Ho-hum. al-Qaida terror leader among the so-called “migrants” seeking asylum in Europe.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Here is where I disagree with the pope. If the West does not make a serious stand against Islam and either destroy ISIS and its playing partners, or turn all these Muslim infiltrators (and honest migrants, sorry folks) back to the rich Arab nations that will not admit any or do anything about it --- then prepare to die. At least, prepare to have your own nations terrorized and blown up on occasion.

Question: How many bombs and how many innocent civilian deaths does it take for Western Europe or the USA to take action against fanatical Islam? Answer: nobody knows.

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Al-Qaida terror boss caught on migrant boat

Authorities 'tried to hide' news for fear of creating 'panic.'
At least 7,000 Muslim male refugees have disappeared and are unaccounted for after arriving in German refugee camps. They never checked in and were never identified.

Warnings about terrorists infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim boat people washing ashore daily on Europe’s beaches are no longer just warnings.

For the second time in the past few months, a known terrorist with direct ties to an international terror organization has been caught trying to enter Italy posing as an asylum seeker.

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi was discovered among 200 refugees in a migrant boat off the coast of Sicily on Oct. 4. He was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with a group that has since been linked to ISIS. He tried to return to Italy last month in a boat that was attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

But authorities tried to hide the story, fearing their political opponents would use it to create “panic” among the population, the German channel n-tv reported. The story finally got out several weeks after Mehdi was detained last week.

“This is a totally predictable story to everyone but Angela Merkel and her supporters in Europe (which group includes most of the EU governments and media),” wrote blogger Thomas Lifson for the American Thinker.

“President Obama plans to admit tens (or hundreds) of thousands of these ‘refugees’ to the United States. It is obvious to anyone but a progressive that infiltration of terrorists is an irresistible opportunity for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and everyone else who wants to do us harm in the name of Allah.”

Obama plans to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year and 75,000 more refugees from Somalia, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, Bhutan, Iran, Iraq and other countries. The fact is, Obama is bringing far more than 10,000 Syrian Muslims to America.

The United Nations already has 20,000 Syrians processed and in its pipeline destined for more than 180 U.S. cities and towns, according to the U.N. refugee agency’s website.

This, despite repeated warnings by the FBI that it is unable to screen the Syrian refugees for connections to terrorism. WND reported the latest warning Oct. 22 from FBI Director James Comey, who testified before the House Homeland Security Committee.

Among Syrian refugees, 97 percent are Muslim and the vast majority of those are Sunni Muslim, a religious faith shared with ISIS, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaida, al-Shabab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and many other jihadist groups.

Although he gave a false name, migration officers identified Mehdi through finger print records, according to the Independent. Mehdi, 38, was interrogated and then deported to Tunisian authorities.

An ISIS operative told BuzzFeed earlier this year that the terror group already had 4,000 trained fighters inside Europe who had entered as asylum seekers. That was in May, and many critics of Europe’s open doors policy are saying the number of established terror cells is likely growing steadily across the continent and could be activated at any time.

In another episode, Italian authorities arrested Abdel Majid Touil, a Moroccan accused of being involved in a terror attack on the Bardo museum in Tunisia. He had smuggled himself into Italy on a migrant boat in February.

European leaders are becoming increasingly worried about the potential terror threat from the migrant crisis. Last month, German Interior Minister Thomas de Mazière said his country had become a “focus of international terrorism,” thanks to migration. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has also expressed similar fears.

Read more at Al-Qaida terror boss caught on migrant boat
We broke the Middle East into pieces!!
Now the pieces are going to break us!!:alcoholic:
We broke the Middle East into pieces!!
Now the pieces are going to break us!!:alcoholic:

Well if you want to spin the root causes of Islamic terrorism I guess you could use that excuse.

Seriously, any unbiased historian can see that Islam has been a scourge long, long before there ever was a USA or long before oil was ever discovered in an Arabian desert.

The Crusades were not fought because Europe or the Catholic Church wanted to colonize Arabia or convert Muslims.

But I appreciate your interest.
I guess I'm stuck on what exactly is the point of the op?

Is it that we should treat hundreds of thousands of people poorly because a few might do something bad?

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers...
Just wait till we get our share of the migrants

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I guess I'm stuck on what exactly is the point of the op?

Is it that we should treat hundreds of thousands of people poorly because a few might do something bad?

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers...

Yes, well, I wish it were that simple.

War is hell, agreed? Yet we enter into hell for some common good. Should we not bomb Japan or Germany because innocents die?

Do you not consider Islamic terrorism causing mass destruction or mass deaths in Europe or the U.S. to be a serious risk? You would rather just take our chances and let all these people in? I cannot agree to that.

Same with our open Mexican borders. I am a devout Catholic but I am absolutely against our current practice of allowing whoever can swim a river or hop a fence to assimilate and become part of our nation. The risk of terrorism, the reality of high crime and sorrowful families is enormous. The additional costs on our bloated entitlement govt programs is more huge debt. Either come in legally, after being vetted, or you are not allowed in. And as far as all those thousands of Arab “students” with visas in our country that our govt can no longer find or even verify they went to class --- that situation makes me extremely angry! I am equally incensed at our media for down playing all of this.

So now we have Western Europe laying down for crazy Arabs and Muslims because why? Because Europe is scared to death to cross them in any way! Because they think it is better to feed the wild pit bull than to upset the dog or try to get rid of it.

And yes I am talking about the fanatic Muslims, the ones who will not assimilate but demand all of Europe to honor what they demand. And the ones who will do the killing. There are untold tens of thousands or more of them amongst the innocent ones. I feel very bad for innocent Muslims, but the innocent ones are victim of these devils within and they will have to suffer just like non-Muslim innocents have had to suffer. I cannot see how we should allow them in as long as this enormous diabolical risk comes with it.
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