Hispanic School Officials Discriminating Against Black Students?

Blackies, hispanics and gooks! Oh my!!!

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I bet blacks are hoping whitey steps in and fix's it all for them

If blacks in America think whites are racist, they ain't seen nothing yet.

Hispanics hate blacks, and they don't have any guilt about it.

Hey The Old Stool, you're a weirdo
I bet blacks are hoping whitey steps in and fix's it all for them

If blacks in America think whites are racist, they ain't seen nothing yet.

Hispanics hate blacks, and they don't have any guilt about it.

Hey The Old Stool, you're a weirdo

Lol. You wrote that an hour ago... no one cared... so you deleted it and posted it again for the bump.

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Where I live, the hispanics drove the blacks away.

Looks like they are doing the same in Watts now
American Blacks should go visit a few South American Countries, maybe then they'd learn what racism really is!
Hispos don't bother with that PC crap like stupid whites do. Hispos know negros are inferior and they want nothing to do with them.
No one gives a shit like the whitey. Blacks are fucked when whitey is gone...Whitey was the only one that gave a damn about rights for all.

Blacks should be allies with whites instead of enemies.

For a smart guy, your brain runs away from you on the topic of race.
I bet blacks are hoping whitey steps in and fix's it all for them

If blacks in America think whites are racist, they ain't seen nothing yet.

Hispanics hate blacks, and they don't have any guilt about it.

Hey The Old Stool, you're a weirdo

No....They will BLAME whites for this...
This has been a long time coming.
Back when Cubans were moving into South Florida and Miami-Dade in particular, they began to become politically active, opened businesses and were able to vote in numbers to make their communities better for them.
Of course, the black people who once inhabited these places in great numbers were not as politically active and did not invest in their community. In the 80's black leaders began to complain. Saying the Cubans were "taking over" Miami.
I remember one black leader saying that when whites were in charge we were second class citizens, Now that the Cubans are here we are third class citizens.
The moral to the story is, black people in these communities had every opportunity to do exactly as the Cuban immigrants did while they held the majority in population. They did not. Instead they stood back and complained.
Now this is not to say that black people are not entrepreneurs and professionals. They are. And many are quite successful. Its that the achievers left those poorer towns and cities for better conditions. The Cubans have a much deeper sense of community. They work within the community to make it better. This is not to say that Cubans by nature do things better. They just do things differently.
I guess we're seeing this in Los Angeles with the Latino population there.
Unfortunately a lot of this has to do with black self segregation as well.
White liberals don't know how to respond to this situation
Hispanics are not going to feel sorry for blacks the way whites do.

If not for whites, hispanics would have wiped blacks out by now.

Eventually it will be hispanics who drive blacks out of America

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