Hittin' The Road...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
It's official. Covid-19 has driven me insane, and the only remedy is some open road therapy.

I'm hitting the road on Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida.

I'm heading west to the Navarre/Pensacola area, where I'll stay with friends until, probably, Monday.

From there, it'll be north to have lunch with an old shipmate in Birmingham, Alabama on my way to Buchanan, Michigan. I'm sure I'll nap along the way somewhere. I'm actually going to have access to a studio in Michigan, which is good because I'm doing some tattoo/portrait shots on this trip, and a studio might come in handy. I'll be in Michigan for several days, and hope to make it to Saugatuck while I'm there, as well.

After Michigan I'll head south to Wooster, Ohio to visit my brother and his family for a couple days. This may be a bit of a rough visit as I'll be there for my nephew Ryan's birthday. Ryan passed away in August at age 34. But, I'll definitely do a tattoo shoot there, as my brother, sister-in-law and my three nieces all have Ryan's thumbprint tattooed on them. Even my 13 year old niece got one. My brother's glad I'll be there as he says it'll be a good distraction.

From Ohio it'll be down to just south of Chattanooga into northern Georgia to visit a photographer buddy of mine; frankly, he's one of the best I've ever known. He and his family have a pretty big spread there with a guest house.

I've got zero work on my calendar, so it's not like I have to shoehorn a trip in somewhere and, with the current price of gas, fuel costs will only be about $150 for the entire trip.

I've got an app called "RGPS (Really Good Photo Places) that has served me well over in Europe, so I'm hoping it does something similar here; maybe point me in the direction of the world's biggest melted candy bar or something like that.

There's not much to see on I-10 on the way to Navarre, but when I leave there I'll be taking I-65 for most of the way north. From Michigan to Wooster I'll be on I-80 for most of the trip, and from Ohio to Chattanooga I-71 and I-75 look to be the main routes.

From there it'll be I-5 into Florida, and onto I-10 east to make my way home.

Anyone know of any cool things to photograph along the way, which my RGPS app may or may not have? I like to do one photo trip a year, and I usually go overseas. But, since it looks like that's not happenin' this year, I'm gassin' up the Chevy and hittin' the road for a couple weeks. I'm going to have a ton of gear with me; four cameras, all of my lenses, strobe and lighting equipment; everything. I can't take everything with me when I get on a plane, so this will be a bit of a treat.

Anyway, any tips, don't be shy. Muchos grassyass!
Have a safe trip.....

Good time with gas being so cheap
It's official. Covid-19 has driven me insane, and the only remedy is some open road therapy.

I'm hitting the road on Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida.

I'm heading west to the Navarre/Pensacola area, where I'll stay with friends until, probably, Monday.

From there, it'll be north to have lunch with an old shipmate in Birmingham, Alabama on my way to Buchanan, Michigan. I'm sure I'll nap along the way somewhere. I'm actually going to have access to a studio in Michigan, which is good because I'm doing some tattoo/portrait shots on this trip, and a studio might come in handy. I'll be in Michigan for several days, and hope to make it to Saugatuck while I'm there, as well.

After Michigan I'll head south to Wooster, Ohio to visit my brother and his family for a couple days. This may be a bit of a rough visit as I'll be there for my nephew Ryan's birthday. Ryan passed away in August at age 34. But, I'll definitely do a tattoo shoot there, as my brother, sister-in-law and my three nieces all have Ryan's thumbprint tattooed on them. Even my 13 year old niece got one. My brother's glad I'll be there as he says it'll be a good distraction.

From Ohio it'll be down to just south of Chattanooga into northern Georgia to visit a photographer buddy of mine; frankly, he's one of the best I've ever known. He and his family have a pretty big spread there with a guest house.

I've got zero work on my calendar, so it's not like I have to shoehorn a trip in somewhere and, with the current price of gas, fuel costs will only be about $150 for the entire trip.

I've got an app called "RGPS (Really Good Photo Places) that has served me well over in Europe, so I'm hoping it does something similar here; maybe point me in the direction of the world's biggest melted candy bar or something like that.

There's not much to see on I-10 on the way to Navarre, but when I leave there I'll be taking I-65 for most of the way north. From Michigan to Wooster I'll be on I-80 for most of the trip, and from Ohio to Chattanooga I-71 and I-75 look to be the main routes.

From there it'll be I-5 into Florida, and onto I-10 east to make my way home.

Anyone know of any cool things to photograph along the way, which my RGPS app may or may not have? I like to do one photo trip a year, and I usually go overseas. But, since it looks like that's not happenin' this year, I'm gassin' up the Chevy and hittin' the road for a couple weeks. I'm going to have a ton of gear with me; four cameras, all of my lenses, strobe and lighting equipment; everything. I can't take everything with me when I get on a plane, so this will be a bit of a treat.

Anyway, any tips, don't be shy. Muchos grassyass!

Enjoy. I wish I could be like you. I will be hunkered in my home, though I may crack open a window or two if I feel rebellious, because I am an obedient Canadian.
It's official. Covid-19 has driven me insane, and the only remedy is some open road therapy.

I'm hitting the road on Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida.

I'm heading west to the Navarre/Pensacola area, where I'll stay with friends until, probably, Monday.

From there, it'll be north to have lunch with an old shipmate in Birmingham, Alabama on my way to Buchanan, Michigan. I'm sure I'll nap along the way somewhere. I'm actually going to have access to a studio in Michigan, which is good because I'm doing some tattoo/portrait shots on this trip, and a studio might come in handy. I'll be in Michigan for several days, and hope to make it to Saugatuck while I'm there, as well.

After Michigan I'll head south to Wooster, Ohio to visit my brother and his family for a couple days. This may be a bit of a rough visit as I'll be there for my nephew Ryan's birthday. Ryan passed away in August at age 34. But, I'll definitely do a tattoo shoot there, as my brother, sister-in-law and my three nieces all have Ryan's thumbprint tattooed on them. Even my 13 year old niece got one. My brother's glad I'll be there as he says it'll be a good distraction.

From Ohio it'll be down to just south of Chattanooga into northern Georgia to visit a photographer buddy of mine; frankly, he's one of the best I've ever known. He and his family have a pretty big spread there with a guest house.

I've got zero work on my calendar, so it's not like I have to shoehorn a trip in somewhere and, with the current price of gas, fuel costs will only be about $150 for the entire trip.

I've got an app called "RGPS (Really Good Photo Places) that has served me well over in Europe, so I'm hoping it does something similar here; maybe point me in the direction of the world's biggest melted candy bar or something like that.

There's not much to see on I-10 on the way to Navarre, but when I leave there I'll be taking I-65 for most of the way north. From Michigan to Wooster I'll be on I-80 for most of the trip, and from Ohio to Chattanooga I-71 and I-75 look to be the main routes.

From there it'll be I-5 into Florida, and onto I-10 east to make my way home.

Anyone know of any cool things to photograph along the way, which my RGPS app may or may not have? I like to do one photo trip a year, and I usually go overseas. But, since it looks like that's not happenin' this year, I'm gassin' up the Chevy and hittin' the road for a couple weeks. I'm going to have a ton of gear with me; four cameras, all of my lenses, strobe and lighting equipment; everything. I can't take everything with me when I get on a plane, so this will be a bit of a treat.

Anyway, any tips, don't be shy. Muchos grassyass!

Enjoy. I wish I could be like you. I will be hunkered in my home, though I may crack open a window or two if I feel rebellious, because I am an obedient Canadian.
Whole country, every province, county (whatever you have) total lockdown, or just where you are?
It's official. Covid-19 has driven me insane, and the only remedy is some open road therapy.

I'm hitting the road on Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida.

I'm heading west to the Navarre/Pensacola area, where I'll stay with friends until, probably, Monday.

From there, it'll be north to have lunch with an old shipmate in Birmingham, Alabama on my way to Buchanan, Michigan. I'm sure I'll nap along the way somewhere. I'm actually going to have access to a studio in Michigan, which is good because I'm doing some tattoo/portrait shots on this trip, and a studio might come in handy. I'll be in Michigan for several days, and hope to make it to Saugatuck while I'm there, as well.

After Michigan I'll head south to Wooster, Ohio to visit my brother and his family for a couple days. This may be a bit of a rough visit as I'll be there for my nephew Ryan's birthday. Ryan passed away in August at age 34. But, I'll definitely do a tattoo shoot there, as my brother, sister-in-law and my three nieces all have Ryan's thumbprint tattooed on them. Even my 13 year old niece got one. My brother's glad I'll be there as he says it'll be a good distraction.

From Ohio it'll be down to just south of Chattanooga into northern Georgia to visit a photographer buddy of mine; frankly, he's one of the best I've ever known. He and his family have a pretty big spread there with a guest house.

I've got zero work on my calendar, so it's not like I have to shoehorn a trip in somewhere and, with the current price of gas, fuel costs will only be about $150 for the entire trip.

I've got an app called "RGPS (Really Good Photo Places) that has served me well over in Europe, so I'm hoping it does something similar here; maybe point me in the direction of the world's biggest melted candy bar or something like that.

There's not much to see on I-10 on the way to Navarre, but when I leave there I'll be taking I-65 for most of the way north. From Michigan to Wooster I'll be on I-80 for most of the trip, and from Ohio to Chattanooga I-71 and I-75 look to be the main routes.

From there it'll be I-5 into Florida, and onto I-10 east to make my way home.

Anyone know of any cool things to photograph along the way, which my RGPS app may or may not have? I like to do one photo trip a year, and I usually go overseas. But, since it looks like that's not happenin' this year, I'm gassin' up the Chevy and hittin' the road for a couple weeks. I'm going to have a ton of gear with me; four cameras, all of my lenses, strobe and lighting equipment; everything. I can't take everything with me when I get on a plane, so this will be a bit of a treat.

Anyway, any tips, don't be shy. Muchos grassyass!

Enjoy. I wish I could be like you. I will be hunkered in my home, though I may crack open a window or two if I feel rebellious, because I am an obedient Canadian.
Whole country, every province, county (whatever you have) total lockdown, or just where you are?

Ontario remains in lockdown until at least June 2nd. Though in fairly, it's not an official order for individuals (except in Toronto), but, it is an order for 80% of businesses. The West is opening (Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, even B.C I believe) up as they have far fewer cases. Quebec has been most hit but ironically they were going through with opening, but now the Premier has pushed back the date because teachers and parents were concerned.

It's quite odd, we have citizens making excuses to stay closed, while Americans are fighting to open. I think it speaks volumes about how we view liberty, capitalism and "living". Canadians have been lulled into mediocrity while the police agencies milk the system and our best talent leave. The lockdown, in some ways, illustrates why (oh, and we can't dare blame the Communist government of China because that is racist.).
It's official. Covid-19 has driven me insane, and the only remedy is some open road therapy.

I'm hitting the road on Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida.

I'm heading west to the Navarre/Pensacola area, where I'll stay with friends until, probably, Monday.

From there, it'll be north to have lunch with an old shipmate in Birmingham, Alabama on my way to Buchanan, Michigan. I'm sure I'll nap along the way somewhere. I'm actually going to have access to a studio in Michigan, which is good because I'm doing some tattoo/portrait shots on this trip, and a studio might come in handy. I'll be in Michigan for several days, and hope to make it to Saugatuck while I'm there, as well.

After Michigan I'll head south to Wooster, Ohio to visit my brother and his family for a couple days. This may be a bit of a rough visit as I'll be there for my nephew Ryan's birthday. Ryan passed away in August at age 34. But, I'll definitely do a tattoo shoot there, as my brother, sister-in-law and my three nieces all have Ryan's thumbprint tattooed on them. Even my 13 year old niece got one. My brother's glad I'll be there as he says it'll be a good distraction.

From Ohio it'll be down to just south of Chattanooga into northern Georgia to visit a photographer buddy of mine; frankly, he's one of the best I've ever known. He and his family have a pretty big spread there with a guest house.

I've got zero work on my calendar, so it's not like I have to shoehorn a trip in somewhere and, with the current price of gas, fuel costs will only be about $150 for the entire trip.

I've got an app called "RGPS (Really Good Photo Places) that has served me well over in Europe, so I'm hoping it does something similar here; maybe point me in the direction of the world's biggest melted candy bar or something like that.

There's not much to see on I-10 on the way to Navarre, but when I leave there I'll be taking I-65 for most of the way north. From Michigan to Wooster I'll be on I-80 for most of the trip, and from Ohio to Chattanooga I-71 and I-75 look to be the main routes.

From there it'll be I-5 into Florida, and onto I-10 east to make my way home.

Anyone know of any cool things to photograph along the way, which my RGPS app may or may not have? I like to do one photo trip a year, and I usually go overseas. But, since it looks like that's not happenin' this year, I'm gassin' up the Chevy and hittin' the road for a couple weeks. I'm going to have a ton of gear with me; four cameras, all of my lenses, strobe and lighting equipment; everything. I can't take everything with me when I get on a plane, so this will be a bit of a treat.

Anyway, any tips, don't be shy. Muchos grassyass!

Enjoy. I wish I could be like you. I will be hunkered in my home, though I may crack open a window or two if I feel rebellious, because I am an obedient Canadian.
Whole country, every province, county (whatever you have) total lockdown, or just where you are?

Ontario remains in lockdown until at least June 2nd. Though in fairly, it's not an official order for individuals (except in Toronto), but, it is an order for 80% of businesses. The West is opening (Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, even B.C I believe) up as they have far fewer cases. Quebec has been most hit but ironically they were going through with opening, but now the Premier has pushed back the date because teachers and parents were concerned.

It's quite odd, we have citizens making excuses to stay closed, while Americans are fighting to open. I think it speaks volumes about how we view liberty, capitalism and "living". Canadians have been lulled into mediocrity while the police agencies milk the system and our best talent leave. The lockdown, in some ways, illustrates why (oh, and we can't dare blame the Communist government of China because that is racist.).
Might be good time to do road therapy like cannon shooter if you're retired or otherwise stable. Take your masks in the glove compartment. some sanitizer products and head out. :)

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