Hoax Map Exposes the extent of Nazi Lies

A reputable news source actually quoting a member of the far right AfD acknowledging that he has spread stories that are untrue. Lucy could refute this but she has melted down and started posting pictures.

The dude being 'far right' in your opinion does not make the man a Nazi, idiot.

Tommy's confused, EVERYONE who disagrees with him is a Nazi, a Neo-Nazi....you get the drift.

He doesn't even know difference between Far-Right and Right-Wing Nationalist.
A reputable news source actually quoting a member of the far right AfD acknowledging that he has spread stories that are untrue. Lucy could refute this but she has melted down and started posting pictures.

The dude being 'far right' in your opinion does not make the man a Nazi, idiot.
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
Well hats off to our German friends who have found a solution to the mounting tide of fascist false claims about asylum seekers. The "Hoax Map" logs all debunked claims made about asylum seekers by neo nazi groups like AfD and their fellow travellers.

The only downside is that they cant keep up with the number of hoaxes that need to be listed.

My favourite hoaxes are the ones about migrants killing swans for their lunch and the mayor of Bremen
handing out brothel vouchers.
We know that the extremists have been over active in making up stories and they do it to create an atmosphere of fear and loathing. This map is a welcome counterbalance to that and a credit to the decent people of Germany.

Mapping The Completely Bogus Rumors Against Migrants In Europe

The influx of hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern and African migrants to Europe has been followed by a flood of rumors that range from the criminal to the absurd. After noticing that migrants were being maligned by accounts that later proved untrue, two German women decided to chart the debunked rumors.
The result is “Hoax Map,” an interactive feature which pinpoints the locations of fabricated claims against migrants and references sources that discredit the rumors.

“We were seeing more and more rumors about refugees committing crimes or receiving excessive health care, [and] we wanted to create something to counter this trend and maybe give people a tool to check up on stories they have been hearing,” said Karolin Schwarz, an open data consultant who co-founded the feature along with Liz Helm, a software developer.


'Hoaxmap' busts rumors about refugees in Germany | Germany | DW.COM | 11.02.2016

German 'hoax map' fights migrant myths - BBC News
Karolin concedes that some people will be hard to reach, convinced that media reports debunking the myths are themselves lies. "But not all who fall for rumours do so out of deeply held conviction, and we hope some will be persuaded by facts and change their opinion."

Hoax map exposes fake refugee stories to spread 'facts instead of prejudice'
There have been some negative reactions, though, from far-right organizations involved in spreading the stories, Schwarz said.

Gerüchte über Flüchtlinge? Hier werden sie widerlegt

Here's the story on who operates the Hoax Map....so Tommy, you've been slam dunked AGAIN, posting Leftist Propaganda garbage from two fucking Traitors from Mainz....PAID for by Traitor Bitch Merkel and her Traitor Government.

Unlike Tommy, WE have brains....naturally Traitors to our Kin are of great interest to we Patriots.

Karolin Schwarz, a woman who for THREE YEARS has been pro-Muslim and pro-"refugee" and David Häußer who's a Rapper and Refugee Activist:

"Hoaxmap.org purports to be an “anti-racist” and “anti-hate” site that is dedicated to “exposing lies” about Muslim invaders (“refugees”) that are in the German mainstream media and on Facebook. As per their website:

The Hoaxmap arose from the desire to bring order to the plurality of scattered rumors and facilitate the deconstruction of them. All “resolutions” are extracted and linked to mainstream media. If no date is listed for each incident, the date of the article was taken.In the few cases where no specific location was indicated, the capital of the council or state has been adopted.

The collection also of some rumors emerge that do not directly relate to asylum seekers.Firstly, some cases have been taken up with rumors of people with “southern appearance” or “not a German accent”. This kind of description is currently often associated with fugitives. Secondly, also alleged crimes or repressive measures are listed against participants racist demonstrations. These have been included because they also reinforce the narrative of opinion repression and the worldview of rumors storytellers.

How interesting.

So who are these people, really?

A quick WHOIS query yielded the following website registration information:"

Here's the rest of the stuff, with in-depth checking on who these two Traitors are and what their Leftist Propaganda Agenda is:

German Website That Claims To Report On "Refugee" Hoaxes Is Actually A Secret German Government Propaganda Campaign To Try And Humiliate People To Stop Reporting Muslim Crimes - Walid Shoebat
Seriously ? You quote an extremist site to "expose" a site that exposes extremist crap. Is that all you have ?

No they've performed a full background check on the two Traitors, they even include a video of an interview that male traitor gave....him in his OWN words.

Derby sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The gang of thirteen men, most of whom were from Pakistani backgrounds, lived throughout Derby and the police believed they met through a shared attraction for young girls.[1] The leaders of the gang were Abid Mohammed Saddique and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat, both married men with young children.[2]They were considered devout Muslims and family-orientated men,[1] but away from their homes, they would cruise around the streets of Derby in a BMW, wearing designer clothes, targeting young girls.[1] CCTV footage showed the gang leaders making repeated efforts to entice a pair of girls standing by the side of the road into their car.[3] The police later discovered vodka and plastic cups under the car seats.[3] Saddique was accused of having sexual activity with a 12-year-old in Darley Park, and Liaqat had sex with a 14-year-old in their vehicle.[1] After legal proceedings were launched against them, Saddique and Liaqat grew long beards and adopted Islamic dress.[1]"

Note how Wikepedia has to mention that the men were mostly Pakistani. And they don't mention where the others came from.

Probably hiding the fact that they were all native born pasty white Britons or Scots....

Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
This report explains the swedish rape stats. They record the crimes differently over there so will always appear higher.
Incidentally your report is from 2009.
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?

Tommy's an expert on the politics of Mitteleuropa don't know you, he knows everything about our politics, our peoples, everything....also Tommy knows MORE about Austria than I do and everything :rolleyes-41:

This is the idiot who after spending a sponsored week in Moscow, said that Russia and America are the SAME :rolleyes-41:
Well hats off to our German friends who have found a solution to the mounting tide of fascist false claims about asylum seekers. The "Hoax Map" logs all debunked claims made about asylum seekers by neo nazi groups like AfD and their fellow travellers.

The only downside is that they cant keep up with the number of hoaxes that need to be listed.

My favourite hoaxes are the ones about migrants killing swans for their lunch and the mayor of Bremen
handing out brothel vouchers.
We know that the extremists have been over active in making up stories and they do it to create an atmosphere of fear and loathing. This map is a welcome counterbalance to that and a credit to the decent people of Germany.

Mapping The Completely Bogus Rumors Against Migrants In Europe

The influx of hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern and African migrants to Europe has been followed by a flood of rumors that range from the criminal to the absurd. After noticing that migrants were being maligned by accounts that later proved untrue, two German women decided to chart the debunked rumors.
The result is “Hoax Map,” an interactive feature which pinpoints the locations of fabricated claims against migrants and references sources that discredit the rumors.

“We were seeing more and more rumors about refugees committing crimes or receiving excessive health care, [and] we wanted to create something to counter this trend and maybe give people a tool to check up on stories they have been hearing,” said Karolin Schwarz, an open data consultant who co-founded the feature along with Liz Helm, a software developer.


'Hoaxmap' busts rumors about refugees in Germany | Germany | DW.COM | 11.02.2016

German 'hoax map' fights migrant myths - BBC News
Karolin concedes that some people will be hard to reach, convinced that media reports debunking the myths are themselves lies. "But not all who fall for rumours do so out of deeply held conviction, and we hope some will be persuaded by facts and change their opinion."

Hoax map exposes fake refugee stories to spread 'facts instead of prejudice'
There have been some negative reactions, though, from far-right organizations involved in spreading the stories, Schwarz said.

Gerüchte über Flüchtlinge? Hier werden sie widerlegt

Someone as stupid as you Tommy shouldn't post things that's in German language UNLESS German is your language from birth.

This is where I went on the Hoax website....to find out who posts the stuff....here I found:


Then I simply typed the names of Karolin Schwarz and David Häußer and Mainz into Google and happily Shoebat had already done the FULL investigation into these two Traitors.

As they have an address, maybe these two should think about moving to another address now, you never know what might happen otherwise do you.
Are you threatening these people for exposing fascist lies ?
Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
This report explains the swedish rape stats. They record the crimes differently over there so will always appear higher.
Incidentally your report is from 2009.

Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
This report explains the swedish rape stats. They record the crimes differently over there so will always appear higher.
Incidentally your report is from 2009.

I found a real young nazi for you Tommy.

"The victims, aged between 12–18, were predominantly vulnerable girls from troubled backgrounds, and some of them were in care and known to social services.[1][3] The men would target girls at railway stations, on estates, and walking home from school.[1] The gang would first befriend the girls inviting them out for a drive or a drink, and supplied them with alcohol and drugs.[1][3] The grooming process was then intensified and the girls were invited to parties and further meetings were arranged.[1] The girls were then driven to secluded areas and were sexually abused and raped.[1][3] The abuse took place in houses and hotels across the Midlands, parks and even the victims' own homes.[1][2] Two victims were threatened with hammers while another was locked up before being raped.[5] Sometimes, up to six men would be involved in the often violent assaults which the gang would film on their mobile phones.[3] Three gang members were filmed having sex with a 14-year-old girl in a hotel room to the sound of noisy cheering.[1] Some of the girls were locked up to prevent them escaping.[3] A 16-year-old victim stated: "I will never ever understand what has made them so evil and ignorant that still to this day they think they've not done anything wrong."

Who ever heard of a 16 year old girl nazi? What is this world coming to?

The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
What does it make them then ?
Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
This report explains the swedish rape stats. They record the crimes differently over there so will always appear higher.
Incidentally your report is from 2009.

I found a real young nazi for you Tommy.

"The victims, aged between 12–18, were predominantly vulnerable girls from troubled backgrounds, and some of them were in care and known to social services.[1][3] The men would target girls at railway stations, on estates, and walking home from school.[1] The gang would first befriend the girls inviting them out for a drive or a drink, and supplied them with alcohol and drugs.[1][3] The grooming process was then intensified and the girls were invited to parties and further meetings were arranged.[1] The girls were then driven to secluded areas and were sexually abused and raped.[1][3] The abuse took place in houses and hotels across the Midlands, parks and even the victims' own homes.[1][2] Two victims were threatened with hammers while another was locked up before being raped.[5] Sometimes, up to six men would be involved in the often violent assaults which the gang would film on their mobile phones.[3] Three gang members were filmed having sex with a 14-year-old girl in a hotel room to the sound of noisy cheering.[1] Some of the girls were locked up to prevent them escaping.[3] A 16-year-old victim stated: "I will never ever understand what has made them so evil and ignorant that still to this day they think they've not done anything wrong."

Who ever heard of a 16 year old girl nazi? What is this world coming to?


Of course she is a nazi if she is saying anything bad about brown people.
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
What does it make them then ?
IT makes them 'Far right', Tommy and not all right wingers are Nazis.

And who says all blacks should be sterilized? Got a linkn?
Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes

The thing with Tommy, when he's already dug a hole for himself....he then appears again and Er grabt mit der Schaufel ein Loch in der Erde....he digs a hole in the soil with a shovel....it's like some weird merry-go-round.
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
What does it make them then ?
IT makes them 'Far right', Tommy and not all right wingers are Nazis.

And who says all blacks should be sterilized? Got a linkn?

I said it and they should because there's too many of them already, 90% of them completely useless to man nor beast....however WTF does THAT have to do with what we're discussing in this thread?
A reputable news source actually quoting a member of the far right AfD acknowledging that he has spread stories that are untrue. Lucy could refute this but she has melted down and started posting pictures.

The dude being 'far right' in your opinion does not make the man a Nazi, idiot.
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?

I'm Austrian, I'm not a member of Alternative für Deutschland....but without any proof you slandered them, so yes I'll defend them against your slander.

If you want to talk about extreme, I think defending Muslim gang rapists and belittling rape itself is pretty EXTREME.
"The crown prosecution service charged the gang with 75 charges relating to twenty six girls, ranging from rape to intimidating witnesses,[3] though police believed there were many more victims. The men were charged in three separate trials."

Crown is probably code for Swastika, right Tommy?

Oh, like there are "more" victims, than the supposed "26" girls, like how could they know that?

No evidence means it didn't happen, right Tommy?
The AfD has been wracked by far right infiltration. The founders have walked away from the party. It was started as a euro sceptic group but has been taken over by the far right.
Their only member on here would like to sterilise all black people. How much more extreme can you get ?
What does it make them then ?
IT makes them 'Far right', Tommy and not all right wingers are Nazis.

And who says all blacks should be sterilized? Got a linkn?

I said it and they should because there's too many of them already, 90% of them completely useless to man nor beast....however WTF does THAT have to do with what we're discussing in this thread?

It just helps to establish your political compass. Why only 90% ? How will you decide on the quota ?

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