a notable decrease starting 2008.
But yes supply and demand, not Pres Bush or Obama, is responsible for gas and oil prices.
Then what do you blame for price fluctuation?

Demand is the biggest driving factor, assuming production is at its peak. Anyone who understands economics would know this.
You know what they say about "assume."
Do you think the huge increase in US oil production, opposed by Obama, might have something to do with it?

It's a combination of increased oil production along with a decrease in demand. As a country we are using less oil than we did ten years ago because cars are more efficient.
No its because the economy is down. Look at the charts and you see a notable decrease starting 2008.
But yes supply and demand, not Pres Bush or Obama, is responsible for gas and oil prices.
But both bush and obama have had direct impact as far as supply goes. Bush reversed and oversaw the expiration of drilling restrictions while obama reimplemented those restrictions. One enhanced potential supply while the other stifled supply.
Obama is a jerk and his supporters are morons.
She was proved to have lied about Benghazi.

Why haven't the Republicans charged her with perjury or lying to Congress yet?

Because they didn't prove any lie did they?
When did she lie under oath? Please cite the example.
Do you think she lied to Chelsea and the Egyptian government? Or do you think she lied to the American people? Because it's one or the other.
What was the date she told the public that the current CIA analysis is that they were enraged by the video?

What is the date of her email to Chelsea?
I think she was saying the country's worst enemies. Of course she's right. After the debate last night. Republicans booing daycare and health care. Slashing education. Wanting to deregulate safety and protection from greedy business. It's a dirty party.

She's the country's worst enemy. You voted black in 08 and 12. Now you want to vote vagina in 16.

No, we're just not going to vote dick again.

You voted dick before?

No, you did, though.

I don't recall Cheney ever running for office.
So, you voted for a penis? That explains a lot.
You don't? Then you're dumber than I ever could have imagined.

He ran for Congress multiple times, and he ran for Vice President multiple times.
I don't get it, that ad says absolutely nothings... Are you proud of Hillary having an ad that says absolutely nothing about how she would save this middle class that shrank while she held off as SoS with a Dem President?
I think she was saying the country's worst enemies. Of course she's right. After the debate last night. Republicans booing daycare and health care. Slashing education. Wanting to deregulate safety and protection from greedy business. It's a dirty party.

She's the country's worst enemy. You voted black in 08 and 12. Now you want to vote vagina in 16.

No, we're just not going to vote dick again.

You voted dick before?

No, you did, though.

I don't recall Cheney ever running for office.
So, you voted for a penis? That explains a lot.

cheney ran for VP twice. He ran for the House of Representatives a few times.

Where were you in the first 8 years of the 21st century? Under a rock?
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And FDR might have allowed the Pearl Harbor attack.
Show me the memo FDR received that said "Japanese Determined To Attack Pearl Harbor"
At his court martial and elsewhere, Billy Mitchell warned essentially everyone of that attack fifteen years in advance.
Look it up yourself. That's a well known piece of history. You must not have finished jr high.
She's the country's worst enemy. You voted black in 08 and 12. Now you want to vote vagina in 16.

No, we're just not going to vote dick again.

You voted dick before?

No, you did, though.

I don't recall Cheney ever running for office.
So, you voted for a penis? That explains a lot.
You don't? Then you're dumber than I ever could have imagined.

He ran for Congress multiple times, and he ran for Vice President multiple times.
OK, president, specifically, for the hard of head.
She's the country's worst enemy. You voted black in 08 and 12. Now you want to vote vagina in 16.

No, we're just not going to vote dick again.

You voted dick before?

No, you did, though.

I don't recall Cheney ever running for office.
So, you voted for a penis? That explains a lot.

cheney ran for VP twice. He ran for the House of Representatives a few times.

Where were you in the first 8 years of the 21st century? Under a rock?
He was on the Bush ticket. He didn't run for VP. Now you're being petty like that other debate loser.

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