Hispanic heritage month and the Mexican American War. Do other nations have politicians lobbying to celebrate those who killed their people?

15,000 American soldiers were killed in the Mexican American War….it seems awfulluy bizarre that we’d ask our people to support a celebration of the heritage of thos who killed our people. Do politicians in other nations pitch this kind of lunacy?

Im all for it..its only history. And while were going there bring back the Confederate flag and statues of Robert E. Lee as well. Its only historical and theres not much difference.
Well hell…when should we start celebrating Nazis and Al qaeda?
Al Qaeda won the first time Washington had Eid at the end of Ramadan. New York announces its capitulation every day with the call to prayers. It goes well with the victory mosque at the site of the destroyed World Trade Center.
* In all fairness, even Congressman Abraham Lincoln felt that the war with Mexico was wrong.

* And some people say that Texas declared independence of Mexico because that country prohibited slavery.

* Finally, it is just practical politics to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month because demographers say that eventually Hispanic people will eventually be the majority of Americans. (Los Angeles, for example, is now a Hispanic-majority city.)
15,000 American soldiers were killed in the Mexican American War….it seems awfulluy bizarre that we’d ask our people to support a celebration of the heritage of thos who killed our people. Do politicians in other nations pitch this kind of lunacy?

Yes. It's called Confederates Day. Also Hispanic heritage isn't restricted to people from Mexico. Moron.
* In all fairness, even Congressman Abraham Lincoln felt that the war with Mexico was wrong.

* And some people say that Texas declared independence of Mexico because that country prohibited slavery.

Actually Texians revolted because Santa reneged on the agreements with the Anglo colonies and then raised taxes, and when the colonists refused to pay he invaded and of course massacred local citizens. Mexicans were fine with slavery in Texas; they suddenly changed their minds when the Apache and Comanches raids into Mexico got fewer and fewer as the savage red thugs turned to butchering white people as well.


As anyone can see from the map, neither Mexico nor Spain before them had any genuine control of even northern Mexico, much less Texas and California, and protected no one.

the short answer is Mexicans and 'Native Americans' are still full of shit and just whining because they lost.
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15,000 American soldiers were killed in the Mexican American War….it seems awfulluy bizarre that we’d ask our people to support a celebration of the heritage of thos who killed our people. Do politicians in other nations pitch this kind of lunacy?

24 times that many were killed by the CSA and you have no problem with statues honoring them.
24 times that many were killed by the CSA and you have no problem with statues honoring them.

Northern armies killed over 700,000 blacks in the South. You have no problem ignoring that. They crammed them into 'contraband camps' and left them to starve and die from disease epidemic, while forcing a few to work govt. run plantations.
15,000 American soldiers were killed in the Mexican American War….it seems awfulluy bizarre that we’d ask our people to support a celebration of the heritage of thos who killed our people. Do politicians in other nations pitch this kind of lunacy?

Are you that much of an idiot to not realize Hispanics were in the US, even before there was a US? Damn you're dumb son.

We still celebrate Italian and German heritage even though WW2 was a thing.
15,000 American soldiers were killed in the Mexican American War….it seems awfulluy bizarre that we’d ask our people to support a celebration of the heritage of thos who killed our people. Do politicians in other nations pitch this kind of lunacy?

Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?

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