His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

How many threads are there on this almost-non-story?

It must be that MSNBC and CNN are covering this non-stop. My gosh, our nation is in rapid decline and you all clown around about Mike Lindell.

We are so cooked
You'd better decide if you want white or red wine with yer cooked self.
What is it you have said in the other thread? Why are you so 'triggered'?

Your unwillingness to move beyond Trump not only makes you look the fool, it has torn the nation apart. You all could have just accepted that he won without having this ongoing, puerile fit. But no, couldn't be. You attacked from every angle and it has consumed--and destroyed--the country.

Yep, in a nutshell - that's what led to our current debacle.

The Left threw a hissy fit and went insane.

His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.

While I never trust CNN to report things as they actually are, Mike Lindell's net worth is something like $330 million. I doubt he'll be hurt much if he does have to pay a $5 million bet.
How many threads are there on this almost-non-story?

It must be that MSNBC and CNN are covering this non-stop. My gosh, our nation is in rapid decline and you all clown around about Mike Lindell.

We are so cooked

How come Lindel going around the country, lying to the people about a stolen election that never happened, is no big deal?

The January 6 rioters tried to overthrow the government because of this lie, but you say it’s no big deal. Hunters laptop!!!! Hunters laptop!!!!!!

These are actual court cases where judges, are holding the Repulican leaders and influencers to account financially, for their lies.

There are none so blind as those who refused to see.

His Lies are Gonna Cost Him

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been ordered to follow through with a $5 million payment to cyber security expert Robert Zeidman, the person who debunked his false election data. Zeidman accepted the MyPillowGuy’s challenge to debunk the "data" that Lindell possessed and claimed "proved" the 2020 election was "stolen."

“‘Based on the foregoing analysis, Mr. Zeidman performed under the contract,’ the arbitration panel wrote in its decision. ‘He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data. Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Just like his grifter buddy trump, Lindell greatly overestimates his intelligence and believes he can fool everyone. And, just like his grifter buddy trump, only the right-wing nuts continue to be taken in by Lindell’s lies and his fake election data. Robert Zeidman’s analysis exposed the many inaccuracies in Lindell’s so-called “proof”.

Coupled with Zeidman’s analysis, Lindell’s challenge, and his overestimate of his own intelligence, the MyPillowGuy’s lie about election fraud is going to cost him $5 million.

However, unlike his grifter buddy trump, Mike's got all those pillows to cry into.


Ancient American proverb: Don't let ye mouth write checks ye ass can't cash, lol

Yeah, but WHOSE truth?

The only truth that's real to the leftist vermin is THEIR truth.

Aren't they entertaining?

Better than the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.


When it comes to the stolen election, there are no alternative truths. Even Trump knew he lost.

Before the election, Donald Trump said that, even if he lost the election he would claim he won. He told you what he was going to do and then he did it.

He thought he could get the Supreme Court to overturn the election because he appointed those three judges. They owed him. Thats why he said the courts will decide the election.

But when Trump lost all of his court cases, Trump pivoted to trying to overthrow the election.

Now, Trump is losing all of his criminal cases as well. Trump has always lost his lawsuits, he just stretches the mouth for as long as possible and tries to grind the opposition into dust or he hopes they’ll run out of money. The federal government has all the money in the world to continue to prosecute him and all he’s going to do by stretching it is out is delay the inevitable.

I'll never be able to sleep on anything else.

And his towels are huge and soft and very absorbent. Only negative -- I wish there were more colors.

His thick mattress topper made my really uncomfortable mattress perfect, until I can get around to buying a new mattress.

That bathrobe is so warm and cozy in winter!


Yes, his products are such high quality that he’s lost multiple lawsuits involving millions of dollars for false and misleading advertising.

You’re really going out of your way today to prove how gullible and stupid you truly are.

Most people make a point of not financially supporting liars and con artists. It’s people like you that keep the grift alive.
.Yeah, but WHOSE truth?

The only truth that's real to the leftist vermin is THEIR truth.

Aren't they entertaining?

Better than the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.

You can repeat this all you want, just like you can keep repeating that the earth is flat. Repeating the falsity doesn't make something that's untrue a fact.

60+ courts looked at the so-called evidence of election irregularities and each court, including some Trump-appointed/conservative judges, rejected the claims.
You can repeat this all you want, just like you can keep repeating that the earth is flat. Repeating the falsity doesn't make something that's untrue a fact.

60+ courts looked at the so-called evidence of election irregularities and each court, including some Trump-appointed/conservative judges, rejected the claims.


Ancient American proverb: Don't let ye mouth write checks ye ass can't cash, lol
Everyone has opinions. Progs picked this man out to destroy. All due to political party choice. This man should be celebrated for getting his life in order and becoming a success. Unlike many people who are hired for equity like the "bud light" VP lady. Many people have egos that cash checks and are vacant behind the exterior.
Everyone has opinions.

We're not talking about opinions. Lindell made a legally-binding pledge to pay for anyone who took him up on his challenge.

Progs picked this man out to destroy. All due to political party choice. This man should be celebrated for getting his life in order and becoming a success. Unlike many people who are hired for equity like the "bud light" VP lady. Many people have egos that cash checks and are vacant behind the exterior.

The above reads like a mindless drug-induced rant. Has nothing to do with the case at hand.

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