Hip and Knee Replacement surgery

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I am hooked into a local area chat site. Found today they are talking about hip and knee replacement surgery and are talking about various surgeons. I had figured all are trained very well that do that job. The best surgeons seem to be very booked up. At least here in Idaho.

I am nearing 86 and my joints are awesome.
Dad had both a hip replacement and a knee replacement some years ahead of his dying. He was a strong man able to endure pain and not whine at all.
If any of you have such problems, maybe there is a local area where you live to get advice? Nextdoor.com is the site.
I am comparatively young but have separately had both hip joints replaced .
I insisted on trying to be world class at both long and high jump ( never made it to that level ) , and then after that my work meant that I was constantly asking my body to do more than it wished to .
But as my work was government related I was well looked after when I needed help . Though life was very painful for a time pre operations .

I had wonderful NHS treatment on both occasions and was only in hospital 3-4 days each time and have never suffered any post -operation bad symptoms .
Hopefully I have a few decades of fully active life ahead of me and because the joints were sold to me as being indestructible , any future troubles I contract should not be hip related .
I am comparatively young but have separately had both hip joints replaced .
I insisted on trying to be world class at both long and high jump ( never made it to that level ) , and then after that my work meant that I was constantly asking my body to do more than it wished to .
But as my work was government related I was well looked after when I needed help . Though life was very painful for a time pre operations .

I had wonderful NHS treatment on both occasions and was only in hospital 3-4 days each time and have never suffered any post -operation bad symptoms .
Hopefully I have a few decades of fully active life ahead of me and because the joints were sold to me as being indestructible , any future troubles I contract should not be hip related .
Fantastic. I hope this by you and me helps others.
My father in law was 72 and had both hips replaced in one year. Said its one the best things he's done. Able to hike like he's 20 now.
Dad was super pleased with his hip and knee replacement. He retired early due to his hip being painful to him.

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