Historian Anne Applebaum suggests that it is “Russian propaganda” to say that the west has deteriorated or degenerated culturally


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Applebaum was speaking on PBS radio recently talking about various events.

Did somebody mention to Applebaum that Russia can be an autocratic country led by a dictator while at the same time everybody can recognize that the United States and much of Western Europe has changed culturally. What many would say is indeed degeneracy for example men getting naked in front of children in San Francisco… what is that? What are you going to call that if people don’t call it degeneracy… what are they going to call it? Seriously what do people on the left wing call that? Because it didn’t exist when our parents or grandparents were around.

Applebaum is a historian who has been extremely critical of the Soviet Union and its successor The Russian Federation. Which begs another question what are these people like Applebaum looking for? There is no more communism in Russia what do they expect to happen? They want every country in the world to be the same as America?

Now btw if every country acted like America did 100 years ago or so …well yes it will probably be a much better world. But that’s coming from an American who respects our countries history…. we obviously have a portion of Americans who dislike our countries history while never talking about the history of other countries of the world.
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Other countries history is not our concern. Just the same I know of no one that cares what Russia thinks about the U.S.
The OP adores the current Russian genocide campaign.

That is, he's a proud Russian Nazi.

As is the case with any Russia-defender, if he says something is "degenerate", it must actually be an example of good morality.
What percentage of lefties support men urinating on each other at so-called pride festivals in San Francisco. Or the many parades we’ve seen all over on Twitter video showing us men totally naked on public streets with children present. What is the 10% of the American left, 5% or is it worse? Is it higher than that?

What percentage of the left-wing in response to these facts will troll the topic and make jokes about it. I’m guessing it’s about 5%. They will come into these topics Start using very vulgar language launch unprovoked attacks against others. They never actually addressed the core issues. They immediately engage in name-calling and one line trolling. It’s hilarious but also sad.

When somebody calls another a “Russian propagandist” its another a way of silencing free speech. This is what the radical left does. There is a portion of the left that doesn’t care or know about conflicts in the world like in Russia, but they do support the radical left agenda, including pedophilia. Then there was another portion of the left that knows this is going on and simply doesn’t care about it and anything that somebody presents to them that they don’t like they will turn around and call that person a “Russian propagandist.”

I’ve seen some of the most critical people of Russia… people who dislike Russian politics and Vladimir Putin called Russian propagandists because they don’t like the left-wing agenda. Again It is both hilarious and sad at the same time.
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