History Channel's Series..The Bible

Death. War. God taking a side and sending people to kill other people, animals, every living thing because He said for them to do it. Even children.

I don't understand. He is all powerful. He is God. Why pit his children against each other? I don't get it.
Death. War. God taking a side and sending people to kill other people, animals, every living thing because He said for them to do it. Even children.

I don't understand. He is all powerful. He is God. Why pit his children against each other? I don't get it.
I wouldn't put too much stock in what they're saying. Always better to do your own research, rather than rely on Hollywood to give you accurate information.
Granny thinks he looks like dat homeless guy dat had the golden voice...
‘The Bible’ producers say Satan-Obama link is ‘utter nonsense’
Monday, March 18, 2013 : The History channel says the resemblance between President Obama and the Satan character in its new mini-series “The Bible” is coincidental and wasn’t intended to be a political statement.
Social media websites lit-up Sunday night during and after an episode in which an actor portraying Satan led many viewers to speculate if the link was intentional. The buzz lead executive producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey to address the issue, with both denying the accusations as “utter nonsense.” “The actor who played Satan, Mehdi Ouzaani, is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics — including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our president,” said the producers in a joint statement.

Ms. Downey added: “Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love our president, who is a fellow Christian. False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of 'The Bible.' “ The History channel also issues a statement saying it “has the highest respect for President Obama.” “The series was produced with an international and diverse cast of respected actors. It’s unfortunate that anyone made this false connection. History’s 'The Bible' is meant to enlighten people on its rich stories and deep history.”

Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck, in a Twitter post prior to the episode’s airing, asked if “anyone else think the Devil in The Bible Sunday on History Channel looks exactly like That Guy?” On Monday, he attempted to tamp down the rumor mill, tweeting; “Media — relax. Actor has been in similar roles b4. Funny, nothing more. For different reasons, TheBible is 1 of my fav shows. Keep watching.”

Read more: 'The Bible' producers say Satan-Obama link is 'utter nonsense' - Washington Times
I have enjoyed it so far also like Vikings that comes on right after it.

Vikings is supposed to be really good. I'll have to get around to watching it one of these days. But I can't imagine "The Bible" is any better than the countless other attempts by the history channel to overly dramatize the bible, or to use it as evidence that aliens visited Earth, or whatever they think the lowest common denominator wants to watch.
I watched some of The Bible and found it very cheeseily done.

Noah was Scottish? Who knew!

Mark Burnett (Survivor) and Roma Downey spent 4 years on this. Did you know they're married? I didn't.
I watched some of The Bible and found it very cheeseily done.

Noah was Scottish? Who knew!

Mark Burnett (Survivor) and Roma Downey spent 4 years on this. Did you know they're married? I didn't.

i don't even know who they are lol
Death. War. God taking a side and sending people to kill other people, animals, every living thing because He said for them to do it. Even children.

I don't understand. He is all powerful. He is God. Why pit his children against each other? I don't get it.
I wouldn't put too much stock in what they're saying. Always better to do your own research, rather than rely on Hollywood to give you accurate information.

I have not seen the TV show, but I have read the bible, and God does have Joshua kill every living thing and destroy all property in the land which God gives to the Israelites. There are several kingdoms there when the Israelites arrive after their long journey out of bondage in Egypt, and they have to slaughter all of the existing inhabitants before they settle down there.

I do not know if that is what Gracie is talking about, though.
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It's complicated stuff. Pinpoint that which confuses you and then read the Book with an eye to gleaning the information you seek. It's all in there.
It is EXTREMELY complicated for me. I watched the part last night where Daniel was tossed to the lions, Herod did his thang, Jesus is born.

Which made me wonder....why do the Jews still deny God in the form of His son Jesus? Is this why they keep having so many probs? Why can't they believe Jesus could be born of God, in a virgins body, and was sent to save all mankind. So I googled it and found this website.

I am not Jewish. But much of what I believe leans that way...except about Jesus. So I am really just confused and off put about the whole thing and don't think I will watch any more episodes. It makes me sad and it overwhelms me. I am just an itty bitty human wondering along with all other humans what we are, who we are, where we are going and the age old question of "is there?".

Anyway...check this out. For those who ARE Jewish..does this about sum it up in laymans terms why you don't believe Jesus is/was/is the messiah?

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus, why Jews reject Jesus

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
Jewish belief is based on national revelation.
I look at life as a gift.

If you give your child a gift, do they question why? What for? What the heck did you do that for?

No. They accept it gladly.

The child is then able to exercise its own free will to do with the gift as the child pleases.

The child can smash it to pieces and then cry over what a lousy piece of crap the gift is, or the child can handle it with care and get years of enjoyment from it.

What have you done with your gift?
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There are no perfect beings, unless you believe in angels. Angels are perfect. But they are perfect because they have no free will.

If you believe in Jesus, you may also believe Jesus is perfect.

But you, and I, and the neighbors down the street and across the world...not perfect.

No matter how hard you try...not perfect.

When someone decides to have a child, they know going in the child is not going to be perfect. The kid is going to make mistakes.

But they have a child anyway! Amazing! Here, kid, I give you the gift of life.

The parent makes commandments. These commandments are designed to protect the kid from the kid's foolish ways. "Thou shalt look both ways before crossing the street upon pain of death". "Thou shalt heed me." And so on.

And that day comes when the kid screws up. Disobeys. Breaks something. Says a naughty word. Hits the cat.

Does that mistake change the way the parent feels about their child?

Hell no! The love is unchanged.

Okay, kid, you messed up. Work on that, okay?

One day the kid does something really, really bad. Now the kid is petrified. The kid knows big trouble is going to come down from above.

A gap has opened up between the child and the parent now. To the child, it seems like a massive chasm. Too big to leap across back to the parent's favor.

But the parent reaches across that chasm and brings the child back. That's what parents do.

That's what God does. He knew we weren't going to be perfect, but made us anyway. Amazing!

You do your best, and when you screw up it does not change his love for you. And when you feel you haven't a chance, he reaches across and brings you to the side of the angels.

That's what "Jesus died for our sins" means. God reached across the gulf and brought you back to the angels. Jesus paid the price of your screwup that put you on the wrong side of the chasm.

You do your best, God makes up the difference.

Good to go!
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THANK you g5000. That sums up a lot of stuff and makes me feel....loved by God. Not so confused. Not so overwhelmed.

You are a blessing to me.

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