Hobby Lobby Loses Transgender Bathroom Access Case in Illinois

There is no evidence whatsoever that transgender Americans seek to ‘harm’ anyone in restrooms.

‘Experts in 12 states -- including law enforcement officials, government employees, and advocates for victims of sexual assault -- have debunked the right-wing myth that sexual predators will exploit transgender non-discrimination laws to sneak into women's restrooms, calling the myth baseless and “beyond specious.”’

I think they can point to around 5-10 total crimes that have been committed by trans or pretend trans in girls bathrooms. Compared to what - hundreds if not thousands of pervy straight dudes convicted in women's bathroom cases? :rolleyes-41:
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I went in to a Hobby Lobby long time ago and couldn't find a damn thing I was even slightly interested in. Chick-fil-A is another one I avoid. Food is mostly crappy (broiled chicken club is barely okay) and I have no desire to support Bible thumping bigots.

I went into a hobby lobby once. Several years ago.

I didn't buy anything. The store was filled with cheap junk from china and it was over priced.

I have never been to a chick fil a. I never will either.

Ever since chemo deep fried food makes me vomit.
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

Another win for the Left's adamant agenda of making sure pedophiles have access to children.

I am sure Leftist are all very pleased.
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

It’s so sickening that leftwingers defend these child molesting pedo faggots. You people are insane.
...conservatives fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
Allow me the opportunity to explain to the group what this disingenuous hack means when he throws around the term 'diversity'. It's the epitome of intellectual dishonesty in the context of this discussion. It's got nothing at all to do with Individual liberty. In the context the spew was framed, it's antithetical to the very nature of individualism.

When the modern liberal throws the term 'diversity' around, what they are encouraging Americans to do is to adopt the notion that all human beings should be viewed only as members of a group. Never as Individuals. Ever. Collectivists only think in terms of groups. They oppose the very idea of Individualism.

Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of Individual rights rather than group claims.
“The unanimous three-judge Second District panel rejected Hobby Lobby’s argument that a person’s sex is an immutable condition.

Nothing in the Illinois Human Rights Act suggests supports the company’s argument, Justice Mary Seminara-Schostok wrote for the panel, which also included Justices Kathryn Zenoff and Ann Jorgensen.

In addition, Hobby Lobby claimed during litigation that it would allow Sommerville to use the women’s bathroom if she produced a birth certificate saying she’s female or underwent genital surgery, the panel said.” ibid

Clearly the bigotry and hate of conservatives knows no bounds.
“The unanimous three-judge Second District panel rejected Hobby Lobby’s argument that a person’s sex is an immutable condition.
And appropriately so – the ‘argument’ is idiotic.

Gender is far more than just physiology; that someone should be defined solely by his gender is as moronic as defining someone solely by his race.

Moreover, Americans have a fundamental right to self-determination, to decide for oneself how to express himself as an individual, including how to identify with regard to gender.
"People who aren't like you" like hairy men in dresses in the ladies room and confused boys traumatizing young girls in the locker room and shower? Those kind of people?
And appropriately so – the ‘argument’ is idiotic.

Gender is far more than just physiology; that someone should be defined solely by his gender is as moronic as defining someone solely by his race.

Moreover, Americans have a fundamental right to self-determination, to decide for oneself how to express himself as an individual, including how to identify with regard to gender.

I guess freedom, liberty and my body, my choice only applies to republicans who don't want to wear masks and don't want to be vaccinated.

But the authoritarian right uses discrimination as a means to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservatives also use lies and fearmongering – such as the lie that anyone would be ‘harmed’ by allowing transgender Americans to use restrooms consistent with their identified gender.

Of coursed, you have no concern at all for the very real harm to women and girls, caused by the subhuman pieces of shit whose right to abuse them you wish to protect from “discrimination”. You are no better than they, and fully complicit in all of the harm that they cause.

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