Hitlery.... Who is Dressing this Bimbo?

Pea coats are not always black or dark blue. Can you please keep this little mistake between us? The Fashion G-ds can be so unforgiving and they are already cross with me for wearing socks with sandals. :(

The standard issue U.S. Navy Pea Coat is one standard color. Look it up if you need an illustration.
All these variants you try pulling out of your ass are irrelevant.

I thought it quite fitting in first photo Bill is strolling by "Head".

I think she stole the material for that 'coat' from my grandmothers curtains.
Pea coats are not always black or dark blue. Can you please keep this little mistake between us? The Fashion G-ds can be so unforgiving and they are already cross with me for wearing socks with sandals. :(

The standard issue U.S. Navy Pea Coat is one standard color. Look it up if you need an illustration.
All these variants you try pulling out of your ass are irrelevant.

I never thought in a million years when awoke this morning that I would be reading a "No True Scotsman' fallacy used for a fucking coat. :lol:

This is her coat of many colors. I don't think either coat is cheap. Hippies loved embroidered clothes, now its rather out of style.
It really blows my mind how people could even CONSIDER letting this corrupt woman in the WH. No joke man. WTF is wrong with you?
I didn't realize you were the Senior Chief of the Fashion Police? lol

There is no "Fashion" in this get up, sorry.
She looks like an old hag wearing a fucking garbage bag.

Admittedly, her jacket is quite busy. I do rather enjoy how Chelsea paired that power print scarf with her gray double-breasted pea coat. Very chic! And those shoes...I bet they are Blahniks. :thup:
What are ya? Some sorta queer?
I didn't realize you were the Senior Chief of the Fashion Police? lol

There is no "Fashion" in this get up, sorry.
She looks like an old hag wearing a fucking garbage bag.

Admittedly, her jacket is quite busy. I do rather enjoy how Chelsea paired that power print scarf with her gray double-breasted pea coat. Very chic! And those shoes...I bet they are Blahniks. :thup:
What are ya? Some sorta queer?

Indeed. My rank is Senior Chief. lol
Dear Lord - she looks like she chooses her wardrobe straight off the rack at WalMart.

You'd think an elite, out of touch, wife-of-a-child-molester American killer worth $31.3 million could have one of her fucking servants pick a better ensemble before trotting her aging ass out into the public domain.

And this "Grandma" crap... pa-leeeeeez.

What does YOUR wardrobe look like, Pinky?
Dear Lord - she looks like she chooses her wardrobe straight off the rack at WalMart.

You'd think an elite, out of touch, wife-of-a-child-molester American killer worth $31.3 million could have one of her fucking servants pick a better ensemble before trotting her aging ass out into the public domain.

And this "Grandma" crap... pa-leeeeeez.

What does YOUR wardrobe look like, Pinky?
probably isn't a kilt lol
Pretty sure she doesnt' get them at WalMart...

WalMart doesnt' carry anything that trashy

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