History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Actually, it is righties who close the ponds you have been fishing in
If you are unable to move to another pond, they blame you

I am familiar with the grasshopper and the ants. The ants struggle and work day and night so that one ant can become incredibly wealthy. Any ant that can’t keep up get driven from the group

Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety nine work and almost all the money goes to one ant. The ant that is struggling is not getting that revenue

Deciding to drop out of school, not pursue an income, having children you can't afford is not being a victim. They are a product of their own doing.

You want to see a victim, look to government. Thanks to government, I lost my healthcare insurance. Thanks to government, I may be losing my career, and at 60 years old, very difficult to start a new one. That's victimhood.
More blame the victim

Those who create the wealth get a very small share of it
Meanwhile, our government protects those who monopolize available wealth

There is no such thing as "available wealth." It's a lie that's been told to you. Anybody in this country can make as much money as they desire. There is no limit because there is no available wealth.

The people who create the wealth are those who took a risk, invested their own money, took on all the responsibilities in creating their product or services. Workers do not create wealth, we simply do the work. Saying workers are the ones who created the wealth is as ridiculous as saying the roadies helped create that hit song that put them on tour.
Yes, there is
It is the size of the pie

The workers create wealth. Capitalists just move Money around

Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

They have been educated by delusional know nothings indoctrinated by foolish, useful idiots.....
Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety nine work and almost all the money goes to one ant. The ant that is struggling is not getting that revenue

Deciding to drop out of school, not pursue an income, having children you can't afford is not being a victim. They are a product of their own doing.

You want to see a victim, look to government. Thanks to government, I lost my healthcare insurance. Thanks to government, I may be losing my career, and at 60 years old, very difficult to start a new one. That's victimhood.
More blame the victim

Those who create the wealth get a very small share of it
Meanwhile, our government protects those who monopolize available wealth

There is no such thing as "available wealth." It's a lie that's been told to you. Anybody in this country can make as much money as they desire. There is no limit because there is no available wealth.

The people who create the wealth are those who took a risk, invested their own money, took on all the responsibilities in creating their product or services. Workers do not create wealth, we simply do the work. Saying workers are the ones who created the wealth is as ridiculous as saying the roadies helped create that hit song that put them on tour.
Yes, there is
It is the size of the pie

The workers create wealth. Capitalists just move Money around


So tell me, how much wealth does a worker create when there is no place that will pay them for that work?
Very good
It assumes that the poor have the mobility to move to other ponds and that they will be allowed to fish once they get there

Happens to every migration where the poor move en mass to new locations
Leftyism can be a crippling curse, but there are probably ways to overcome it long enough to find a righty who will point you to another body of water that contains fish.

Ever hear of the story about the ant and the grasshopper? This story polarizes lefties as well.
Actually, it is righties who close the ponds you have been fishing in
If you are unable to move to another pond, they blame you

I am familiar with the grasshopper and the ants. The ants struggle and work day and night so that one ant can become incredibly wealthy. Any ant that can’t keep up get driven from the group

Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety five work and almost all the money goes to five ants The ants that are struggling are not getting that revenue


That's because they don't deserve that revenue. The people who deserve the revenue are the ones that created it. You can't get a job at a grocery store stocking shelves and claim you should earn just as much as the company that put that store there.
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return
Leftyism can be a crippling curse, but there are probably ways to overcome it long enough to find a righty who will point you to another body of water that contains fish.

Ever hear of the story about the ant and the grasshopper? This story polarizes lefties as well.
Actually, it is righties who close the ponds you have been fishing in
If you are unable to move to another pond, they blame you

I am familiar with the grasshopper and the ants. The ants struggle and work day and night so that one ant can become incredibly wealthy. Any ant that can’t keep up get driven from the group

Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety five work and almost all the money goes to five ants The ants that are struggling are not getting that revenue


That's because they don't deserve that revenue. The people who deserve the revenue are the ones that created it. You can't get a job at a grocery store stocking shelves and claim you should earn just as much as the company that put that store there.
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return

If they were creating the wealth, then they should be in charge of how it's distributed.....no???

As we know, they are not in charge of it. Why? Because they didn't create it--their employers did. And since it's the employer that created the wealth, that's the reason they are in charge of it.
Actually, it is righties who close the ponds you have been fishing in
If you are unable to move to another pond, they blame you

I am familiar with the grasshopper and the ants. The ants struggle and work day and night so that one ant can become incredibly wealthy. Any ant that can’t keep up get driven from the group

Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety five work and almost all the money goes to five ants The ants that are struggling are not getting that revenue


That's because they don't deserve that revenue. The people who deserve the revenue are the ones that created it. You can't get a job at a grocery store stocking shelves and claim you should earn just as much as the company that put that store there.
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return

If they were creating the wealth, then they should be in charge of how it's distributed.....no???

As we know, they are not in charge of it. Why? Because they didn't create it--their employers did. And since it's the employer that created the wealth, that's the reason they are in charge of it.

The workforce should have more of a say in how wealth is distributed. They used to form unions to provide a seat at the bargaining table

Republicans have done what they can to destroy those unions
Actually, we live in a society where many of the ants are working, and giving to the ants that don't feel like working. The ants don't do this freely of course, they are forced to.

The ants with the most are that way because they traded their services or products in exchange for food, and the ants that gave them the food did so willingly--not by force of government.
More Conservative blame the victim

Out of one hundred ants, ninety five work and almost all the money goes to five ants The ants that are struggling are not getting that revenue


That's because they don't deserve that revenue. The people who deserve the revenue are the ones that created it. You can't get a job at a grocery store stocking shelves and claim you should earn just as much as the company that put that store there.
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return

If they were creating the wealth, then they should be in charge of how it's distributed.....no???

As we know, they are not in charge of it. Why? Because they didn't create it--their employers did. And since it's the employer that created the wealth, that's the reason they are in charge of it.

The workforce should have more of a say in how wealth is distributed. They used to form unions to provide a seat at the bargaining table

Republicans have done what they can to destroy those unions

Sure we did, and do you know why? Because unions were chasing jobs out of our state and country. I can't tell you how many customers we lost in the past because of unions.

They didn't just provide them a seat, they virtually took over companies when they got too strong. They told the companies who they could hire, who they could fire, how much they will pay regardless of work output, and who they could promote.

For places with strong unions, the rule is as long as you are at work and breathing, you have a job. You don't get pay increases based on merit, you get them because your union forced them to give you pay increases.

Thank goodness they're gone. One of the few customers we had that were union, the workers voted the union out. The top paying job was given to a guy that couldn't do the job, and was considered the laziest of them all. The owner had to do the job for him. But the union said because of seniority, they had to give that worker the job.

The employees got pissed. They got together and voted out the union. The owner fired the guy that had that job, replaced him with somebody that deserved it, but also fired three other employees that were nothing but a problem. The company is doing much better financially now.
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return

Labor does not create revenue. A capitalist who knows how to manage labor is who creates the revenue. The capitalist pays a fraction to the laborer, fractions to overhead, fractions to taxes, and a fraction for himself.
The workforce should have more of a say in how wealth is distributed. They used to form unions to provide a seat at the bargaining table

Republicans have done what they can to destroy those unions

You sound like a commie. Labor level commies don't have what it takes to run a profitable business or how to create wealth, they can only destroy it. If you put a profitable business or wealth into the hands of those who cannot create profits or wealth, it will dry up. Commies don't realize what happens when they eat the goose who lays the golden eggs.
Even if we were to accept these definitions of Democratic socialism it still begs the question of how we'll pay for "free" healthcare, "free" college, etc? I put quotes around the word "free"to emphasize that it is not free. It will all have to taxpayer supported, meaning that "we" pay for it. The only ones it would be free to are those who don't pay taxes, like college students who aren't working, poor folks who get much more back in refunds than they ever pay into the system, the elderly who no longer work and survive on their social security, etc.

In the healthcare sector, Medicare for All will drive out physicians who will not accept wage and productivity goals that are unfairly placed on them by a government system that makes care available and equal to all. It won't be equal at all. There is not one standard that can be applied to the whole country since there are differences throughout the country that are regional. Plus, physicians will run their own "cash-for-care" and give the government the middle finger - unless of course the government outlaws that as well.

My wife is a healthcare provider and if the government suddenly decided she was to be paid only half of what she earns now, well suffice it to say she'd give up medicine and find another career field where her abilities are the determination on how much can be earned.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - LEAVE MY HEALTHCARE ALONE! As to all the other freebees, the Millennials and Generation Z are greedy and want others to pay for what they want. All that teaches them is if they cry loud enough they'll get a lollipop.
I have a great idea. Let's let a union guy named Earl make all our business decisions. Money, Money, Money. Here is a hint for our commie friends, wages are currently going up. You'll never guess how. By letting business succeed, and driving unemployment down, DEMAND for workers has gone up. It is almost like I read something about that in high school economics.
As long as we have Trumpsters advocating for their version of "capitalism", the socialists will have a chance.
To Conservatives...

Trying to help the wealthy is.......Patriotism
Trying to help the people is.....SOCIALISM

Giving free shit to lefties doesn't really help the people.

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."

Or, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country
As long as we have Trumpsters advocating for their version of "capitalism", the socialists will have a chance.
Our version? What is that exactly?
Alan Greenspan's version.

The version he later admitted before Congress was wrong and led to the Meltdown.

I know. You haven't been told about this, and I know you won't look it up.

You asked.
Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?

This is a pretty legit question, and the answer is that the three of them combined are about the same population as Florida.

But there's a better example of a system that has limited socialism, and you're probably standing in it. We are a capitalist society, obviously, but we also have:

- Social Security
- Medicaid and Medicare
- VA Health Care
- The GI Bill
- All of the military, for that matter
- Cops and fire fighters
- Secret Service and Border Patrol
- Public defenders
- Trash collection, sewers, and landfills
- Crash-free airports
- Roads, bridges, and trains- Public transportation
- Public prisons
- Public libraries and museums
- Public parks and zoos
- Public schools, colleges, and universities
- Pell Grants and government scholarships
- The US Postal Service
- The National Weather Service
- The Peace Corps
- Agriculture and energy subsidies
- Decent food, clean air, clean water
- The CDC
- Snow removal
- Streetlights
- Streets

And a lot more. All of these are examples of socialist programs within our capitalist society.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. The population will pay for security, healthcare, police, fire, and local government to get us roads . That’s not socialism, that’s money pooled for basic life.
Oh, and the population will also give money to charity to care for the needy. Not governmen.

I read Friday that peloser pulled 2.4 billion from Social security to cover costs for her impeachment hoax t
Very true
It is labor that is creating he revenue
They receive only a fraction in return

Labor does not create revenue. A capitalist who knows how to manage labor is who creates the revenue. The capitalist pays a fraction to the laborer, fractions to overhead, fractions to taxes, and a fraction for himself.

It is labor who creates something of value (wealth)
Capitalists just move money around
There is serious confusion shown by some here between "wealth" and money.
For example, a "worker" producing anything produces wealth. Whether the person is paid or not is another matter. In fact, merely learning is wealth creation as it increases capacity.
The workforce should have more of a say in how wealth is distributed. They used to form unions to provide a seat at the bargaining table

Republicans have done what they can to destroy those unions

You sound like a commie. Labor level commies don't have what it takes to run a profitable business or how to create wealth, they can only destroy it. If you put a profitable business or wealth into the hands of those who cannot create profits or wealth, it will dry up. Commies don't realize what happens when they eat the goose who lays the golden eggs.
Allowing workers to collectively bargain is not communism.

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