History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
To Conservatives...

Trying to help the wealthy is.......Patriotism
Trying to help the people is.....SOCIALISM

Giving free shit to lefties doesn't really help the people.

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."


Words to live by

But what do you do when all the fish in the pond are gone ??
Conservatives say......Not my problem, we taught you how to fish

Problems is they act the same way whether the pond is full or empty.

It's like when I got my first apartment back in 1980. I hung a bird feeder on my back porch. When summer came, I finally got to meet my elderly neighbor. He told me that what I am doing for the birds might be doing them more harm than good. He said leaving the feeder out in the colder months is a good thing because there is much less food available for the birds. But if I leave it out all year long, the birds will depend on it so much, they will forget how to obtain food of their own.

Should I become uninterested in feeding the birds any longer, or if I move to another apartment, those birds will likely die off.

I always remembered his words; not because of the birds, but because after a few years, I finally realized that's what government does to it's people--keep out the feeder year after year.
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
So that's your take on the Meltdown.

Well, I'm not surprised.
But what do you do when all the fish in the pond are gone ??
Conservatives say......Not my problem, we taught you how to fish

Indeed lefties are likely to crowd out the pond where they were taught to fish, and strip every last fish out of it, instead of finding other ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans.

Find a righty, and he will point you to another body of water that will contain fish.
Very good
It assumes that the poor have the mobility to move to other ponds and that they will be allowed to fish once they get there

Happens to every migration where the poor move en mass to new locations
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
So that's your take on the Meltdown.

Well, I'm not surprised.

I’m a problem solver, I simplify...that’s what I do.
I could go into a long boring bunch of mumbo-jumbo and enlighten you about Biil Clintons administration and how he was hell-bent on making wetbacks and negroes homeowners...He invented the subprime borrower...you know this...right?
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.
They have been told the crap they spew since birth.
They have been told by teachers the pravda of this BS.

Capitalism has taken more out of poverty than any other system.........Socialism has failed time and time again in history. It ends in 2 classes of people.............the elitist who own everything and the poor begging for a handout.

It isn't capitalism causing our problems.........

Socialism is NOT THE ANSWER...............

No form of gov't can survive if run by immoral and unethical people. And that is what we have today.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!
Because they’ve been lied to.
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
So that's your take on the Meltdown.

Well, I'm not surprised.

I’m a problem solver, I simplify...that’s what I do.
I could go into a long boring bunch of mumbo-jumbo and enlighten you about Biil Clintons administration and how he was hell-bent on making wetbacks and negroes homeowners...He invented the subprime borrower...you know this...right?

Simply this for me, who or what made you into the racist you've become.
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
So that's your take on the Meltdown.

Well, I'm not surprised.

I’m a problem solver, I simplify...that’s what I do.
I could go into a long boring bunch of mumbo-jumbo and enlighten you about Biil Clintons administration and how he was hell-bent on making wetbacks and negroes homeowners...He invented the subprime borrower...you know this...right?

Simply this for me, who or what made you into the racist you've become.

My old man always said....”Son, don’t ever let those dumbmotherfuckers pushing that PC bullshit scare you away from the truth.”
We’re you taught to be scared of truths related to ethnicity?
To Conservatives...

Trying to help the wealthy is.......Patriotism
Trying to help the people is.....SOCIALISM

Giving free shit to lefties doesn't really help the people.

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."


Words to live by

But what do you do when all the fish in the pond are gone ??
Conservatives say......Not my problem, we taught you how to fish

Problems is they act the same way whether the pond is full or empty.

It's like when I got my first apartment back in 1980. I hung a bird feeder on my back porch. When summer came, I finally got to meet my elderly neighbor. He told me that what I am doing for the birds might be doing them more harm than good. He said leaving the feeder out in the colder months is a good thing because there is much less food available for the birds. But if I leave it out all year long, the birds will depend on it so much, they will forget how to obtain food of their own.

Should I become uninterested in feeding the birds any longer, or if I move to another apartment, those birds will likely die off.

I always remembered his words; not because of the birds, but because after a few years, I finally realized that's what government does to it's people--keep out the feeder year after year.

Which government? The Federal Gov't shit-canned AFDC for TANF during the Clinton Administration. I won't explain how aid changed, and which governments now provide it, because I have done so a dozen or so times in the past.

CA has implemented a system which requires a recipient to learn how to fish.

The ignorance on the issue of "welfare" is incredible, for 20 + years you ought to have learned something about it.
Yes, you Trumpsters do get confused if I use words and concepts that aren't simple enough.

One of your "peers" calls it "smart guy mumbo jumbo".

I dumb it down the best I can for you guys. If you still don't get it, tough shit. Go back to your radio.

Sounds like the notion that you are a failing financial advisor hit a soft spot for you, sorry to hear. Being a financial product salesperson can suck just as much as it does for any other sales person. Did you ever hear that 90% of sales income goes to just 10% of the salespeople? I think this is why you are failing as a financial product salesperson, and this is why you hate capitalism.
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Capitalism is a huge part of what made America...it worked almost flawlessly for more than two centuries...Fast forward and we end up invaded by tens of millions of taxpayer dependent wetbacks and suddenly it doesn’t work like it always had....Look bud, face it, you had some wetback friends or some wetbacks even closer to you whom executed mortgage agreements circa 2007-2008, they didn’t speaka da englay or understand what they were agreeing to and their filthy low iQ subhuman asses lost their homes and savings and now you want revenge. That’s all...right?
So that's your take on the Meltdown.

Well, I'm not surprised.

I’m a problem solver, I simplify...that’s what I do.
I could go into a long boring bunch of mumbo-jumbo and enlighten you about Biil Clintons administration and how he was hell-bent on making wetbacks and negroes homeowners...He invented the subprime borrower...you know this...right?

Simply this for me, who or what made you into the racist you've become.

My old man always said....”Son, don’t ever let those dumbmotherfuckers pushing that PC bullshit scare you away from the truth.”
We’re you taught to be scared of truths related to ethnicity?

Nope, I was never taught to be scared. I never heard my dad use the phrase, "dumbmotherfuckers". Thank you for telling me who taught you to be a racist.
But what do you do when all the fish in the pond are gone ??
Conservatives say......Not my problem, we taught you how to fish

Indeed lefties are likely to crowd out the pond where they were taught to fish, and strip every last fish out of it, instead of finding other ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans.

Find a righty, and he will point you to another body of water that will contain fish.
Very good
It assumes that the poor have the mobility to move to other ponds and that they will be allowed to fish once they get there

Happens to every migration where the poor move en mass to new locations
Leftyism can be a crippling curse, but there are probably ways to overcome it long enough to find a righty who will point you to another body of water that contains fish.

Ever hear of the story about the ant and the grasshopper? This story polarizes lefties as well.
I'm a financial/investment advisor, CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65, and a far better capitalist than you'll ever be.

You've been conned. And as a result, you've helped the socialists gain a solid foothold on our society.

Great job, Trumpster. They should be thanking you for your Trumpian mix of arrogance and ignorance.

Your post is word salad. It sounds as if you are a lefty who is defending socialism while you are also claiming to be a great capitalist.

Your job title doesn't mean anything in this post, since you could very well be a failing financial advisor who blames his failure on capitalism.

You claim to a better capitalist than I am, but you don't know enough about me to make that claim.

Quit blaming your incompetence and failure on capitalism.
Yes, you Trumpsters do get confused if I use words and concepts that aren't simple enough.

One of your "peers" calls it "smart guy mumbo jumbo".

I dumb it down the best I can for you guys. If you still don't get it, tough shit. Go back to your radio.

Like an attorney arguing a case in a courtroom....You Lefties like to use big scary words...they make you feel intelligent and important. I don’t mind it at all, I think it’s funny and cute.
(cue the fool to tell me that’s how adults speak and I’m just too stupid to understand)
Like an attorney arguing a case in a courtroom....You Lefties like to use big scary words...they make you feel intelligent and important. I don’t mind it at all, I think it’s funny and cute.
(cue the fool to tell me that’s how adults speak and I’m just too stupid to understand)

Maybe we should nick name Mac "Mr. Ostentatious Argot"...
Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?

This is a pretty legit question, and the answer is that the three of them combined are about the same population as Florida.

But there's a better example of a system that has limited socialism, and you're probably standing in it. We are a capitalist society, obviously, but we also have:

- Social Security
- Medicaid and Medicare
- VA Health Care
- The GI Bill
- All of the military, for that matter
- Cops and fire fighters
- Secret Service and Border Patrol
- Public defenders
- Trash collection, sewers, and landfills
- Crash-free airports
- Roads, bridges, and trains- Public transportation
- Public prisons
- Public libraries and museums
- Public parks and zoos
- Public schools, colleges, and universities
- Pell Grants and government scholarships
- The US Postal Service
- The National Weather Service
- The Peace Corps
- Agriculture and energy subsidies
- Decent food, clean air, clean water
- The CDC
- Snow removal
- Streetlights
- Streets

And a lot more. All of these are examples of socialist programs within our capitalist society.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. The population will pay for security, healthcare, police, fire, and local government to get us roads . That’s not socialism, that’s money pooled for basic life.

First of all, your list only covers about a quarter of mine.

But more to the point, we all put our money into a pot, and then that money is used to pay for all of these goods and services that benefit us all. That is the core of democratic socialism, and it has been going on for your whole life.

Case in point: Ever see one of these? This is a cast iron fire company plaque from the 19th century. Back then, you had to pay a fire company (literally, a company) to cover your house, and they would give you one of these plaques to put beside your front door. If your house caught on fire, and if you didn't have a plaque, they would literally stand by and watch your house burn to ashes. That was what fire protection looked like when it was unchecked capitalism. Eventually, cities started creating public fire departments, paid by public funds, and it was so much cheaper and more effective that the only place you see these plaques any more are in antique shops.

My point: You don't need to be afraid of socialist elements in our gloriously capitalistic society. They're good for us. The word is not inherently evil.

The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Or maybe because the left has controlled education for 4 or so decades that their message is the only one getting across.
Sure, you can run with that.
Do you think there is no truth in that assertion at all?
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

I'd like to know why you and every other conservative in the USA is such an idiot.

Most every liberal and progressive I know does NOT WANT SOCIALISM like in "venezuela" or "cuba"

we are more inclined to want socialism like in Norway and Sweden.

But every time we say that, ignorant morons like you accuse us of wanting SOCIALISM like in Venezuela!


why do you do that?

why do you lie?

who do you accuse us of wanting socialism like VENEZUELA even though we say we do NOT want that, even though we STATE we want socialism like NORWAY.....



are you a lying piece of scum?

or you a ROTTEN lying piece of scum?

do you have a desire to kill people for crimes they didn't actually commit?


we want socialism like in Norway.

Norway is not socialist. They have a few socialized systems, and those systems have problems.

However, none of the Nordic countries are socialist. None of them. They are very much capitalist.

The rich in Norway, are exceptionally rich. The poor in Norway, are poor.

7 Important Facts to Know About Poverty in Norway

Norway recently banned street begging. Because there were too many of them.

One reason poverty in Norway is generally low, is because they tightly control immigration. Even so, the majority of immigrants remain in poverty.

What part of Norway, do you consider "socialist"? They have a homogeneous society that is the exact opposite of multi-cultural.

Lutheran was the official religion of the state up till recently. 77% of population is Christian, and 70% of that is the Church of Norway, which still to this day is funded by the government.

86% of the people are ethnic Norwegians, and the majority of the rest are from similar peoples, like Finish and Roma and other Scandinavian people.

Very little diversity.

As far as tax is concerned, there is very little if any 'redistribution' of wealth in the tax code.

The lower class pays 20% of their income in taxes. The middle class easily 30%, the highest tax level is under 40%.

What this means is that by far, the middle and lower class are losing 1/4th of their income in taxes.
And that doesn't include the sales tax of 25% that typically would hit the poorest people more than the richest.

Then add to that, the fact everything is vastly more expensive. You want to take your wife out on a date out to eat? One person, for one main dish, can easily run you $35. That's for the dish, no drink. Double that if you want to also pay for your wife's meal.

You want go on a road trip, and rent a nice car for your vacation? Average rental, is $170/day... that's for a VW Passat, not an American size SUV. Get comfortable. Oh and don't drive too far, because gas is $7 a gallon.

Now you might say that having a lower standard of living for everyone in the country is fine, because you get free education, and health care.

However, that ignores the problems in the Norwegin health care system.

Norway-USA in contrast: Wages and taxes - The Norwegian American

They have a crisis in the lack of GPs. Low payouts from the health care system, has made being a doctor unattractive. The Trønder rebellion a protest by doctors of the system, is demanding more pay, which of course would require more taxes, or higher fees on patients. Patients in Norway are already required to pay for doctor visits.

Additionally the wait times in Norway are still relatively high compared to the US. In 2017, an article was published here in the US, that wait times were 'soaring' to 24 days to see a doctor in many cities. In Norway, 60 days is normal. And that's just to see a doctor. Surgeries and electives can take months or years. Many Norwegians leave the country for car elsewhere.

‘Socialist’ Nordic Countries Are Actually Moving Toward Private Health Care

This is why even in these Nordic countries that you suggest have seen drastically increasing private markets. Private insurance plans. Private hospitals. One o the key selling points is.... shorter wait times.

So again... nothing socialist about these countries. Very unequal. Not diverse. Extremely capitalist.

There's a reason the PM of Denmark, had to slap Bernie down.

Denmark to American leftists: We’re not socialist
But what do you do when all the fish in the pond are gone ??
Conservatives say......Not my problem, we taught you how to fish

Indeed lefties are likely to crowd out the pond where they were taught to fish, and strip every last fish out of it, instead of finding other ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans.

Find a righty, and he will point you to another body of water that will contain fish.
Very good
It assumes that the poor have the mobility to move to other ponds and that they will be allowed to fish once they get there

Happens to every migration where the poor move en mass to new locations

Anyone can get a job at Wendy's. Anyone can stay a few nights at the shelter.

I don't get what you are saying. Explain it better, because Chris Gardner, (movie pursuit of happiness), spent a few nights at the shelter until he worked and could rent an apartment.

People who have to do that, are able to. So what is your point?

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