Hobby Lobby Loses Transgender Bathroom Access Case in Illinois

Dana7360 has nothing to do with being different .....how come there are not a lot of white short people in the NBA?
The courts say you're wrong.

It is discrimination and the courts ruled as such.

It doesn't matter what you think or want.

You can't discriminate someone just because they are different from you and you don't like it.

But the authoritarian right uses discrimination as a means to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservatives also use lies and fearmongering – such as the lie that anyone would be ‘harmed’ by allowing transgender Americans to use restrooms consistent with their identified gender.
Sometimes you have to discriminate. Would you invite a child sex offender in your home? Would you put one in a position of authority in government over normal people? Would you put a mentally ill mtf trans in charge of the health of the people of this nation? A perverted people would do that.

But the authoritarian right uses discrimination as a means to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservatives also use lies and fearmongering – such as the lie that anyone would be ‘harmed’ by allowing transgender Americans to use restrooms consistent with their identified gender.
RETARD men in women's bathrooms and showers is wrong.
The courts say you're wrong.
It is discrimination and the courts ruled as such.
It doesn't matter what you think or want.
You can't discriminate someone just because they are different from you and you don't like it.

well...this rather explains the democrat party platform doesn't it.

But the authoritarian right uses discrimination as a means to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservatives also use lies and fearmongering – such as the lie that anyone would be ‘harmed’ by allowing transgender Americans to use restrooms consistent with their identified gender.

Their lies are lame and being thrown out of court.

I wish they would leave people alone to live their lives in peace.
Why are we discriminating against criminals. Let's let them go.
Why are we discriminating against sex offenders. Take one in to your home.
Isn't the left discriminating against conservatives, christians, prolifers, trump supporters?

and then you want to give perverts all the support and love you can muster.
So I guess you have a problem with our non discrimination laws.
It doesn't matter what you want.
It's A CRIME to discriminate.
Why do you support criminals?

there's that reading comprehension problem again.
RETARD men in women's bathrooms and showers is wrong.
There is no evidence whatsoever that transgender Americans seek to ‘harm’ anyone in restrooms.

‘Experts in 12 states -- including law enforcement officials, government employees, and advocates for victims of sexual assault -- have debunked the right-wing myth that sexual predators will exploit transgender non-discrimination laws to sneak into women's restrooms, calling the myth baseless and “beyond specious.”’

The courts say you're wrong.

It is discrimination and the courts ruled as such.

It doesn't matter what you think or want.

You can't discriminate someone just because they are different from you and you don't like it.
The destruction of civilization by massive costs will. We are well past the push for respecting others. Sexuality is here it should have stopped. We are going to end up with people in concentration camps and exterminated. It is just who it is is that is to be determined.. And then from after the initial casualties.
I wish they would leave people alone to live their lives in peace.
Conservatives can’t do that, of course – perpetuating the culture war is an important part of the right’s campaign to use fear, ignorance, and hate to advance their political agenda.

By attempting to vilify gay and transgender Americans, conservatives hope to deflect from real problems the country must face – problems failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma cannot address.
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

Simple, make all bathrooms unisex and single stall with locks on them and problem solved…

Also you would discriminate against anyone that voted for Trump, so let not get on that high horse if I were you!

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