Supreme court begins hearing emergency abortion case

Well I think you miss the point. I would not want to live in Idaho because I would not want to put my wifes life in danger. She means too much to me.

Every man should feel the same.

Ask yourself this.

Would you support this nonsense as your wife is curled up in a waiting room out of sight ,

Bleeding all over the floor, and puking in a plastic bucket while the doctors and administrators decide if she is close enough to death to be helped or shipped off to the nearest civilised state to help ?

If they make the wrong decision they go to jail.

The poor nurse in there is checking her insurance cover and praying for the end of her shift so she can get the hell out of there.

What would any man do ?

And then consider this. I am a top exec at a top tech company and we are looking to relocate to a new business site. Why would I go to Idaho and put my staff at risk ?

^^^Baby-killers are big mad.

That is your opinion! Most of America if they are honest would tell you they are against baby murder. They are not honest because they know the type of harassment they would take from liberal twits such as yourself!

Yet in the privacy of the voting booth where no one would know, they vote to protect Abortion don’t they?
Yet in the privacy of the voting booth where no one would know, they vote to protect Abortion don’t they?
No not really, I will say the baby murder industry has done a great job of watering down murder to some sort of special right women get to murder.
No not really, I will say the baby murder industry has done a great job of watering down murder to some sort of special right women get to murder.

In Kansas 59.4% of the people voted to protect Abortion. In Michigan similar numbers.

Wisconsin? The Supreme Court election? What issue gave Democrats the win?

This seems to be a steaight forward case of GOP cruelty..It seems to be about deciding how close to death the mother is.

I underatand tha your baby will be dead on birth but at this stage you still have a fighting chance of living. Luckily your insurance covers you for a flight to NewYork. There you will be able to access healthcare as soon as you look to be on the way out. Heres a copy of the bible to give you comfort on your journey. We will send your bill for the care you got here to your home

It should be simple but who knows with these crazies. Biden will be laughing his arse off. He cant lose.a
Why didn’t she just go to Cali for the abortion?
Why didn’t she just go to Cali for the abortion?
She wanted a baby. She was hoping to have it in her home town. Like they do in civilised places.

You idiots really dont understand this case at all do you ?
Mostly the fact that intelligent people didn't show up to vote!

That’s funny because the Republicans claimed their voters were too stupid to know what they were voting for.

But hey. Keep lying to yourself. Self delusion is one of the hardest things to overcome.
That’s funny because the Republicans claimed their voters were too stupid to know what they were voting for.

But hey. Keep lying to yourself. Self delusion is one of the hardest things to overcome.
Not surprising with the language the put in the bills! By the way if 70%of people supported infanticide, I still wouldn't, I'd rather be on the right side!
Not surprising with the language the put in the bills! By the way if 70%of people supported infanticide, I still wouldn't, I'd rather be on the right side!

I have no heartburn with that. That’s the great thing about this Country. You and everyone is entitled to your opinion. I’ll defend that right to the limit. I don’t expect you to agree with me.

The cases this thread is debating isn’t a choice anymore. The question in those cases isn’t if the Fetus is viable, or would become a baby. It won’t. Ever. The question is when it is hopeless will the women be treated to the best of medical ability?

The commercial that the RW is pissed about. The I did this commercial by Biden. It was a true story. The woman wanted the Baby. Fate said no. To save the Woman’s life she needed to have it removed. There was no hope for the Baby to live.

The Doctor said she wasn’t yet sick enough to perform an abortion to remove the already dead fetus. It was dead already. It was there festering.

The question now is how do we help that woman. Oh the RW says that there are protections in such cases. Yet when the woman got a court order for the procedure the Attorney General said he would prosecute the Doctor if he performed the procedure.
I have no heartburn with that. That’s the great thing about this Country. You and everyone is entitled to your opinion. I’ll defend that right to the limit. I don’t expect you to agree with me.

The cases this thread is debating isn’t a choice anymore. The question in those cases isn’t if the Fetus is viable, or would become a baby. It won’t. Ever. The question is when it is hopeless will the women be treated to the best of medical ability?

The commercial that the RW is pissed about. The I did this commercial by Biden. It was a true story. The woman wanted the Baby. Fate said no. To save the Woman’s life she needed to have it removed. There was no hope for the Baby to live.

The Doctor said she wasn’t yet sick enough to perform an abortion to remove the already dead fetus. It was dead already. It was there festering.

The question now is how do we help that woman. Oh the RW says that there are protections in such cases. Yet when the woman got a court order for the procedure the Attorney General said he would prosecute the Doctor if he performed the procedure.
Very simple change the language of Abortion! Call it what you want that decision of life had been made! Also if you support choice, what about the rights of the father should he want to keep the child?
Very simple change the language of Abortion! Call it what you want that decision of life had been made! Also if you support choice, what about the rights of the father should he want to keep the child?

And like the rest of the so called Pro Life Crowd. You don’t want to discuss the more than 25% of pregnancy’s that and in miscarriages, often threatening the life of the Mother.

What about that? Even when the pregnancy is being terminated by God you don’t want to allow modern medicine to help the woman survive.
And like the rest of the so called Pro Life Crowd. You don’t want to discuss the more than 25% of pregnancy’s that and in miscarriages, often threatening the life of the Mother.

What about that? Even when the pregnancy is being terminated by God you don’t want to allow modern medicine to help the woman survive.
A miscarriage is not an abortion thanks for playing!
I see you consider a miscarriage an abortion!

Did you read the OP? The subject of the thread you are piously opining about? It is the prohibition against Abortions even in Emergency situations.

It is about the lives of women being risked in hopeless situations. Situations where the Fetus was already lost by the will of God.

That is why the 25% of pregnancies that miscarry is relevant. Because in some of those cases the baby isn’t expelled naturally. The Woman needs help. And Doctors are prohibited from assisting. If they do so they are in essence Guilty until proven innocent. No Doctor will take that risk.

Are you caught up with the subject now.
Did you read the OP? The subject of the thread you are piously opining about? It is the prohibition against Abortions even in Emergency situations.

It is about the lives of women being risked in hopeless situations. Situations where the Fetus was already lost by the will of God.

That is why the 25% of pregnancies that miscarry is relevant. Because in some of those cases the baby isn’t expelled naturally. The Woman needs help. And Doctors are prohibited from assisting. If they do so they are in essence Guilty until proven innocent. No Doctor will take that risk.

Are you caught up with the subject now.
If it's an emergency where there is no life in the child, it's not an abortion, and I have no problem saving the mothers life!

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