Hillary's promise


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
One of the things I heard and watched as husband was watching portions of the DNC convention was Hillary holding up illegal immigration as not being a severe national security issue. Those on the Republican side pushing that same ideology also lost out.

I see that as a big deterrent to anyone that believes in justice, law and order voting for Hillery or anyone else with that mindset. When Bush pushed amnesty Clinton is the one that ultimately approved it. Those being given amnesty with criminal leanings was an after thought. That wide open amnesty policy is something that the citizens of the country are still suffering the effects of in the streets and homes throughout the country. Just giving amnesty to someone who does not believe that there are laws to begin with does nothing more than encourage unlawful behavior to people who lean in that direction.

It should be coming through loud and clear at this point that just letting anyone cross into our borders from any ole where in the world is not acceptable to the majority of the public. These young teens that were here illegally with their illegal parent(s) that have gotten educations can return to there own countries and use those educations and their knowledge to help build better communities in their parents countries of origin. The ones that have criminal minds need to be dealt with accordingly in their countries of origin or remain under lock and key. Civil societies need rules, borders and guidelines to live by or chaos ensues as it becomes a free for all. Anarchy unlike what someone posted in Wiki and changed recently is not a philosophical ideology nor is it merely a person or group attempting that rejects illegitimate hierarchies. It is a person or a group that desires chaos (basically one who hates government). It originates from the word anarch- 'the personification of chaos'. Governments and governing bodies are needed unless people desire total chaos. The key is keeping the government in check as to not infringe on personal liberties and freedom of individuals. If the globalist want the rest of the countries to not have chaos in them start educating those societies and quit trying to tear down this one to make it conform to your ideals. Peace comes by winning hearts and minds not violence and destruction. (not to say I do not be in self defense either)

Excellent need to know info if you want to keep up on the illegal alien topic. Here is a link that has statistical information for anyone interested.
Earth to Rod!.....Earth to Rod!.... America does not let anyone cross into our borders from any ole where in the world, you've been watching too much FIX news. Lost in your little rant is the fact that more Mexican citizens are now going back to Mexico, than are entering, and the vast majority that do enter, do so legally. I know it's fun to fan the flames of paranoia, but at least get a few of your facts correct before you do it!
About half our illegal immigrants enter legally. Studies have shown that many suicide bombers are from wealthy backgrounds. The only thing keeping them from coming in on a visitor visa and blowing themselves up seems to be the lack of suicide vests. Trump is right in that we need to find a better way to screen these people coming into the US.

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