Hizbollah leader Samir Kantar killed in 'Israeli air strike'


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A senior Hizbollah leader and envoy who was once the group's longest serving prisoner in an Israeli jail has been killed in a precision air strike in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Samir Kantar, was on the American list of proscribed global terrorists, and had spent almost 30 years in an Israeli prison on charges of multiple murders dating back to a cross-border raid from Lebanon in the 1970s.

Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported. The group later issued a statement confirming his "martyrdom".
Hizbollah leader Samir Kantar killed in 'Israeli air strike'

How unfortunate.

I do not feel bad in the least. His family is happy that he is a martyr.
Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported.
I wonder how many innocent families were killed in the cowardly air strike on the high-rise building? .... :cool:
Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported.
I wonder how many innocent families were killed in the cowardly air strike on the high-rise building? .... :cool:

Now, why would he hide among innocent families?
A senior Hizbollah leader and envoy who was once the group's longest serving prisoner in an Israeli jail has been killed in a precision air strike in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Samir Kantar, was on the American list of proscribed global terrorists, and had spent almost 30 years in an Israeli prison on charges of multiple murders dating back to a cross-border raid from Lebanon in the 1970s.

Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported. The group later issued a statement confirming his "martyrdom".
Hizbollah leader Samir Kantar killed in 'Israeli air strike'

How unfortunate.

I do not feel bad in the least. His family is happy that he is a martyr.

he should never have been released.
Nope. He never should have been released.
A senior Hizbollah leader and envoy who was once the group's longest serving prisoner in an Israeli jail has been killed in a precision air strike in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Samir Kantar, was on the American list of proscribed global terrorists, and had spent almost 30 years in an Israeli prison on charges of multiple murders dating back to a cross-border raid from Lebanon in the 1970s.

Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported. The group later issued a statement confirming his "martyrdom".
Hizbollah leader Samir Kantar killed in 'Israeli air strike'

How unfortunate.

I do not feel bad in the least. His family is happy that he is a martyr.

he should never have been released.
Hizbollah replies to Kantar's death.

Hezbollah Fires 3 Rockets into Northern Israel | United with Israel
It was the free syrian army that killed kuntar

Hezbullah is trying to start a war with the wrong people.
Hezbollah wants revenge for killing of Syrian rebel leader, Samir Kuntar...

Hezbollah Threatens Vengeance After Child-Killer Terrorist Dies in Syria Blast
December 21, 2015 | Hezbollah threatened Sunday to avenge the killing of a top terrorist whose claim to notoriety was a 1979 attack in which he shot dead an Israeli father in front of his four year-old daughter, and then battered the girl to death with a rifle butt.
Israel welcomed news of the death of Samir Kuntar – killed in a blast in a building near Damascus – saying that he had been planning future attacks against Israel from Syrian territory. Israel did not confirm responsibility for the blast, but Hezbollah made it clear that it viewed Israel as liable for his death. “Zionist warplanes struck a residential building in Jaramana city in Damascus countryside,” Hezbollah’s media relations office said in the statement, adding that the “mujahid [holy warrior] Samir Kuntar was martyred along with several Syrian citizens in the strike.” Syrian state media showed pictures of a partially collapsed residential building.

Lebanese media said Hezbollah fighters are threatening to avenge his death, and Hezbollah’s al-Manar television station said the group’s leader, Hasan Nasrallah, planned to deliver a live statement on Monday evening. The network speculated that Nasrallah would announce strong retaliation, commenting that “the Zionist entity” was warily awaiting his response. The U.N. mission responsible for security along the Lebanon-Israel border said it was stepping up its patrols after three rockets were fired into northern Israel on Sunday evening. Lebanese media said a small Palestinian group claimed responsibility. Israel responded to the rockets by firing artillery at terrorist targets in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah, an Iranian-sponsored Shi’ite group, is deeply involved in the Syrian civil war on the side of the Assad regime.

Israel is not directly involved in Syria – it regards both the Iran-Hezbollah-Assad axis and jihadists on the other side as enemies – but it has made clear it will strike inside Syrian when it deems it to be in its national security interests, especially to prevent sophisticated weaponry from reached Hezbollah. Lebanese media reports said Kuntar, a Lebanese Druze, has been involved in battles in support of the Assad regime. Over recent months his name has also come up frequently in connection with Iranian-backed plots to attack Israel on the Golan Heights from Syrian territory.

The Syrian People’s Assembly – the regime’s rubber-stamp parliament – issued a statement condemning the attack, and blaming “Takfiri Zionist terrorism,” according to the official SANA news agency. (Takfiri is an epithet used by Shi’ite groups like Hezbollah and the Assad regime to describe Sunni radicals who consider those who do not share their religious views as infidels. “Takfiri Zionist terrorism” suggests some kind of collusion between Sunni jihadists and Israel.)

‘He smashed my little girl’s skull in’

See also:

Report: Diplomats trying to talk Hezbollah out of taking revenge on Israel for Kuntar killing
12/26/2015 - Kuwaiti daily 'Al Qabas' cites European sources as saying that "Lebanese officials are aware that the threats made by the Netanyahu government are very serious."
International diplomats are working feverishly with Lebanese officials in an effort to prevent a revenge attack against Israel by Hezbollah following the killing of one of its top commanders in Damascus, Samir Kuntar, earlier this week, according to a report which appeared Saturday in the Kuwaiti daily Al Qabas. The report cites European sources as saying that “Lebanese officials are aware that the threats made by the Netanyahu government are very serious.”

In a speech on Monday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel with revenge over Kuntar’s killing in an air strike in Syria on Saturday. “Samir is one of us and a commander of our resistance and it is our right to retaliate for his assassination in the place, time and a way we see appropriate. We will exercise this right, God willing,” he said. “We have no doubt or question that Israel is the one which assassinated Samir Kuntar, its planes fired precise missiles on an apartment [he was in],” Nasrallah said in a speech aired on the group’s al-Manar TV station.

A number of Syrians were also killed in the attack. “We, in a firm and definite way, hold the Zionist enemy responsible for assassinating him,” Nasrallah said. “Samir Kuntar’s blood will give the Palestinian youth more determination,” said Nasrallah, according to al-Manar’s website, referring to the ongoing terrorism in Israel.

Israel has warned Hezbollah against attempting any attacks on its soldiers or communities in the North following the Kuntar killing. “Hezbollah is likely to be more careful because it knows that Israel will respond directly to any incident by entering the Syrian and Lebanese fronts,” the European source was quoted as saying by the Kuwaiti newspaper. The official speculated that Iran may have ordered Hezbollah to stand down and refrain from responding given the delicate and complex geopolitical situation in the region.

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A senior Hizbollah leader and envoy who was once the group's longest serving prisoner in an Israeli jail has been killed in a precision air strike in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Samir Kantar, was on the American list of proscribed global terrorists, and had spent almost 30 years in an Israeli prison on charges of multiple murders dating back to a cross-border raid from Lebanon in the 1970s.

Four missiles launched almost certainly by two Israeli warplanes struck the high-rise building in the district of Jaramana where Mr Kantar had been staying late on Saturday night, the Hizbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV reported. The group later issued a statement confirming his "martyrdom".
Hizbollah leader Samir Kantar killed in 'Israeli air strike'

How unfortunate.

I do not feel bad in the least. His family is happy that he is a martyr.

Good Riddance.

Kudos to Isreal.

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