Hoaxes Rule: Journalism and Truth is No Longer Relevant in Politics.

Having followed this case somewhat closely, I can't see where the "media" or "journalists" lied at any time..

Smolette's original claim was reported, and then, the police doubts were reported, the developments about the other two men were reported, and now the charges against him have been reported, including pictures of the "perp walk." What did anyone do wrong here?

This is why using such language as the person "asserts" or "claims," etc. is so important. This is why there is always an addendum in articles about civil or political matters that details any efforts by a news organization to contact the opposing side for comment.

Of course, this is a criminal matter, so this rule doesn't apply. In criminal matters, the wording used must be something like the "alleged robbery" or "alleged rape." You can't say something like "Jones robbed the bank." He "allegedly robbed the bank" or "presecutors allege."

Again, there is no evidence in this case of wrongdoing by the media.

You're a certifiable idiot.

LIST: 24 Pieces of MSM Fake News in 5 Days

Here Are The Most Egregious Fake News Stories Of 2018

Sure there is in this case, they grabbed the Smollett deflated football and ran with it for days.
maybe you should actually read the articles the lying Daily caller claims are fake before you post that link again...?

here is the first story listed by the liars at the DC Fake News Site, that they claim was fake news...

There is NOTHING AT ALL, FAKE in the article....???

What do you see as FAKE NEWS in the Daily Caller's first article they call FAKE NEWS????

National Security
7-year-old migrant girl taken into Border Patrol custody dies of dehydration, exhaustion

Immigration officials said a seven-year-old girl from Guatemala died of dehydration and shock after she and her father were taken into custody Dec. 6. (Reuters)

By Nick Miroff and
Robert Moore
December 13, 2018
A 7-year-old girl from Guatemala died of dehydration and shock after she was taken into Border Patrol custody last week for crossing from Mexico into the United States illegally with her father and a large group of migrants along a remote span of New Mexico desert, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Thursday.

The child’s death is likely to intensify scrutiny of detention conditions at Border Patrol stations and CBP facilities that are increasingly overwhelmed by large numbers of families seeking asylum in the United States.

According to CBP records, the girl and her father were taken into custody about 10 p.m. Dec. 6 south of Lordsburg, N.M., as part of a group of 163 people who approached U.S. agents to turn themselves in.

More than eight hours later, the child began having seizures at 6:25 a.m., CBP records show. Emergency responders, who arrived soon after, measured her body temperature at 105.7 degrees, and according to a statement from CBP, she “reportedly had not eaten or consumed water for several days.”

After a helicopter flight to Providence Children’s Hospital in El Paso, the child went into cardiac arrest and “was revived,” according to the agency. “However, the child did not recover and died at the hospital less than 24 hours after being transported,” CBP said.

The agency did not release the name of the girl or her father, but the father remains in El Paso awaiting a meeting with Guatemalan consular officials, according to CBP. The agency is investigating the incident to ensure appropriate policies were followed, it said.

‘We’re desperate here’: Migrants face tough choices in Tijuana

Facing an uncertain future, migrants confront a series of choices – seek asylum in Mexico, return back home or cross the border illegally. (Drea Cornejo, Jon Gerberg/The Washington Post)

Food and water are typically provided to migrants in Border Patrol custody, and it wasn’t immediately clear Thursday if the girl received provisions and a medical exam before the onset of seizures.

“Our sincerest condolences go out to the family of the child,” CBP spokesman Andrew Meehan said in a statement to The Washington Post.

“Border Patrol agents took every possible step to save the child’s life under the most trying of circumstances,” Meehan said. “As fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, we empathize with the loss of any child.”

The ACLU blamed “lack of accountability, and a culture of cruelty within CBP” for the girl’s death. “The fact that it took a week for this to come to light shows the need for transparency for CBP. We call for a rigorous investigation into how this tragedy happened and serious reforms to prevent future deaths,” Cynthia Pompa, advocacy manager for the ACLU Border Rights Center, said in a statement.

Though much of the political and media attention has focused in recent weeks on migrant caravans arriving at the Tijuana-San Diego border, large numbers of Central Americans continue to cross the border into Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. The groups sometimes spend days in smugglers’ stash houses or walking through remote areas with little food or water before reaching the border.

Bad weather, poor health, determination to seek asylum

Intense rain and unsanitary conditions caused authorities in Tijuana to move asylum seekers and migrants to another camp farther from the U.S.-Mexico border. (Jon Gerberg/The Washington Post)

Arrests of migrants traveling as family groups have skyrocketed this year, and Homeland Security officials say court rulings that limit their ability to keep families in detention have produced a “catch and release” system that encourages migrants to bring children as a shield against detention and deportation.

[For Central Americans, children open a path to the U.S. — and bring a discount]

In November, Border Patrol agents apprehended a record 25,172 “family unit members” on the southwest border — including 11,489 in the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol sector in southern Texas and 6,434 in the El Paso sector, which covers far western Texas and New Mexico.

Migrants traveling as part of a family group accounted for 58 percent of those taken into custody last month by the Border Patrol.

On Tuesday, CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the agency’s holding cells are “incompatible” with the new reality of parents with children coming across the border to surrender to agents en masse, requesting asylum.

“Our Border Patrol stations were built decades ago to handle mostly male single adults in custody, not families and children,” McAleenan told lawmakers.

The small Border Patrol station in Lordsburg received a group of 227 migrants on Thursday, according to CBP, after taking in a group of 123 on Wednesday. Both groups — extremely large by CBP standards — mostly consisted of families and children, according to the agency.

The agency said it was expecting an autopsy on the child, but results would not likely be available for several weeks. An initial diagnosis by physicians at Providence hospital listed the cause of death as septic shock, fever and dehydration, CBP said.

“Due to patient confidentiality, the hospital is unable to provide any patient information and is referring any inquiries regarding this patient to CBP,” Providence spokeswoman Monique Poessiger said.

Moore reported from El Paso.
And who on your team is doing anything to change that?...I mean besides nobody.

BTW, you do realize that Adams is a staunch libertarian, don't you?

I know he’s a staunch Trump supporter. As with most people, I don’t concern myself with their politics unless they make it an issue.

As for “changing that”? Not sure you can. It’s a societal thing. It’s where we are at as a society in my view.

But since you brought it up….

Our intel services say Russia hacked Podesta and the DNC.
It’s fact that during the hacking, the Trump campaign had numerous contacts with Russian officials.
It’s fact that Trump and the GOP were not hacked or at least the hackers did not release what they found.
It’s fact that two of Trump’s campaign officials knew about the hacking before it happened; Corsi and Stone.

Yet, day in and day out there are multiple cries from “your team” about there not being any evidence of collusion.

Yeah..clean up your own back yard.
Nothing you posted is a fact. By "our intel services," you mean Obama appointed hacks who tried to stage a coup against Trump. They are even less credible than your average USMN snowflake.

Trump’s say the same thing. As does the GOP controlled House, as did the GOP controlled Senate, as does Trump’s FBI.

I'm still fine with Trump lying to destroy the left.

You’d have to have self esteem to not want to be abused and disrespected. You like the abuse. Hence you have no self esteem.

More proof?

You voted for McCain. You voted for Romney. Now you wouldn’t admit to either. Again…you’re not proud. I can’t blame you. If I were you, I wouldn’t be proud either.

Ah, are you having a complex partial seizure?
Sean Hannity, who has been trashed many times by Liberals, calls attention to hoaxes and press foolery:

After reviewing this video, is Hannity right or wrong? Should people who fake a crime to receive a gold star for a cause, should they be held accountable? Or should they be allowed to cause the public to have to double down in taxes to pay for wasted police time that needs to go to solving non-attention whore crimes?

Is journalism dead, or just greedy to make something happen so they can enjoy popularity of cleverly moving on when the hoax is uncovered? Why aren't facts being researched before printing?

Is gossip based on journalistic fraud more profitable than facts? Is Hannity off his rocker or spot on?

What can we do about truth in journalism, or do we just let this front of lies exist to divide our people in this nation?

So when Sean Hannity broadcast that hoax of a story on Seth Rich falsely blaming Seth's involvement in the DNC hacking for his death, he should have been arrested and prosecuted for that hoax.

What about their lies about Benghazi that lead to 7 congressionial investigations. Should FOX be forced to reimburse the taxpayers for the expenses those hoaxes cost the American public?
Sean Hannity, who has been trashed many times by Liberals, calls attention to hoaxes and press foolery:

After reviewing this video, is Hannity right or wrong? Should people who fake a crime to receive a gold star for a cause, should they be held accountable? Or should they be allowed to cause the public to have to double down in taxes to pay for wasted police time that needs to go to solving non-attention whore crimes?

Is journalism dead, or just greedy to make something happen so they can enjoy popularity of cleverly moving on when the hoax is uncovered? Why aren't facts being researched before printing?

Is gossip based on journalistic fraud more profitable than facts? Is Hannity off his rocker or spot on?

What can we do about truth in journalism, or do we just let this front of lies exist to divide our people in this nation?

So when Sean Hannity broadcast that hoax of a story on Seth Rich falsely blaming Seth's involvement in the DNC hacking for his death, he should have been arrested and prosecuted for that hoax.

What about their lies about Benghazi that lead to 7 congressionial investigations. Should FOX be forced to reimburse the taxpayers for the expenses those hoaxes cost the American publics?

When was the story proven to be a "hoax?"
The short version of the above is the adults she was with failed to take care of her and she died. Liberals don’t want no responsibilities so of course the blame lies elsewhere.
Sean Hannity, who has been trashed many times by Liberals, calls attention to hoaxes and press foolery:

After reviewing this video, is Hannity right or wrong? Should people who fake a crime to receive a gold star for a cause, should they be held accountable? Or should they be allowed to cause the public to have to double down in taxes to pay for wasted police time that needs to go to solving non-attention whore crimes?

Is journalism dead, or just greedy to make something happen so they can enjoy popularity of cleverly moving on when the hoax is uncovered? Why aren't facts being researched before printing?

Is gossip based on journalistic fraud more profitable than facts? Is Hannity off his rocker or spot on?

What can we do about truth in journalism, or do we just let this front of lies exist to divide our people in this nation?

So when Sean Hannity broadcast that hoax of a story on Seth Rich falsely blaming Seth's involvement in the DNC hacking for his death, he should have been arrested and prosecuted for that hoax.

What about their lies about Benghazi that lead to 7 congressionial investigations. Should FOX be forced to reimburse the taxpayers for the expenses those hoaxes cost the American publics?

When was the story proven to be a "hoax?"

Before it was broadcast, it didn't fit the liberal narrative hence it was a hoax.
There has been fake news for decades. Trump is only pointing it out to idiots like you who believe all you hear. Unless Trump says it, then of course the narrative is that he's lying.

Trump is the first president with the stones to call the media liars to their face. That's why the fake news media is shitting their pants. Trump called them liars, mocked and ridiculed him, and they were not able to retaliate and destroy him.

Trump has blazed a trail for all future presidents, they no longer have to sit there and take the beatings for fear the media would retaliate.

And Little Trumpsters don't have the balls to call out Trump on his documented thousands of lies. No, the gullibles suck down Trump's bullshit, like it's candy.
Trump was being truthful, when he he stated his supporters are low educated and would support him if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Now that's about as truthful as he can get.
There has been fake news for decades. Trump is only pointing it out to idiots like you who believe all you hear. Unless Trump says it, then of course the narrative is that he's lying.

Trump is the first president with the stones to call the media liars to their face. That's why the fake news media is shitting their pants. Trump called them liars, mocked and ridiculed him, and they were not able to retaliate and destroy him.

Trump has blazed a trail for all future presidents, they no longer have to sit there and take the beatings for fear the media would retaliate.

And Little Trumpsters don't have the balls to call out Trump on his documented thousands of lies. No, the gullibles suck down Trump's bullshit, like it's candy.
Trump was being truthful, when he he stated his supporters are low educated and would support him if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Now that's about as truthful as he can get.
I heard it was up in the hundreds of thousands now. I saw in on CNN. very factual.
Politicians lying is nothing new not even for Presidents it is the job of the press to hold them accountable for it all of them not just those they don’t support. When journalists start letting their personal feelings dictate how they cover and report about those in power they have ceased to be reporters and have become at best political activists and at worst propagandist.
There has been fake news for decades. Trump is only pointing it out to idiots like you who believe all you hear. Unless Trump says it, then of course the narrative is that he's lying.

Trump is the first president with the stones to call the media liars to their face. That's why the fake news media is shitting their pants. Trump called them liars, mocked and ridiculed him, and they were not able to retaliate and destroy him.

Trump has blazed a trail for all future presidents, they no longer have to sit there and take the beatings for fear the media would retaliate.

And Little Trumpsters don't have the balls to call out Trump on his documented thousands of lies. No, the gullibles suck down Trump's bullshit, like it's candy.
Trump was being truthful, when he he stated his supporters are low educated and would support him if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Now that's about as truthful as he can get.

You seem disturbed by Trump and Trump supporters.
There has been fake news for decades. Trump is only pointing it out to idiots like you who believe all you hear. Unless Trump says it, then of course the narrative is that he's lying.

Trump is the first president with the stones to call the media liars to their face. That's why the fake news media is shitting their pants. Trump called them liars, mocked and ridiculed him, and they were not able to retaliate and destroy him.

Trump has blazed a trail for all future presidents, they no longer have to sit there and take the beatings for fear the media would retaliate.

And Little Trumpsters don't have the balls to call out Trump on his documented thousands of lies. No, the gullibles suck down Trump's bullshit, like it's candy.
Trump was being truthful, when he he stated his supporters are low educated and would support him if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Now that's about as truthful as he can get.

You seem disturbed by Trump and Trump supporters.

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