Hillary’s Prosecution Will Be The Biggest Story In 2017

We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
Interesting, and quite misogynist.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
I thought that Julian Assange was supposed to "drop the smack" on Hillary ...plus she has those charges from the "Pedophile Porno Pizza Palace" operation she was running while laughing at the dead Ambassador in Benghazi..........
We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
Interesting, and quite misogynist.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Them Alpha Male Trump supporters are quite a "hot mess" ....let me just say "they have ego identity issues"
We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
Interesting, and quite misogynist.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
How so?
We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
Interesting, and quite misogynist.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Them Alpha Male Trump supporters are quite a "hot mess" ....let me just say "they have ego identity issues"
We are just sick of all the trouble and the strife.
I suspect it'll take more than a year before anything dramatic is announced.
To blastoff: I think Democrats and the media want a prosecution over with as quickly as possible. The longer it drags out the less that media mouths can devote to negative Trump coverage.

I always suspected that Hillary would plead nola contendere:

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor

Frankly, the media, and every liberal of the day, was out to get something on anybody in Nixon’s Administration. They eventually got Spiro T. for something he did when he was Maryland’s governor. Nobody is out to get Hillary Clinton whose offenses were committed while she was an official of the federal government.

NOTE: Agnew’s ‘crime’ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Today’s parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.

Clinton’s offense is must worse than was Agnew’s because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.​

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Gatekeeper
Obama only has a few more days to pardon Hillary.......
To mudwhistle: Scary but true. The public will know if he does it on Friday at 11:59 am.
But in doing so implicates himself.
To Scorpion: Obama’s reputation might suffer, but that does not count because he has none worth protecting.

Sure thing. The bromance between Donnie and Putin will be one of the interesting stories of the year.
To midcan5: The Putin story is so false it has become a winner for Trump.


The rest of your talking points are idiotic.
We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
To The Great Goose: Lol. An orange jump suit is a great example.
To The Great Goose: Everybody except Libs will watch with glee.
Thought it was going to be the biggest story of 2016.

And before that, the biggest story of 2015.

And before that, the biggest story of 2014.
To bodecea: Does the name Loretta Lynch ring a bell with you?
he can't pardon her unless she's charged.
To koshergirl: Gerald Ford did it with Nixon. Of course, Nixon was only guilty of political dirty tricks. Clinton crimes are much more serious.
Obama only has a few more days to pardon Hillary.......
he can't pardon her unless she's charged.
Obama can do just about anything.

Hasn't he already proved that?

He sent billions to Iran to fund terrorism.
He gave amnesty to illegals.
He won re-election when his policies were very unpopular.
He stabbed Israel in the back while claiming he's one of their greatest allies.
He claimed his administration is scandal free.
He claimed race relations have improved on his watch.
He divided this country more than any other president.
He created more debt than all presidents before him combined.

No, I think Obama is capable of just about anything. Now he's going back to what he does best. Creating chaos and playing golf. At least we won't have to pay for his transportation costs.
Obama only has a few more days to pardon Hillary.......
he can't pardon her unless she's charged.
Obama can do just about anything.

Hasn't he already proved that?

He sent billions to Iran to fund terrorism.
He gave amnesty to illegals.
He won re-election when his policies were very unpopular.
He stabbed Israel in the back while claiming he's one of their greatest allies.
He claimed his administration is scandal free.
He claimed race relations have improved on his watch.
He divided this country more than any other president.
He created more debt than all presidents before him combined.

No, I think Obama is capable of just about anything. Now he's going back to what he does best. Creating chaos and playing golf. At least we won't have to pay for his transportation costs.
Yeah but he can't pardon someone in the future. If he pulls off a coup, then Hills may or may not be pardoned at that time, but it won't matter.because laws don't matter to the left.
I suspect it'll take more than a year before anything dramatic is announced.
To blastoff: I think Democrats and the media want a prosecution over with as quickly as possible. The longer it drags out the less that media mouths can devote to negative Trump coverage.

I always suspected that Hillary would plead nola contendere:

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor

Frankly, the media, and every liberal of the day, was out to get something on anybody in Nixon’s Administration. They eventually got Spiro T. for something he did when he was Maryland’s governor. Nobody is out to get Hillary Clinton whose offenses were committed while she was an official of the federal government.

NOTE: Agnew’s ‘crime’ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Today’s parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.

Clinton’s offense is must worse than was Agnew’s because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.​

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Gatekeeper
Obama only has a few more days to pardon Hillary.......
To mudwhistle: Scary but true. The public will know if he does it on Friday at 11:59 am.
But in doing so implicates himself.
To Scorpion: Obama’s reputation might suffer, but that does not count because he has none worth protecting.

Sure thing. The bromance between Donnie and Putin will be one of the interesting stories of the year.
To midcan5: The Putin story is so false it has become a winner for Trump.


The rest of your talking points are idiotic.
We can revenge ourselves on her for all the bullshit the feminists have put us through. Make an example of her.
To The Great Goose: Lol. An orange jump suit is a great example.
To The Great Goose: Everybody except Libs will watch with glee.
Thought it was going to be the biggest story of 2016.

And before that, the biggest story of 2015.

And before that, the biggest story of 2014.
To bodecea: Does the name Loretta Lynch ring a bell with you?
he can't pardon her unless she's charged.
To koshergirl: Gerald Ford did it with Nixon. Of course, Nixon was only guilty of political dirty tricks. Clinton crimes are much more serious.
We aren't talking about the next president pardoning. You guys are saying obama will pardon her. And unless she is charged now, he can't.
We aren't talking about the next president pardoning. You guys are saying obama will pardon her. And unless she is charged now, he can't.
To koshergirl: Nixon resigned rather than be impeached. He was never charged with anything. If Obama does not pardon Hillary she can be indicted, tried, and convicted. She can also be impeached for the crimes she committed as secretary of state, but that is not likely.
We aren't talking about the next president pardoning. You guys are saying obama will pardon her. And unless she is charged now, he can't.
To koshergirl: Nixon resigned rather than be impeached. He was never charged with anything. If Obama does not pardon Hillary she can be indicted, tried, and convicted. She can also be impeached for the crimes she committed as secretary of state, but that is not likely.

HOW CAN SHE BE IMPEACHED when she isn't in office?

And you don't pardon people effective after you leave office. Doesn't happen.
The best thing American voters can do is give President Trump more congressional seats in the 2018 midterms. Remember that the lying sack of shit passed Obamacare when he had both Houses of Congress in 2010 in addition to eight years to tear down the country. President Trump deserves the Congress for at least four years to undo the liar’s destruction. If voters are wrong about Trump they can adjust it in 2020.

NOTE: The media will go all-out to take back the Congress in 2018. The plan to impeach President Trump must include control of Congress before 2020.

It should be crystal clear to all Americans that his political enemies are searching for any pretext to launch an impeachment effort to unseat President Trump, once they think it would have a chance of success. Given the level of animosity toward Trump in his own party, and the possibility of midterm election losses for the president’s party (the normal pattern in American politics), these efforts can’t be dismissed as impossible.​

January 22, 2017
The conspiracy to impeach Trump already launched
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: The conspiracy to impeach Trump already launched


Confidential David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment
BY: Joe Schoffstall
January 21, 2017 3:36 pm

Confidential David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment

Can Hillary Still Be Impeached? The Answer May Surprise You…
Finally, impeaching Hillary Clinton for the crimes she committed as secretary of state will counterbalance media spin selling the Left’s plans to impeach President Trump for something he might have done or said before he even entered politics. Happily, the Internet is becoming even more influential than it was when it defeated the media in 2016.
One could earnestly hope, or even pray, if such were the conviction, that this would be the major story of the year. That would mean nothing serious and threatening happened.

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