His Lies are Gonna Cost Him


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.


His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.

Great topic. But I think there are already a couple of threads on it.

His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.


How many threads are there on this almost-non-story?

It must be that MSNBC and CNN are covering this non-stop. My gosh, our nation is in rapid decline and you all clown around about Mike Lindell.

We are so cooked
How many threads are there on this almost-non-story?

It must be that MSNBC and CNN are covering this non-stop. My gosh, our nation is in rapid decline and you all clown around about Mike Lindell.

We are so cooked

Non-story? One of the biggest Big Liars is going to pay Big for Big Lying.

To the tune of $5,000,000. This right after Fox had its ass handed to it to the tune of 3/4 of a billion dollars.

This is newsworthy.
How many threads are there on this almost-non-story?

It must be that MSNBC and CNN are covering this non-stop. My gosh, our nation is in rapid decline and you all clown around about Mike Lindell.

We are so cooked

Oh? Expand on "rapid decline"...
Oh? Expand on "rapid decline"...

Sue is positively famous for her pearl clutching. She's obsessed with death, decline, destruction, obliteration.

It doesn't matter the topic. If she's posting.....she's gonna need a fainting couch.

Some folks are just emotionally committed to the collapse of our nation....and just want to watch the world burn. Thankfully, they're outnumbered by orders of magnitude by those of us who don't.
Sue is positively famous for her pearl clutching. She's obsessed with death, decline, destruction, obliteration.

It doesn't matter the topic. If she's posting.....she's gonna need a fainting couch.

Some folks are just emotionally committed to the collapse of our nation....and just want to watch the world burn. Thankfully, they're outnumbered by orders of magnitude by those of us who don't.

I am not even close to fainting. Are you?

I was not committed to anything, until you all decided you hate Trump so much it was worth destroying.

Oh well. Humanity is pretty stupid, all in all.
Yeah, if your life revolves around TDS and you watch MSCNN all day long.

Busted, aren't you?

Or....if you're interested in the truth. Fox lied and has to pay hundreds of millions. Lindell lied, and he has to be $5 million. We have court or arbitration rulings on both. Their claims have been weight and measured.

With a $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion waiting in the wings.

That's definitely newsworthy.

So much so, we already have plenty of threads out it.
Or....if you're interested in the truth. Fox lied and has to pay hundreds of millions. Lindell lied, and he has to be $5 million. We have court or arbitration rulings on both. Their claims have been weight and measured.

With a $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion waiting in the wings.

That's definitely newsworthy.

So much so, we already have plenty of threads out it.

What is it you have said in the other thread? Why are you so 'triggered'?

Your unwillingness to move beyond Trump not only makes you look the fool, it has torn the nation apart. You all could have just accepted that he won without having this ongoing, puerile fit. But no, couldn't be. You attacked from every angle and it has consumed--and destroyed--the country.

A house divided cannot stand. And it won't.
What is it you have said in the other thread? Why are you so 'triggered'?

Triggered is when you have a negative reaction to something.

Me, I'm *delighted* to see Fox News payout the largest public defamation case in human history. I'm pleased as punch that Lindell's lies are starting to cost him real money. And I'll be just as content when Dominion continues its lawsuits against NewsMax and OANN.

More please.

Your unwillingness to move beyond Trump not only makes you look the fool, it has torn the nation apart. You all could have just accepted that he won without having this ongoing, puerile fit. But no, couldn't be. You attacked from every angle and it has consumed--and destroyed--the country.

A house divided cannot stand. And it won't.

Who mentioned Trump? I said Fox and Lindell. You said Trump.

Your obsession with Trump, like your obsession and desire for the destruction of the United States.....are yours.

Our nation will survive you, Fox and Lindell. We'll be around long after y'all aren't.
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His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.


Cool! Any publicity that man gets is good publicity and he loves it!

Every time one of you assclowns gets triggered over Lindell, I go running to his website and buy some of his great merchandise to donate to local Veterans. We get brutal winters where I live and the men and women who served appreciate a warm bathrobe and slippers as good as his. Let's go see what he's got on sale today.

Thanks for inspiring me to go help Lindell earn that five million.

And imagine it when millions of people do the same thing. Your hate is a huge driver of his business.

Five million? :laughing0301: Of course it's a good bit more than your monthly welfare check, but it means zip to him.


Cool! Any publicity that man gets is good publicity and he loves it!

Every time one of you assclowns gets triggered over Lindell, I go running to his website and buy some of his great merchandise to donate to local Veterans. Let's go see what he's got on sale today.

And imagine it when millions of people do the same thing. Your hate is a huge driver of his business.

Five million? :laughing0301: Of course it's a good bit more than your monthly welfare check, but it means zip to him.


Lindell is facing Dominion, the same folks that just put Fox in the corner to the tune $787,000,000.

Lindell's net worth, including My Pillow, is estimated at $174,000,000. So you're gonna need to pick up the pace on your purchases from Mike.

At about $40 a pop for a MyPillow, you'll need to buy about 15 million more if Lindell is to have a chance to pay out a Fox sized settlement.

And every last penny you pay would go to Dominion. Plus, you'll have a chance to start buying MyDominion pillows.

Sounds like a win for everyone!
Cool! Any publicity that man gets is good publicity and he loves it!

Every time one of you assclowns gets triggered over Lindell, I go running to his website and buy some of his great merchandise to donate to local Veterans. We get brutal winters where I live and the men and women who served appreciate a warm bathrobe and slippers as good as his. Let's go see what he's got on sale today.

Thanks for inspiring me to go help Lindell earn that five million.

And imagine it when millions of people do the same thing. Your hate is a huge driver of his business.

Five million? :laughing0301: Of course it's a good bit more than your monthly welfare check, but it means zip to him.

You're not buying enough. Send him more money. He says he lost $100 million...

... use your anger from the post to buy more mypillows!

Or....if you're interested in the truth. Fox lied and has to pay hundreds of millions. Lindell lied, and he has to be $5 million. We have court or arbitration rulings on both. Their claims have been weight and measured.

With a $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion waiting in the wings.

That's definitely newsworthy.

So much so, we already have plenty of threads out it.
Many people do not believe our corrupted power structure anymore. They are in bed with each other. Ironically, they are using Lindell's products to sleep on. There are many good people still in those positions though.
Meh, a day's worth of sales of the new 2.0 cooling pillow should take care of that. ;)

Say what you will about the guy but he does make a pretty darn good pillow.

I'll never be able to sleep on anything else.

And his towels are huge and soft and very absorbent. Only negative -- I wish there were more colors.

His thick mattress topper made my really uncomfortable mattress perfect, until I can get around to buying a new mattress.

That bathrobe is so warm and cozy in winter!


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