Hobby Lobby Loses Transgender Bathroom Access Case in Illinois

Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

If you transition from a man to a woman there should be one underlying condition to using the woman’s room.


if you still have a dick and go into the woman’s room, you are a pervert.

Also, once you chop your dick off, there is no going back to the men’s room.

Enjoy the long lines in the ladies room
There is no evidence whatsoever that transgender Americans seek to ‘harm’ anyone in restrooms.

‘Experts in 12 states -- including law enforcement officials, government employees, and advocates for victims of sexual assault -- have debunked the right-wing myth that sexual predators will exploit transgender non-discrimination laws to sneak into women's restrooms, calling the myth baseless and “beyond specious.”’

That in spite of there being no shortage of documented cases of exactly that happening.

Of course, the source that you cite is Media Matters, an extreme left wrong-wing lies and propaganda source that is so far off the left edge that its primary purpose is to condemn other media for not being extreme enough in that direction for its liking.

Even if, as in this case, the claim being made wasn't so blatantly and obviously false, just the fact that you are citing Media Matters is solid enough reason to assume that anything claimed therein, or any claim that you are using it to support, is complete bullshit.
Ignorance, fear, and hate – conservatives fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

And as authoritarians conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.
When people go into a public restroom, they can lose a bit of control over potential criminal events that can happen. When I was a bit younger, women would become livid if what we are seeing today was the norm back then. It was their domain from the outside world for whatever they were doing.
I went in to a Hobby Lobby long time ago and couldn't find a damn thing I was even slightly interested in. Chick-fil-A is another one I avoid. Food is mostly crappy (broiled chicken club is barely okay) and I have no desire to support Bible thumping bigots.

No surprise, there.

Hobby Lobby sells materials and equipment that require some degree of effort, ambition, and skill to make into useful or worthwhile items. I can see no reason to expect that it would be of any interest to someone who is too lazy, unintelligent, and incompetent to make any use of them.
First male fruit loop wearing pumps and a dress waltzes into a restroom one of our daughters is using it'll probably end badly for the nutcase

Law or no law
If you transition from a man to a woman there should be one underlying condition to using the woman’s room.


if you still have a dick and go into the woman’s room, you are a pervert.

Also, once you chop your dick off, there is no going back to the men’s room.

Enjoy the long lines in the ladies room

No amount of quasi-medical Frankensteinery can ever genuinely turn a man into a woman.

The idea is pure madness, as equally is the idea that submitting to such mutilation ought to ever allow a degenerate make pervert license to intrude upon the safety, privacy, and modesty of women and girls.

By setting such conditions under which you would consider such an intrusion to be acceptable, you are only playing into the madness and sickness.
No amount of quasi-medical Frankensteinery can ever genuinely turn a man into a woman.

The idea is pure madness, as equally is the idea that submitting to such mutilation ought to ever allow a degenerate make pervert license to intrude upon the safety, privacy, and modesty of women and girls.

By setting such conditions under which you would consider such an intrusion to be acceptable, you are only playing into the madness and sickness.
I thought it was a very fair deal. Yet, many Demonrats want more and a

here’s my other deal
Now, if you’re a woman who transitions to a man, you need to find a penis, and have it sown on. Then it has to work. If it doesn’t work, then you’re only allowed into the handicapped bathroom
Of coursed, you have no concern at all for the very real harm to women and girls, caused by the subhuman pieces of shit whose right to abuse them you wish to protect from “discrimination”. You are no better than they, and fully complicit in all of the harm that they cause.
Conservatives are fundamentally authoritarian – such is the nature of the reactionary right: to fear and oppose positive, beneficial change, to fear and oppose diversity and dissent, and to fear and oppose expressions of individual liberty – such as transgender Americans.

And as authoritarian conservatives, you seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – such as hateful, bigoted policies that discriminate against transgender Americans as Hobby Lobby sought to lawlessly pursue.
I thought it was a very fair deal.

Now, if you’re a woman who transitions to a man, you need to find a penis, and have it sown on. Then it has to work. If it doesn’t work, then you’re only allowed into the handicapped bathroom

It's bullshit.

It is biologically impossible for a man to transition into a woman, or vice versa.

You do no good by playing into this sickness.
I went in to a Hobby Lobby long time ago and couldn't find a damn thing I was even slightly interested in. Chick-fil-A is another one I avoid. Food is mostly crappy (broiled chicken club is barely okay) and I have no desire to support Bible thumping bigots.
Christophobic bigot.
I went into a hobby lobby once. Several years ago.
I didn't buy anything. The store was filled with cheap junk from china and it was over priced.

I have never been to a chick fil a. I never will either.

Ever since chemo deep fried food makes me vomit.

So you'll go to Target, where they also have cheap Chinese junk.

Be honest, your real reason for not going into a Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A is because they are owned by conservative families.
I don't think there's any need to wonder.

It's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it, but I think we all know what it means.

The dopes think enabling is the same as accusing.... trust me on this one

A clarification is in order
The bathroom issue in this case seems restricted to the work environment. You probably can't smoke a cigarette in the ladies room in the work place but a fake babe can flash his/her thing around. What a world.
This is an easy fix. Stop calling the men’s and women’s bathrooms. Just call them bathrooms for those with a penis and those with a vagina. doesnt matter what gender your pretending to be use the bathroom with the people who have to same genitalia as you have.
Anybody coming across places that have 1 woman’s bathroom, 1 unisex bathroom, but no men’s bathroom.

I think that is extremely sexist against men

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