Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

The US could not take the moral high ground when it itself was sending people to concentration camps nor when it refused to accept over 900 Jews who FDR knew would be shipped back to Nazi Germany where they were going to make lamp shades out of their skins.

what year were these 900 Jews refused entry?

June of 1939.

To the US at least. May of '39 to Cuba.

But most were given refuge in other countries once they were refused entrance into the US. Some of those countries were soon over-run by the Nazi's...but they were independent at the time of accepting the refugees.

How much was known about the treatment of the Jews in Germany and Austria in 1939? Poland was yet to be invaded.
what year were these 900 Jews refused entry?

June of 1939.

To the US at least. May of '39 to Cuba.

But most were given refuge in other countries once they were refused entrance into the US. Some of those countries were soon over-run by the Nazi's...but they were independent at the time of accepting the refugees.

How much was known about the treatment of the Jews in Germany and Austria in 1939? Poland was yet to be invaded.

Not much.

I'm not defending the whacko's premise. I'm just injecting historical fact into the discussion.
June of 1939.

To the US at least. May of '39 to Cuba.

But most were given refuge in other countries once they were refused entrance into the US. Some of those countries were soon over-run by the Nazi's...but they were independent at the time of accepting the refugees.

How much was known about the treatment of the Jews in Germany and Austria in 1939? Poland was yet to be invaded.

Not much.

I'm not defending the whacko's premise. I'm just injecting historical fact into the discussion.

Oh I know you're not. I am just asking questions.
Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

So do liberals...what's your point?

do you purposely say stupid things? seriously... aren't you wingnuts always accusing liberals of being commie, socialist, gay lovers?

get your insults straight.

You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.
"During the first several months of the war in Europe, the American press provided sporadic information about the plight of the Jews in Poland. The Yiddish press and the JTA were among the only sources providing daily accounts of Jewish suffering. Not all of the news was accurate or complete. Fragmentary and exaggerated dispatches made it difficult at times to determine the extent of the devastation. Yet the Contemporary Jewish Record (CJR), a bimonthly publication of the American Jewish Committee, stated in its November/December 1939 issue that "despite the paucity of reliable news from the invaded Polish areas, it is now possible to obtain a fairly accurate but general picture of the fate suffered by Polish Jewry during the first two months of the war." (1)

First reports from Poland told of Nazi air raids on Polish cities where the Jewish sections were intentionally targeted. Mendel Mozes, chief of the Warsaw Bureau of the JTA, visited a number of these areas and found that many Jews had been killed and wounded with extensive damage to Jewish institutions. His eyewitness account of the destruction was broadcast throughout the United States. (2)"

What did they know? American Jews and the Shoah

And this is interesting...apparently the NYT hasn't changed much:

"The (ny) Times generally relegated the news concerning Jews to the inside or back pages of the paper."
So do liberals...what's your point?

do you purposely say stupid things? seriously... aren't you wingnuts always accusing liberals of being commie, socialist, gay lovers?

get your insults straight.

You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.

you are one stupid bastard, aren't you? Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
"During the first several months of the war in Europe, the American press provided sporadic information about the plight of the Jews in Poland. The Yiddish press and the JTA were among the only sources providing daily accounts of Jewish suffering. Not all of the news was accurate or complete. Fragmentary and exaggerated dispatches made it difficult at times to determine the extent of the devastation. Yet the Contemporary Jewish Record (CJR), a bimonthly publication of the American Jewish Committee, stated in its November/December 1939 issue that "despite the paucity of reliable news from the invaded Polish areas, it is now possible to obtain a fairly accurate but general picture of the fate suffered by Polish Jewry during the first two months of the war." (1)

First reports from Poland told of Nazi air raids on Polish cities where the Jewish sections were intentionally targeted. Mendel Mozes, chief of the Warsaw Bureau of the JTA, visited a number of these areas and found that many Jews had been killed and wounded with extensive damage to Jewish institutions. His eyewitness account of the destruction was broadcast throughout the United States. (2)"

What did they know? American Jews and the Shoah

And this is interesting...apparently the NYT hasn't changed much:

"The (ny) Times generally relegated the news concerning Jews to the inside or back pages of the paper."

What month did the war start again?
"During the first several months of the war in Europe, the American press provided sporadic information about the plight of the Jews in Poland. The Yiddish press and the JTA were among the only sources providing daily accounts of Jewish suffering. Not all of the news was accurate or complete. Fragmentary and exaggerated dispatches made it difficult at times to determine the extent of the devastation. Yet the Contemporary Jewish Record (CJR), a bimonthly publication of the American Jewish Committee, stated in its November/December 1939 issue that "despite the paucity of reliable news from the invaded Polish areas, it is now possible to obtain a fairly accurate but general picture of the fate suffered by Polish Jewry during the first two months of the war." (1)

First reports from Poland told of Nazi air raids on Polish cities where the Jewish sections were intentionally targeted. Mendel Mozes, chief of the Warsaw Bureau of the JTA, visited a number of these areas and found that many Jews had been killed and wounded with extensive damage to Jewish institutions. His eyewitness account of the destruction was broadcast throughout the United States. (2)"

What did they know? American Jews and the Shoah

And this is interesting...apparently the NYT hasn't changed much:

"The (ny) Times generally relegated the news concerning Jews to the inside or back pages of the paper."

What month did the war start again?

September 1, 1939.
How much was known about the treatment of the Jews in Germany and Austria in 1939?

Quite a bit actually. All one has to do is visit the Holocaust Museum and read the pre war Nazi documents or do some research on the net. Usually the first thing that comes up is Kristallnacht.
You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.

actually, i'm neither a ditz nor fat... but interesting that a loser like you would think saying those things to someone whom you've never seen on a messageboard would be somehow insulting.

and if you weren't such an ignorant moron and had read anything i've posted instead of showing up on this board like who on earth you think you are...

you'd know that no one has ever seen an anti-jew thread from me .....i tend not to insult myself, dimbulb.

it's the rigntwingnuts like you who have the homophobic streak a mile wide...

again... get your insults strainght... and figure out who you're talking to before you open your ignorant yap.

and don't let the door of your double-wide hit you in the butt...
"During the first several months of the war in Europe, the American press provided sporadic information about the plight of the Jews in Poland. The Yiddish press and the JTA were among the only sources providing daily accounts of Jewish suffering. Not all of the news was accurate or complete. Fragmentary and exaggerated dispatches made it difficult at times to determine the extent of the devastation. Yet the Contemporary Jewish Record (CJR), a bimonthly publication of the American Jewish Committee, stated in its November/December 1939 issue that "despite the paucity of reliable news from the invaded Polish areas, it is now possible to obtain a fairly accurate but general picture of the fate suffered by Polish Jewry during the first two months of the war." (1)

First reports from Poland told of Nazi air raids on Polish cities where the Jewish sections were intentionally targeted. Mendel Mozes, chief of the Warsaw Bureau of the JTA, visited a number of these areas and found that many Jews had been killed and wounded with extensive damage to Jewish institutions. His eyewitness account of the destruction was broadcast throughout the United States. (2)"

What did they know? American Jews and the Shoah

And this is interesting...apparently the NYT hasn't changed much:

"The (ny) Times generally relegated the news concerning Jews to the inside or back pages of the paper."

What month did the war start again?

September 1, 1939.


And Allie's cut 'n paste about "The first several months of the war in Europe" has what to do with May of '39?
do you purposely say stupid things? seriously... aren't you wingnuts always accusing liberals of being commie, socialist, gay lovers?

get your insults straight.

You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.

you are one stupid bastard, aren't you? Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?[/QUOTE]

Apparently you must have been.....you can't even figure out what happened to the Jews in Austria and Germany prior to 1939.
You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.

you are one stupid bastard, aren't you? Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?[/QUOTE]

Apparently you must have been.....you can't even figure out what happened to the Jews in Austria and Germany prior to 19389.

No that's not what I said you dumbfuck. I said how much WAS KNOWN. As in how much did FDR/ US intelligence know about the treatment of them.
just so you know... I actually think that was one of our darker days. and i think it was one of the worst supreme court decisions ... along with Dred Scott.. and Plessy v Ferguson...

oh... and Bush v Gore.

All embarrassments.

But last I heard, no one made lamp shades out of the skin of the Japanese internees. (not that that justified interning them).

The US could not take the moral high ground when it itself was sending people to concentration camps nor when it refused to accept over 900 Jews who FDR knew would be shipped back to Nazi Germany where they were going to make lamp shades out of their skins.

what year were these 900 Jews refused entry?

"......Franklin Roosevelt’s response to the Holocaust was epitomized by his June 1939 decision to refuse political asylum to more than 900 passengers aboard the German ocean liner St. Louis. The passengers, nearly all of them Jewish refugees, had the lights of Miami in sight when the United States government refused them permission to disembark. Roosevelt did not respond to pleas for help. The ship returned to Europe, and the Holocaust claimed more than a third of those who returned to the Continent."
You must be as stupid as your ava ditz.....
How many fricken times have we seen anti Jew threads from you sick fucks...how many times have we seen anti communist threads from you ass wipes...how many times have we seen you liberals insulting gays and using homosexuality in your insults to others....

Now pull your head out of your FAT rear end and wake up.

you are one stupid bastard, aren't you? Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?[/QUOTE]

Apparently you must have been.....you can't even figure out what happened to the Jews in Austria and Germany prior to 1939.

Try again.

He never said that they weren't persecuted. He said how much was known [outside of Germany and Austria] prior to the invasion of Poland.

And the answer still remains, not much, at least not to the extent to which it what actually happening. Kristallnacht happened in November of '38. The 900 fled in May of '39. 6 months later. Considering the restrictions on non-official communication and the clampdown the Nazi's had on propaganda, this was barely enough time for the higher ups in the allies to even begin to suspect what had happened. Let alone for the US (a neutral country at the time) to deal with a refugee issue of ostensibly German citizens.
September 1, 1939.


And Allie's cut 'n paste about "The first several months of the war in Europe" has what to do with May of '39?

I was referring to this:

"How much was known about the treatment of the Jews in Germany and Austria in 1939? Poland was yet to be invaded."

My cut & paste is about how much was known in 1939.


The question was how much was known in May of '39.

Your post deals with September of '39 into early '40.

Take a peak at a calendar next time.

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