Historical Fact: The Economy does better under Democratic Administrations than Republican

healthcare system that was supposed to cost $2,500 less but increased costs 3 times. The problem today is that too many stupid people listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lamestream, fake news and actually believe what those propaganda machines are telling them. Just look at the few here who think the tax cuts aren't going to help...

It's not how much the government "taxes" that matters, it's how much it spends. The Republicans aren't reducing, aren't even slowing increases, in government spending. Mere tax cuts, per se, are a form of fraud. We'll still end up paying the government's growing bills, one way or another.

Obamacare has resulted in cost increases because it only throws money at the problem. The health industry just absorbs the extra money in the form of increased costs.
yeah cause I so loved sitting in lines to buy gas in the late 70's.

"It seems like..."

Well given that he doesn't himself believe in it, no.

Trump has you bleeving whatever he says. You all quote his bullshit as fact.

Was he lying? Why was he giving credit to Democrats?

Because he's a Democrat. That's why. You'll see. If and when the Democrats win back Congress, Trump will revert to type.

"It seems like..."

Well given that he doesn't himself believe in it, no.

Trump has you bleeving whatever he says. You all quote his bullshit as fact.

Was he lying? Why was he giving credit to Democrats?

Because he's a Democrat. That's why. You'll see. If and when the Democrats win back Congress, Trump will revert to type.

And now, you are not believing the bullshit you spew.

"It seems like..."

Well given that he doesn't himself believe in it, no.

Trump has you bleeving whatever he says. You all quote his bullshit as fact.

Was he lying? Why was he giving credit to Democrats?

Because he's a Democrat. That's why. You'll see. If and when the Democrats win back Congress, Trump will revert to type.

And now, you are not believing the bullshit you spew.

Trump likes to make deals. He has crawled into bed with Muslims and third world thugs to make deals.

Trump like to make deals and take credit for the work of others.

He won't care if it is Democrats or Republicans who put bills on his desk to sign. He will take credit and crow from the rooftop regardless.

And he has a track record of supporting an Assault Weapons Ban and single payer healthcare. So guess what will happen if the Dems win.

He's already been seen in public stroking Pelosi and Schumer.

And he believes the economy does better under Democrats.

And he loooooooooves to spend YOUR money.

You'll see.
Your charts prove nothing but that the media are liars.

Is Trump a liar?

Here he is on Fake News CNN when he was a cut-and-run Democrat not too long ago:

So, The Don made a mistake and came to his senses...you keep saying your are a conservative and now that the Don has signed in tax breaks, do you agree with his policy?

Your charts prove nothing but that the media are liars.

Is Trump a liar?

Here he is on Fake News CNN when he was a cut-and-run Democrat not too long ago:

So, The Don made a mistake and came to his senses...you keep saying your are a conservative and now that the Don has signed in tax breaks, do you agree with his policy?


Do I agree with another $1.5 trillion of debt? FUCK NO!

Do I agree with preserving government gifts for special interests and lowering the tax rate which was so high because of them to begin with? FUCK NO!

Do I agree with keeping the taxpaying playing field unlevel? FUCK NO!

You have no fucking clue what fiscal conservatism is.
The right way to lower tax rates is the method which I have been advocating since coming to this forum.

Eliminate the $1.4 TRILLION in tax expenditures we spend every year. Then you will have a MASSIVE surplus which can be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

Then once the debt is paid off, you can lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

That's not what the GOP has done. Far from it.

Instead, they have lowered the tax rate on corporations WITHOUT ELIMINATING THE TAX EXPENDITURES WHICH MADE IT SO HIGH TO BEGIN WITH!

These dumb shits who are crowing over this fucking abortion don't even realize they are celebrating their own asses getting raped.

And so we are piling another $1.5 TRILLION of debt on our country's books. A great deal of which will be owed to China.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.

Delusional Moon Bat.

Under the last filthy ass Democrat President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economy growth. The welfare queens and illegals did great but everybody else suffered.

Thank god Trump is undoing the damage done by the Democrats, without their help.


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