
I need to stretch more. I should do Yoga.

Howard Stern was saying they need to put Chess on TV. He would watch. And maybe it would do some good with smartening up our citizens. Because right we sure seem dumb huh? Learning how to play chess well is like learning how to play an instrument or paint well.

I have a dog so I go on long walks every night. ARGH! He makes me get my 10,000 steps in. Yes, good time to decompress after a long day at work. Where do you walk anywhere cool? I find the best woods/trails to walk my dog. It's hard right now with hunters in the woods. And in the summer it's mountain bikers and mosquitos that suck. And in the winter it's the cold. But I don't mind so long as the ground doesn't have snow under my feet. Right now is perfect. It's cold and I hate it but at least I'm walking on grass. Where do you walk? Any place amazing?

I started doing yoga after my back surgery and now I do at least 30 minutes every morning and usually another 10 or 20 minutes in the evening.

It's been around for so long because it really works
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I love old movies. Sometimes they are boring and not as much action as today's movies but still they capture your attention.

Actually, I think movies today suck. I try to watch "movies" on Netflix and they suck. No good comedies or drama/romance or Comedy/romance movies anymore.

No Will Smith blockbusters. Tom Cruz is still good. Brad Pitt is good still especially with Quinton Tarrintino.

I love AMC. Especially westerns. Every once in a great while I find a western I've never seen before. Love when that happens.
that's why I like streaming.
Found a Douglas/Lancaster movie I'd never seen before.

I agree and I miss it. To many nutty rules on public land have ruined for us regular folks.

I always thought it sucked you can't take your car or even a quad back to get your deer on the state land I hunt. Another reason I love my Ebike. I can ride to my spot in 5 minutes compared to 45 minutes walking. That's a lot of walking if you shoot a deer.

But I don't think my 2 wheel ebike will help me drag the deer back once I gut it. BUT, the other day I saw a guy riding back to his spot with this Ebike and I believe it has the power to drag a deer back to the car. Of course I would put the deer on a sled or taboggon so not to ruin the meat but check this out

I agree and I miss it. To many nutty rules on public land have ruined for us regular folks.
Best thing ever was when my brother bought 65 acres up north MI. So nice being on private land. But I still hunt state land because it's local.
Fishing, snowmobiling, camping, hiking.
Mostly activities that get me into the wilderness and away from people.
I need to do more fishing. I have a pontoon boat and live on a lake. I don't like leaving my dog alone if I don't have to but I can't fish with him on the boat. He barks at the lure and wants to bite it. One day he's going to get hooked. Next summer I will take him on a really long walk Saturday's and Sunday's and leave him like I do when I go on my ebike rides. Only instead of ride I'll go on the lake and enjoy it while he sleeps off the long walk.

He also stops me from doing the canoe trips. Can't really take him along. I can but I don't want to. I'd like to do a canoe/fishing trip and be dog free. I miss having a girlfriend who would watch my dog for me when I needed it.
Yes they gave us those gifts that will be around as long as we will at least. No music from 200 years ago is still popular today but I bet in 200 years they'll be doing Garth Brooks or Toby Keith covers.

Right. :rolleyes:

If this is not "POPULAR", then fuck "popular music"

PS -- If your ADHD medication will not allow you to sit in one place and listen for more than two minutes, I feel sorry for you.

That is my way of life now. Just shot a 10 point last weekend. Used the Quad to drag it back and string it up the buck pole.
Sigh, it isn't any fun anymore as everyone died, moved, or took up fuckin' golf instead.

Now if I want a ol deer I just drive down to my place along the Shenandoah River, drop one, pull the truck up next to it, load, and tote it home to work-up.

Mostly I just let the guy that keeps it mowed for me hunt down there.

Better times.


I do miss my 4-wheeler because I had a plow kit for it. I'm thinking about getting another set-up the same way just for that task....Fuckin' snow gets heavier with every year that passes even with the snow-blower. ;)

Of course given the prices of them these days I may as well set my PU up for it.

As far as old music, it lives on!

I spend much of my time creating beautiful decor. My love of color and art juxtaposition brings me great satisfaction. Listening to music is a must-have and at all times whether I am online or not, there is music happening. ( Pandora Radio ) When I am online, music selection has to be instrumental only for anything with vocals will distract me from working and sometimes visiting USMB for brief periods.

I also enjoy daily fast-walking aerobic exercises. I also like keeping a sparkling house filled from floor to 9-foot ceilings with figurative framed artworks, mostly 19th-century artists. A few, later such as Gustav Klimt, etc.
Besides politics what are you interested in? I’m into

Outdoors, sports, pets, science, debating religion, family, friends, tv

I notice I get along with Republican people until they find out I don’t like trump. Republicans, what are your interests beyond politics?
You should be more specific. For example, you cite "outdoors". You appear to have a dead dear in your avatar, so one may assume that you enjoy hunting. Is this right? See, for some reason when I think of you as a hunter I have less negative feelings toward you. But "outdoors" could mean so much more than just hunting. It could mean fishing, hiking, camping, bigfooting, mushroom/ginseng hunting, moonshining, sexual exhibitionism, shooting, swimming, survivalist, yard grooming, gardening, paragliding nude, etc...

And what, exactly, does "pets" mean? I have a couple of dogs I love more than most humans. But, I mean, is your hobby to have pets in your house? Is your hobby breeding pets? Torturing pets? Eating pets? Some folks keep and read rabbits for food, while also taking one or two out of the pen and playing with them.

Science. How is science your hobby? Do you read periodicals regarding news in science? What area of science? Or, instead of being a bystander, are you actively engaged in science? Are you working on a process to make cold fusion a feasible energy source? Are you working on a cure for cancer? Perhaps you are busy conducting experiments to weaponize the ionosphere?

You also list family and friends as hobbies. I admit that I do not understand this at all. Are you saying that your family and friends are there to be your amusement and fill your time when you are not working? "Hi, mom!! I thought I would come over for the afternoon and hobby you because I do not want to be bored." That is just weird. You make family and friends into things, like a yo-yo or a dildo, to pass time with.

How is TV a hobby? Do you take them apart and reassemble them? Do you do science with them? Repair them? Or are you saying (sadly) that your hobby is to sit in front of a tv for hours and watch the garbage emanating therefrom?

You should be more specific. I can tell you exactly what hobbies I have. I like to go to the range and shoot my guns. I like to ride my HD motorcycle. I like to bang slutty bar whores. I like to read periodicals and stay on top of the news. I like to fish. There, see how easy that is? Why can't YOU do that?
You should be more specific. For example, you cite "outdoors". You appear to have a dead dear in your avatar, so one may assume that you enjoy hunting. Is this right? See, for some reason when I think of you as a hunter I have less negative feelings toward you. But "outdoors" could mean so much more than just hunting. It could mean fishing, hiking, camping, bigfooting, mushroom/ginseng hunting, moonshining, sexual exhibitionism, shooting, swimming, survivalist, yard grooming, gardening, paragliding nude, etc...

And what, exactly, does "pets" mean? I have a couple of dogs I love more than most humans. But, I mean, is your hobby to have pets in your house? Is your hobby breeding pets? Torturing pets? Eating pets? Some folks keep and read rabbits for food, while also taking one or two out of the pen and playing with them.

Science. How is science your hobby? Do you read periodicals regarding news in science? What area of science? Or, instead of being a bystander, are you actively engaged in science? Are you working on a process to make cold fusion a feasible energy source? Are you working on a cure for cancer? Perhaps you are busy conducting experiments to weaponize the ionosphere?

You also list family and friends as hobbies. I admit that I do not understand this at all. Are you saying that your family and friends are there to be your amusement and fill your time when you are not working? "Hi, mom!! I thought I would come over for the afternoon and hobby you because I do not want to be bored." That is just weird. You make family and friends into things, like a yo-yo or a dildo, to pass time with.

How is TV a hobby? Do you take them apart and reassemble them? Do you do science with them? Repair them? Or are you saying (sadly) that your hobby is to sit in front of a tv for hours and watch the garbage emanating therefrom?

You should be more specific. I can tell you exactly what hobbies I have. I like to go to the range and shoot my guns. I like to ride my HD motorcycle. I like to bang slutty bar whores. I like to read periodicals and stay on top of the news. I like to fish. There, see how easy that is? Why can't YOU do that?
Damn dude, everyone is not as long-winded as you.....I swear, I believe you write all that just to see it when you're done. That said the TV thing was funny. :laughing0301:
That's called being a "keeper".....As long as you don't own horses. ;)
Lol....I sold her years ago. A 16-hand, striking beauty retired thoroughbred racehorse. I LOVED riding her bareback. We rode with the wind for that is what she was trained to do. RUN!!!
One of my favorite places to fish and boat is the Kabatogama to Crane Lake chain along the MN/Ontario border. Voyageurs National Park. The four lakes of the southern part of park extend 65 miles by water.
Boat in campsites are all over the park which is only accessible by boat or snowmobile.

Boat parked at a campsite, about 15 miles from boat landing...

Same location by snowmobile.


Favorite fishing bay, excellent for Walleye and Black Crappies.
It is indescribable how extensive and huge this lake system is. At 40 mph it would take about 2 hours to cross by water. Snowmobile is much faster though.
By canoe it would take a week. Endless islands, narrows, bays. GPS with lake maps is a must to not get lost and avoid nailing underwater structure.
I need to do more fishing. I have a pontoon boat and live on a lake. I don't like leaving my dog alone if I don't have to but I can't fish with him on the boat. He barks at the lure and wants to bite it. One day he's going to get hooked. Next summer I will take him on a really long walk Saturday's and Sunday's and leave him like I do when I go on my ebike rides. Only instead of ride I'll go on the lake and enjoy it while he sleeps off the long walk.

He also stops me from doing the canoe trips. Can't really take him along. I can but I don't want to. I'd like to do a canoe/fishing trip and be dog free. I miss having a girlfriend who would watch my dog for me when I needed it.
Our pupps goes on the boat with us.
Even got him to do a kayak...

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