History made: Army Ranger School to graduate its first female students ever


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Two female soldiers will graduate from the Army’s grueling Ranger School on Friday, becoming the first women to ever complete what is considered one of the U.S. military’s most difficult and premier courses to develop elite fighters and leaders, a senior Army official said.

The accomplishment marks a major breakthrough for women in the armed services at a time when each of the military branches is required to examine how to integrate women into jobs like infantryman in which they have never been allowed to serve. But even as the two new female graduates will be the first women allowed to wear the prestigious Ranger Tab on their uniforms, they still are not allowed to try out for the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, a Special Operations force that remains closed to women and has its own separate, exhausting requirements and training.
History made Army Ranger School to graduate its first female students ever - The Washington Post

Well there you have it. History.
HOWEVER, the 75th Ranger Batallion is still an all-male unit. If i understand correctly these two will wear the Ranger tab but will be returning to their former units.
Big deal......a couple of ugly bull dykes think passing a test makes them a man. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I certainly can't speak for these women or all women or even most women-just myself. When I go into something that has a difficult set of requirements, I am not thinking that I am competing against men. I don't want to be a man. Men don't have anything to do with it.

It is simply myself and the challenge.
HOWEVER, the 75th Ranger Batallion is still an all-male unit. If i understand correctly these two will wear the Ranger tab but will be returning to their former units.
Correct. All four batallions of the 75th Ranger Regiment are all male. Note that Ranger school is not a requirement to serve in the Regiment...that would be the Ranger Assesment and Selection Progam (RASP) I or II, depending on rank. Most leadership roles in the regiment (all the combat arms MOS's) do require Ranger School.
Big deal......a couple of ugly bull dykes think passing a test makes them a man. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Sunni, I've got two 70+ year old female Krav Maga classmates who might want to have a word with you on that. Both of them have earned their black belts over the last couple of years (I'm just starting myself). One of them will be more than happy to beat your ass silly, then bake you the chocolate chip cookies to make you feel better. The other will sew your burial shroud, then put you in it. Neither of them is a man, or wants to be a man; but there's nobody (including the male instructors) in the entire Krav school who ever want to piss either one of them off.
Big deal......a couple of ugly bull dykes think passing a test makes them a man. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I certainly can't speak for these women or all women or even most women-just myself. When I go into something that has a difficult set of requirements, I am not thinking that I am competing against men. I don't want to be a man. Men don't have anything to do with it.

It is simply myself and the challenge.
Are you channeling my wife?
So is it a good thing that two American women are now qualified to engage the enemy in areas that were formerly exclusive to men? Is there a shortage of men or are we going backwards as a Nation?
Big deal......a couple of ugly bull dykes think passing a test makes them a man. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

They were not "Bull Dykes". They were both Officers, graduates of the United States Military Academy. One is Military Police Branch.

Do you have to be a "Dyke" to

1 ) Pass Army, Marine Corp, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force Basic Training? ( 12 & 15 mile road marches - Tactual maneuvers - Weapons assemble and disassembly - Land Navigation - Radio Communication - First aid & buddy aid - Field sanitation - Grenades - 5 mile runs - "Grass Drills")

2) Do you have to be a "Dyke" to be a member of the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit of the various branches?

3) Do you have to be a "Dyke" to be a female in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne and jump out of airplanes?

4) Do you have to be a "Dyke" to go to Military Police School and shoot a 400 mm Grenade Launcher - learn about Prisoner of War - Law of land Warfare - self defense - convoy operations and escort?

Your vision is pretty limited is it not?

These women outdone some of their peers. They took the heat when their peers could not. Some quit, some were released from the class.

Both women done the same thing they learn at the Military Academy, just with more intensity and psychological pain. Ranger School, like West Point teaches leadership. And Ranger School will look good on their records come promotion time. Both now have the ability to lead troops, maneuver with troops, and employ combat firepower with troops. They also now have the ability to advise others......on how and how not to employ a light infantry / Combat unit.

Kudos to these two female Officers. Kudos to these two leaders who went farther, took more pain, made more of the endurance.......than their peers.

Shadow 355
So is it a good thing that two American women are now qualified to engage the enemy in areas that were formerly exclusive to men? Is there a shortage of men or are we going backwards as a Nation?

They were always qualified.

They teach this at "West Point" and in Basic Training.

Hypothetical situation = You are in a field area, at or near a Combat Zone. An enemy force attacks your compound. What do you do?

A ) Provide sustained fire so the female soldiers can escape and evade so they do not get hurt, and/or engage enemy personnel with their weapons?

B ) Tell the female beside you, that has the exact same training ( Basic Combat Training / "Boot Camp") that you have...and wears the same exact uniform, to pick up her weapon and engage the enemy.


All the basics are taught, they always have been. Women deploy to Combat Zones already, such as Military Police, Intelligence Analyst, Linguist, "Riggers" ( That's parachutes folks ) , Transportation, Helicopter pilots....and many other Military Occupation Specialties.

This is not rocket science. This is not segregation, nor separation of powers. This is fact. Women already serve in or near Combat Zones, but "Rangers" are guaranteed....just about, to pull the trigger on bad guys. "Rangers" and many other military units are Forward and/or Rapid deployable. Politicians are worried about being embarrassed about making women a part of a Military Combat Unit ; then them becoming pregnant......or some other crap. When I was in Korea, I slept in the same area as the Women did....AND I HAVE THE pictures to prove it. The women did not sleep separate from the men when I was overseas. Not in Korea, and not in Germany. The only thing that was separate was the showers.

"Ranger" school is about leadership, pushing yourself, and going further in 90% or greater......the topics and classes you already have been taught. The only thing about Ranger school that is set aside is the Mountaineering phase. The rest are done in different environments.......but the same as what you learned before when you joined the Military.

What is the difference between a "Ranger Buddy" in Ranger School, and a "Battle Buddy" in Basic Training? Very - very little.

Some men have the Ego that Rangers and Special Operations is strictly for men, even if she has a four year degree and / or can speak a foreign language.

Women volleyball players, Women Police Officers at the local and Federal Level , Women MMA fighters, Women whom spend more time at the gym than they do home and are in better physical shape than men in "Boot Camp", Women Fire Fighters.....and a host of other professions that make women just as better, if not better suited than men for the "Ranger Course".

The U.S. Army Rangers are described as a "Light Infantry" unit. With a more particular skill set than their Infantry counter parts. They, along with Special Operations are not some superhuman ghosts, whom are mystic and can only be seen with spy glasses. They are humans, just like the rest of us ; whom were tested and made the grade.

Physical hardships...being pushed to the limit mentally and physically. And extreme mental grilling by the cadre = "Ranger School ". Patrolling, Rappelling, Land Navigation.....yada-----yada-----yada. 90% or better of what was in "Basic", but more detailed.

Shadow 355
Big deal......a couple of ugly bull dykes think passing a test makes them a man. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I certainly can't speak for these women or all women or even most women-just myself. When I go into something that has a difficult set of requirements, I am not thinking that I am competing against men. I don't want to be a man. Men don't have anything to do with it.

It is simply myself and the challenge.

The Military at times, is psychological. It is about leadership, setting the standard and leading from the front....which you would be surprised how many cannot do that. IT IS about defending a nation, standing up for your fellow servicemen & women. It is about being cold, hungry, tired, lonely, low on ammo and in a remote area with no resources and pushing on. To do what you have to do to complete the mission.

IT DOES MEAN that one has to deal with childish bullshit, taking an ass chewing from some civilian on the gate, nor not making an argument when someone is wrong......even if they are a higher rank. It does not mean that immature and irresponsible people have to walk over you.

It means that if the Corporal in your unit is killed and you are a PFC ( Private First Class ) ; you take command ( this is very contrary to Russian Doctrine. The Russians did, or still do - do not tell their lower enlisted any information, nor let them see maps...nor mission specifics ).

Its about mental frame of mind - perseverance - overcoming the enemy - and completing the objectives / missions.

Shadow 355
So is it a good thing that two American women are now qualified to engage the enemy in areas that were formerly exclusive to men? Is there a shortage of men or are we going backwards as a Nation?

I dare you to walk up to a Military Post , Entry Gate ( Army - Navy - Air Force - Coast Guard - Marines ) that is manned by females and say I have a bomb in my jacket and pull out a piece of wire that is tied to the belt loop of your pants....making it look like you really have a suicide vest on.

Army "MP" & Air Force "Security Forces"

Shadow 355
Anyone who does not applaud this accomplishment is not a true American.

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