"History Lesson For The Socialist Democrat Party"


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, History that can`t be destroyed by the "Mental Flakes" in this Country!!!

"The Inconvenient Truth About the Socialist Democratic Party"


Rambo Said To Obama At A Press Conference: Thank You Obama For Letting Me Tell The American People About You, And The Socialist Democrat Party! His Response Below:

This is not historical except in your fantasy world.

Yo, there are plenty of FLAKES like yourself, who have "NO CLUE" about the History of the Socialist Democrat Party, so I decided to lend a helping hand to the "LOST SOULS" who think they know everything!!!

This is not historical except in your fantasy world.

OP be so embarrassed by his own point he can't even bring himself to post the video. Even though he can find a way to post a meaningless one.

Prager "U" is a notorious bullshit mythologist. They make fake-history five minute videos apparently hoping to ensnare dipshits like the OP. Because as the saying goes, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And in comes Yo-Yo Boi with his wallet out.

This one's already familiar, already been trotted out in the past and already been shot down. It's basically a script full of fabrications and Composition Fallacies, trying desperately to blame a political party for: "starting the Civil War", "starting the KKK", "imposing segregation", "perpetrating lynchings"... then plugging in outright assumptions like "John Wilkes Booth - a Democrat" and the erroneous DP founding date of "1829". She even tries to float the myth that "the only serious Congressional opposition to CRA 1964 came from the Democrats" -- in spite of LBJ (and Humphrey, and Mansfield, and Clair Engle in spite of his own brain surgery pushing for it. Then of course the fake "200 years" quote.

Oh and then she signs off with "for Prager University" which is in no way a "university" at all. It's just a propaganda tool put together by a completely dishonest hyperpartisan crank who has no relationship with history books. Hell, Rump's own Fraud University was closer to the definition in that it at least assembled its suckers into a meeting hall before taking their money. Prager "U" (named for its hack Dennis Prager, a radio talking head) actually came up with a way to present itself more dishonestly than Rump's discredited Fraud University did.

Gullible's Travels..............
This is not historical except in your fantasy world.

Yo, there are plenty of FLAKES like yourself, who have "NO CLUE" about the History of the Socialist Democrat Party, so I decided to lend a helping hand to the "LOST SOULS" who think they know everything!!!


Yo-Yo Boi, you couldn't find your own nose if I handed you a road map. Your own OP makes that abundantly clear.
In the mid 1970's California was flirting with socialism and the Rev. Jim Jones was their guy. Jones mustered enough votes to get at least one democrat mayor elected in San Francisco and he was photographed with the who's who of the democrat party at the time including Jerry Brown. The Rev. Jones was even awarded the MLK trophy for his racial outreach. Jim Jones seemed like the future of socialism in California even though he was confiscating the property and assets of parishioners. The "people's socialist paradise in Guyana was sanctioned by the California democrat party. How did that work out?
In the mid 1970's California was flirting with socialism and the Rev. Jim Jones was their guy. Jones mustered enough votes to get at least one democrat mayor elected in San Francisco and he was photographed with the who's who of the democrat party at the time including Jerry Brown. The Rev. Jones was even awarded the MLK trophy for his racial outreach. Jim Jones seemed like the future of socialism in California even though he was confiscating the property and assets of parishioners. The "people's socialist paradise in Guyana was sanctioned by the California democrat party. How did that work out?
The word socialism just doesn't produce the fear that communism and fascism once produced. Early on my neighbor would not let the garbage people pick up his garbage because it was socialism, and that led to communism. Conservatives should create a new fear word, one that scares the bejabbers out of people. But this time don't overuse the scare-word, so it might retain most of it's fear,
A simple history lesson for the Democrats: If you veer wildly off course to the extreme left, eventually you will wind up like the Republicans did in 1964 when they went too far toward the right and got clobbered in the election. It took them a generation to recover from that.

Democrats need recover the working class white voters who defected to Trump in 2016, not to chase after wacko liberal ideas. If they don't focus, the "blue wave" some people are forecasting in November isn't going to happen.

If President Trump is so evil, how come his popularity rating has consistently risen this year, now up to 50% of likely voters according to Rasmussen.

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