History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Haha...you forget, us decent productive folks have seen this shit from the LefTarded many times before...
“Hey good, decent, moral people of America, please be accepting of these men whom like to pound other men in the ass, we swear we’ll wait a few years before we squeeze you for more ‘tolerance’ then we’ll force you to roll the red carpet out for chicks with dicks.”
Dude, please pull your head from your ass and stop allowing the truth to scare the piss out of you...WTF are you a Berkeley student or something?

you use the term "darkie" and then whine about being called a racist!

This is why I am on this forum, this shit is funner than fiction.

Sorry bud, I didn’t realize you were the fragile type...Should I have polished it up with “Blacks and Hispanics” or “minorities” would your pussified ears have heard it differently if I did so? Would that have changed the facts within the matter?
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?
In brief summary:
Poor children, blacks and hispanics are taught by their awesome parents that they are held back by ‘the man’....’the man’ is white and wealthy, he is a capitalist. Public educators affirm this.
Many children raised in affluent homes are raised by the Kardashian’s, MTV, social networking, the media and Hollywood....their tolerant ears hear that everybody is the same and we all deserve to be EQUAL. They are taught that white people only become wealthy because they are white...Public educators affirm this.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane
why do you want to take money from billionaires and give it to the federal government to hand out?

Are you from the mold that a billionaire is taking your money? hahaahahahhhaa
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

I'd like to know why you and every other conservative in the USA is such an idiot.

Most every liberal and progressive I know does NOT WANT SOCIALISM like in "venezuela" or "cuba"

we are more inclined to want socialism like in Norway and Sweden.

But every time we say that, ignorant morons like you accuse us of wanting SOCIALISM like in Venezuela!


why do you do that?

why do you lie?

who do you accuse us of wanting socialism like VENEZUELA even though we say we do NOT want that, even though we STATE we want socialism like NORWAY.....



are you a lying piece of scum?

or you a ROTTEN lying piece of scum?

do you have a desire to kill people for crimes they didn't actually commit?


we want socialism like in Norway.
we are more inclined to want socialism like in Norway and Sweden.

Can't make it up folks, not any way.

Except for the fact that neither Norway or Sweden Socialist, They are capitalist nations....

"Except for the fact that neither Norway or Sweden Socialist, They are capitalist nations..."


And since most liberals and progressives and democrats in the USA want to be more like NORWAY and SWEDEN then you have just verified that we do NOT want "SOCIALISM!".....we want CAPITALISM like NORWAY!
we have affordable healthcare and schools. we also provide better schools for those who wish to pay more and healthcare for those who want additional services. you're mistaken and ignorant.
it sad that the demofks in here can't even admit their position is to remove all private money. Come on you leftist mofo's tell us your truths.

they even want illegals used as slaves. they admit it. they state..

the illegal will work for less money. hahahahahahaha that's called sweatshop currency. it's what china does. and these mofo leftists can't wait to have control over the slave labor.

the kkk never died in their minds.
The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Or maybe because the left has controlled education for 4 or so decades that their message is the only one getting across.
Sure, you can run with that.

Wow, talk about a casual dismissal.

Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?

"Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?"

if by "leftist bent" you mean they are no longer teaching YOUR religion or everyone's kids to hate gays, muslims, atheists, feminists, liberals and progressives then, yes, it has a LEFTIST bent. or a RATIONAL bent, or a REASONABLE bent, or a FAIR bent.....
It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil.
Most of the crony capitalism happens in Blue States.
Link to that claim, please.

Aside from that, the Right has constantly pushed de-regulation, such as that which created the Meltdown; constantly pushed for lower taxes, which have exacerbated our insane wealth disparity; and allowed far too much shallow & simplistic pseudo-libertarianism to pollute its view of markets, even though low-regulation icon Alan Greenspan admitted the role it played in the Meltdown, and that he fucked up.

I know you don't agree. You asked, I answered.

Lower taxes expand wealth disparity?

Who knew gold plated urinals in government bathrooms was the cure...
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

History Is Clear: Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?
In brief summary:
Poor children, blacks and hispanics are taught by their awesome parents that they are held back by ‘the man’....’the man’ is white and wealthy, he is a capitalist. Public educators affirm this.
Many children raised in affluent homes are raised by the Kardashian’s, MTV, social networking, the media and Hollywood....their tolerant ears hear that everybody is the same and we all deserve to be EQUAL. They are taught that white people only become wealthy because they are white...Public educators affirm this.

Meanwhile the 'Middle Class" pays for t all.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?
A better question to ask is why those countries dont have down syndrome babies?

The answer is clear, but the Right doesn't like it. Or, more likely, they won't understand it.

It's the fact that capitalism has been so damaged and distorted that more people are open to other ideas.

And there ya go.

Or maybe because the left has controlled education for 4 or so decades that their message is the only one getting across.
Sure, you can run with that.

Wow, talk about a casual dismissal.

Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?

"Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?"

if by "leftist bent" you mean they are no longer teaching YOUR religion or everyone's kids to hate gays, muslims, atheists, feminists, liberals and progressives then, yes, it has a LEFTIST bent. or a RATIONAL bent, or a REASONABLE bent, or a FAIR bent.....
It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil.

It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil."

I accept your right to not call it HATE

You can, like the muslims, claim you are just exterminating evil......doing god's work.

But I don't consider homosexuality to be evil.

So when you wage war on them I consider YOU to be the aggressor.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.

Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos.

Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism -- a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism -- ruined the postwar Middle East.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Because Work is hard and doesn’t leave enough time to smoke weed, play video games and jack off with their buddies.....and FREE is a word that the socialist educators have inbeded into their heads without explaining that NOTHING IS FREE, whether you pay for it now or down the road!

Q. Socialism Isn't the Cure. So Why Do Millennials Like It?

A. The Conservative Republicans Greed, is the short answer to your question. And it is not only Millennials.

If you are to go to the list of registered voters circa 1900 you will see a high number of people who registered as Socialists - given the wide gap between the wealthy and the hoi polloi - the decades before 1900 are known as the Gilded Age.

That gap exists today. The gap will continue to grow because of the tax fraud written by Ryan and the ill-named Freedom Caucus.

Those who do not read and understand history, are doomed to repeat it.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?

This is a pretty legit question, and the answer is that the three of them combined are about the same population as Florida.

But there's a better example of a system that has limited socialism, and you're probably standing in it. We are a capitalist society, obviously, but we also have:

- Social Security
- Medicaid and Medicare
- VA Health Care
- The GI Bill
- All of the military, for that matter
- Cops and fire fighters
- Secret Service and Border Patrol
- Public defenders
- Trash collection, sewers, and landfills
- Crash-free airports
- Roads, bridges, and trains- Public transportation
- Public prisons
- Public libraries and museums
- Public parks and zoos
- Public schools, colleges, and universities
- Pell Grants and government scholarships
- The US Postal Service
- The National Weather Service
- The Peace Corps
- Agriculture and energy subsidies
- Decent food, clean air, clean water
- The CDC
- Snow removal
- Streetlights
- Streets

And a lot more. All of these are examples of socialist programs within our capitalist society.
Or maybe because the left has controlled education for 4 or so decades that their message is the only one getting across.
Sure, you can run with that.

Wow, talk about a casual dismissal.

Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?

"Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?"

if by "leftist bent" you mean they are no longer teaching YOUR religion or everyone's kids to hate gays, muslims, atheists, feminists, liberals and progressives then, yes, it has a LEFTIST bent. or a RATIONAL bent, or a REASONABLE bent, or a FAIR bent.....
It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil.

It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil."

I accept your right to not call it HATE

You can, like the muslims, claim you are just exterminating evil......doing god's work.

But I don't consider homosexuality to be evil.

So when you wage war on them I consider YOU to be the aggressor.
I don't harm anyone. I believe my Bible and homosexuality is sin against the Creator. I also believe Islam is a satanic cult. There is nothing hateful about believing my Bible. Get over it.
Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?
Irrelevant. All of the EU is socialist and their population is over 400 million. So is Canada Australia New Zealand and Japan. Thanks to the scumbag idiot Rich GOP and the dupes like you, we are the only modern country that doesn't have health care living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly we are the only country who refuses to tax the rich their fair share 4 30 plus years now...
Sure, you can run with that.

Wow, talk about a casual dismissal.

Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?

"Do you truly think the educational community doesn't have a leftist bent in general?"

if by "leftist bent" you mean they are no longer teaching YOUR religion or everyone's kids to hate gays, muslims, atheists, feminists, liberals and progressives then, yes, it has a LEFTIST bent. or a RATIONAL bent, or a REASONABLE bent, or a FAIR bent.....
It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil.

It's not hate. It's an educated value judgment between right and wrong rather than a submission of forced acceptance of evil."

I accept your right to not call it HATE

You can, like the muslims, claim you are just exterminating evil......doing god's work.

But I don't consider homosexuality to be evil.

So when you wage war on them I consider YOU to be the aggressor.
I don't harm anyone. I believe my Bible and homosexuality is sin against the Creator. I also believe Islam is a satanic cult. There is nothing hateful about believing my Bible. Get over it.
Fundamentalists are the problem no matter what religion it is. You people are so easily manipulated with wedge issues that the Republicans do nothing about when they do get in. Separation of church and state is definitely the way to go.
I believe the Nordic Europeans are very happy with their brand of socialism.

Haha..”brand of socialism”....WTF?
Fucking hilarious, I gotta hand it to you...you people really work hard to fabricate new angles to justify your begging for free shit. You’ll go as far as pretending there are multiple definitions for “socialism”. Good ole Mac1958 tries to sell that bullshit constantly.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I see.

- YOU accuse US of wanting "SOCIALISM" (in the extreme sense of the word)
- we explain to you that we don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela or china
- we then say "we like limited socialism like in Norway, where they have a MIX of capitalism and some socialist programs (cheap/affordable health care and education)

even though we can all see Norway and Sweden and Denmark on our globes....

you are truly insane

Good thing you have a microscope
what's the population of those three countries combined?

This is a pretty legit question, and the answer is that the three of them combined are about the same population as Florida.

But there's a better example of a system that has limited socialism, and you're probably standing in it. We are a capitalist society, obviously, but we also have:

- Social Security
- Medicaid and Medicare
- VA Health Care
- The GI Bill
- All of the military, for that matter
- Cops and fire fighters
- Secret Service and Border Patrol
- Public defenders
- Trash collection, sewers, and landfills
- Crash-free airports
- Roads, bridges, and trains- Public transportation
- Public prisons
- Public libraries and museums
- Public parks and zoos
- Public schools, colleges, and universities
- Pell Grants and government scholarships
- The US Postal Service
- The National Weather Service
- The Peace Corps
- Agriculture and energy subsidies
- Decent food, clean air, clean water
- The CDC
- Snow removal
- Streetlights
- Streets

And a lot more. All of these are examples of socialist programs within our capitalist society.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. The population will pay for security, healthcare, police, fire, and local government to get us roads . That’s not socialism, that’s money pooled for basic life.

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