Hippie Woman Climbs Mt. Everest to Prove Vegans aren’t Weak. DIES!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
FACT: only strong muscled men can climb Everest!


Woman Climbs Mt. Everest to Prove Vegans aren’t Weak. Dies. | Mad American Network
How about no one travel thousands of miles to put their life at risk?
yet the ghey fellow wants a male nude model in snow, yet teases a dead woman..

His reference site is called "M.A.N." in yuge letters which tells us more than anyone wanted to know.

Among its other "articles" --- "Former Alien Slug Slave Dies of Fatness"

Fascinating to note what some people find amusing.
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Incorrect. Climbing Everest is more about high altitude conditioning, stamina and mental toughness as this 73 year old Japanese woman demonstrated.

73-year-old becomes oldest woman to climb Mount Everest - CNN.com

Exactly. One of the main problems with climbing Everest isn't so much the strength required, but rather how well your body can handle an oxygen lacking environment. Ever been up at altitude? It kinda sucks because you get worn out a lot quicker than you would if you were at a lower altitude. Easiest way for an American to demonstrate that for themselves? Go to Colorado and either drive or ride the trolley to the top of Pike's Peak. Even at only HALF the altitude of Everest, it's pretty hard work running around at the top.

And lighting a cigarette with a Bic lighter is damn near impossible.
>> Strydom died of altitude sickness after being in Everest’s “death zone” for more than 30 hours. This is the area of the mountain above 26,000 feet where there is not enough oxygen present to sustain human life. The atmospheric pressure at this altitude creates a situation where there is only about a third as much oxygen available as there is at sea level. The extreme temperatures also make frostbite a serious threat.

Because of these conditions, it is not possible to survive more than 48 hours in the death zone. Another challenge of this area is that with such little oxygen, the human mind actually begins to experience strange hallucinogenic effects and one’s judgment becomes clouded. According to Gizmodo, “Any stay in the Death Zone without supplementary oxygen is like being slowly choked, all the while having to perform one of the hardest physical feats imaginable.”

Robert Gropel said that his wife began experiencing these hallucinogenic effects prior to her death.

“I could see that her condition had deteriorated,” he explained. “She was going through periods of being lucid and periods of hallucinating.” << --- Heavy.com
Dippy Troll Poster Starts Snark Thread to Diss Vegans from Comfort of Own Barcalounger. THREAD DIES!
Incorrect. Climbing Everest is more about high altitude conditioning, stamina and mental toughness as this 73 year old Japanese woman demonstrated.

73-year-old becomes oldest woman to climb Mount Everest - CNN.com

Exactly. One of the main problems with climbing Everest isn't so much the strength required, but rather how well your body can handle an oxygen lacking environment. Ever been up at altitude? It kinda sucks because you get worn out a lot quicker than you would if you were at a lower altitude. Easiest way for an American to demonstrate that for themselves? Go to Colorado and either drive or ride the trolley to the top of Pike's Peak. Even at only HALF the altitude of Everest, it's pretty hard work running around at the top.

And lighting a cigarette with a Bic lighter is damn near impossible.
Yep. I'm a distance runner, but the first time I went for a 5 mile run in "high altitude" ~7000 ft. I thought I was going to pass out!
Incorrect. Climbing Everest is more about high altitude conditioning, stamina and mental toughness as this 73 year old Japanese woman demonstrated.

73-year-old becomes oldest woman to climb Mount Everest - CNN.com

Exactly. One of the main problems with climbing Everest isn't so much the strength required, but rather how well your body can handle an oxygen lacking environment. Ever been up at altitude? It kinda sucks because you get worn out a lot quicker than you would if you were at a lower altitude. Easiest way for an American to demonstrate that for themselves? Go to Colorado and either drive or ride the trolley to the top of Pike's Peak. Even at only HALF the altitude of Everest, it's pretty hard work running around at the top.

And lighting a cigarette with a Bic lighter is damn near impossible.
Yep. I'm a distance runner, but the first time I went for a 5 mile run in "high altitude" ~7000 ft. I thought I was going to pass out!

You know, that's one of the main reasons that bicycle teams like to train in Colorado. They spend so much time at altitude that their body gets used to it, so that way, when they drop to a lower altitude, their O2 uptake is greater than those who didn't train at altitude.
The husband, also vegan almost died, as well.
yet the ghey fellow wants a male nude model in snow, yet teases a dead woman..

His reference site is called "M.A.N." in yuge letters which tells us more than anyone wanted to know.

Among its other "articles" --- "Former Alien Slug Slave Dies of Fatness"

Fascination what some people find amusing.
A lot of people die climbing Mt. Everest. One needs to be reconciled to the possibility that one might not return from the adventure.

Vegan or not, it's very risky.
Avoiding meat is good for losing muscle but it's not good for the brain.

If you know what kinds of veggies to eat, satisfying your fat requirement isn't that hard. One food that is good for fat content is the avocado.

Bacon > Avocado

Agreed, bacon IS better than avocados, but wasn't saying anything about how good it was, just that it had a high fat content.

However, I do like avocado, especially in guac.

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