
You should be more specific. For example, you cite "outdoors". You appear to have a dead dear in your avatar, so one may assume that you enjoy hunting. Is this right? See, for some reason when I think of you as a hunter I have less negative feelings toward you. But "outdoors" could mean so much more than just hunting. It could mean fishing, hiking, camping, bigfooting, mushroom/ginseng hunting, moonshining, sexual exhibitionism, shooting, swimming, survivalist, yard grooming, gardening, paragliding nude, etc...

And what, exactly, does "pets" mean? I have a couple of dogs I love more than most humans. But, I mean, is your hobby to have pets in your house? Is your hobby breeding pets? Torturing pets? Eating pets? Some folks keep and read rabbits for food, while also taking one or two out of the pen and playing with them.

Science. How is science your hobby? Do you read periodicals regarding news in science? What area of science? Or, instead of being a bystander, are you actively engaged in science? Are you working on a process to make cold fusion a feasible energy source? Are you working on a cure for cancer? Perhaps you are busy conducting experiments to weaponize the ionosphere?

You also list family and friends as hobbies. I admit that I do not understand this at all. Are you saying that your family and friends are there to be your amusement and fill your time when you are not working? "Hi, mom!! I thought I would come over for the afternoon and hobby you because I do not want to be bored." That is just weird. You make family and friends into things, like a yo-yo or a dildo, to pass time with.

How is TV a hobby? Do you take them apart and reassemble them? Do you do science with them? Repair them? Or are you saying (sadly) that your hobby is to sit in front of a tv for hours and watch the garbage emanating therefrom?

You should be more specific. I can tell you exactly what hobbies I have. I like to go to the range and shoot my guns. I like to ride my HD motorcycle. I like to bang slutty bar whores. I like to read periodicals and stay on top of the news. I like to fish. There, see how easy that is? Why can't YOU do that?
1. Love to hunt.
2. My dog is the best tracker. Finds all my deer.
3. I'm interested/fascinated with science. Not necessarily good at it.
4. I hunt with my brother, my nephews come out on my boat in the summer, I go visit them in college. I'm cool uncle sealybobo to all their friends.
5. I love my TV especially with DVR. I am not tied to a time to watch a show anymore. If I was, I would miss a lot of shows I love. With DVR you watch when you want to watch.

I only go to the range to site my weapons for hunting. Not just for fun. I find it is a waste of money like fireworks. Once the gun is sited in and you're hitting bulls eyes, stop already. LOL.

I love to hunt. Oct 1 to Jan 1 hunt. Summer, spring and fall I love riding my Ebike long distances with friends. Going on these biking adventures. There are new bike paths all over the country that used to be old rr tracks. They are connecting communities and I love these 6 hour bike rides on Saturdays or Sundays

I love hanging out on the boat. Or anyone's boat. But especially mine. I always dreamed I would own a boat someday when i was a kid and now I have one.

I love going out to dinner. It's a hobby if you are a foody. LOL.

What is a HD Motorcycle? High Definition? Oh, Harley D. Yea, we feel sorry for you guys riding on the road with cars and pollution. It's so much better on the bike trails. We go from our city through about 5 cities and get to our destination, never having to ride on the roads with those cars. Gross. Trust me, sell that hog and get yourself a bad ass Ebike that has a throttle. Mine doesn't have a throttle I want to exercise so I have to peddle mine but you probably want to chill so get the throttle. And with that Hog money get a level 3 bike. Mine is level 1 only goes 19 mph. If you have a hog you probably want to go fast. Trust me, you'll feel like a kid again and it's much safer.
Our pupps goes on the boat with us.
Even got him to do a kayak...
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No doubt. I even have a flat bottom boat I could totally take my dog with me. Take out the front seat he can have half the boat.

What are the things you cook that are to die for?

How tough are you with the martial arts? Have you ever had to/got to use it in real life?
I was into martial arts growing up. I started with Judo, loved it. Then I switched to Karate. In Judo, I just got to the part where we learned chokes and arm bars. In Karate, I stunk big time, couldn't score a point to save my life. We practiced forms out the ying yang, but were never taught how to defeat a block. My brother was ruthless. He'd stand with a very narrow side profile, and use a side kick to physically move you backwards.
I was into martial arts growing up. I started with Judo, loved it. Then I switched to Karate. In Judo, I just got to the part where we learned chokes and arm bars. In Karate, I stunk big time, couldn't score a point to save my life. We practiced forms out the ying yang, but were never taught how to defeat a block. My brother was ruthless. He'd stand with a very narrow side profile, and use a side kick to physically move you backwards.

You should have done wrestling. You'd be a much better fighter if you had some wrestling in your background.
Why do you ask?

Why do I ask? I love asking people what they are having for dinner. Maybe it's something I've never tried and should. Or maybe it's easy to make and I can make it.

I was thinking about you last night. Weren't you the one busting my balls about what is and isn't a hobby? Cooking isn't a hobby. Everyone does it. That's like saying showering is a hobby just because you jack off while doing it. Just because you like cooking doesn't make it a hobby. LOL
The specific breeder doesn't crop their tails. I can't imagine him without his big bushy tail.
I wouldn't change a doberman like everyone does. They cut their ears and tails right? I saw a guy who didn't do any of that and I preferred that look. So cute.
Why do I ask? I love asking people what they are having for dinner. Maybe it's something I've never tried and should. Or maybe it's easy to make and I can make it.
You should try a Syrian dish called Baba Ghanoush. Pretty easy to make, not much cooking (just baking some eggplant); but the way I make it is as a meal, not as a dip.

Weren't you the one busting my balls about what is and isn't a hobby?

Cooking isn't a hobby. Everyone does it.
Not everyone cooks. You don't need to cook to eat. Cooking becomes a hobby when you explore the various different ways of cooking, and the many unique things you can do with it far beyond just preparing tonight's meal.
I wouldn't change a doberman like everyone does. They cut their ears and tails right? I saw a guy who didn't do any of that and I preferred that look. So cute.
In fact, many countries like the U.K. and Australia have banned the practice. America is one of only a few nations that don't regulate cropping.
It is considered a controversial practice these days.

You should try a Syrian dish called Baba Ghanoush. Pretty easy to make, not much cooking (just baking some eggplant); but the way I make it is as a meal, not as a dip.


Not everyone cooks. You don't need to cook to eat. Cooking becomes a hobby when you explore the various different ways of cooking, and the many unique things you can do with it far beyond just preparing tonight's meal.
You're still just preparing tonights meal. No matter how many ingredients you use, you're still just cooking dinner. And this is not a hobby because we all do it. Some of us enjoy doing it more than others but ultimately, it's like saying taking a crap is a hobby because you love it. Because there are many unique things you can do with it beyond just pooping out a crap.

I watched a guy butcher a deer. Separate all the parts into what will become steaks, stews, hamburger. It really is interesting and I want to start cutting up my own deer rather than pay $140 to have a Amish Butcher do it. I do love when I open up a steak I cut off all fat they left on and that's for the dog.

I am determined to find some woods for sale. I found something for $50K but I don't want to spend that much. I'll spend $20K for 10 or 20 acres. I know, good luck with that. But then I will spend another $10K on a tiny home and have it put on the property. Then I will insulate it, put a pot belly stove in it, lay the foundation to put it on. Then I will spend all my time on that property with the dog. Cutting fire wood, making things, building a fire pit outside, a food storage, etc. This will be off the grid. No electricity or plumbing.

I've decided this is what I want. Not a place in Florida where I go every winter. I will spend my time on the property in Michigan. With a pot belly stove to keep me warm.

Now I just need to find a cheap property.

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