Hoe Does Falling Off the Cliff Change the political landscape?


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
Everyone is falling all over themselves to get people to blame "the other guys" for the hardships that will follow falling off the fiscal cliff.

So who's more likely to win? Let's look at the numbers.

The latest poll indicates 48% think we will go off the cliff. 50% believe we will not.

54% approve of Obama's handling of the negotiations.
Harry Reid gets a 34% approval mark for his role in the negotiations.
Boehner is at 26% approval for his part in the negotiations.
68% want to see lawmakers compromise.
22% want to see them "stick to their guns."
Democrats in Congress get a 45% approval rating on the issue.
Congressional Republicans get a 26% approval rating for their efforts.

The numbers seem to suggest that the GOP will bear the brunt of the blame (although I personally believe their will be plenty to go around for everyone). Coming off a poor showing at the ballot boxes, can the Republicans afford - politically - to stay out of the process? Or to allow the cliff dive?
I don't care if they all sink.. I'm tired of politics, period.

And yet you've posted 30 comments on political threads today alone?

You're counting how many times I post? Don't you have a life or perhaps something better to do? Yes, I've posted several comments today.. that's what people do when they're a part of a forum. Just to educate you.. Being tired of politics in regard to partisanship. No need to thank me.
It is all political theater, with the Dems being the experienced actors and the Reps being the understudies. Boehner is in completely over his head and needs to be dumped ASAP. The obvious first move was for the GOP to demand that a Democratic bill be introduced, then allow it to be passed (by abstention) over to the Senate for debate and reconciliation. Instead, Boehner wanted to be a "player" in the "negotiations" and is getting his ass handed to him. No matter what the outcome, the GOP will be portrayed as the bad guy.
It is all political theater, with the Dems being the experienced actors and the Reps being the understudies. Boehner is in completely over his head and needs to be dumped ASAP. The obvious first move was for the GOP to demand that a Democratic bill be introduced, then allow it to be passed (by abstention) over to the Senate for debate and reconciliation. Instead, Boehner wanted to be a "player" in the "negotiations" and is getting his ass handed to him. No matter what the outcome, the GOP will be portrayed as the bad guy.

True true.. Boehner is a standing joke but so is Harry Reid.. It's like watching a circus tent full of assclowns and expecting real answers from the very people who sank this nation in to this debt to begin with. IT'S INSANE.
At the bottom of the cliff is a government that spends less and also makes the people pay for more of the government they're getting.

At the top of the cliff is the borrow and spend free lunch system we've been living under for 30 years.

It should be obvious what we SHOULD do.
Lot of input from someone who "doesn't care"

Anyway - the numbers look bad for the Republicans. Not sure it would help them to "sit this one out."
Maybe getting in there and working towards a solution... showing a willingness to negotiaste in good faith (rather than plunk down a wish list of re-doing every vote they've lost over the last 30 years) and calling it a "proposal."

Doesn't look like the people are buying that charade
At the bottom of the cliff is a government that spends less and also makes the people pay for more of the government they're getting.

At the top of the cliff is the borrow and spend free lunch system we've been living under for 30 years.

It should be obvious what we SHOULD do.

I'll agree that going off the cliff is not the worst possible outcome. But I don't think it's the best either. It does, however, prevent this whole "let someone else pay the price" approach.
At the bottom of the cliff is a government that got us into this mess and will continue to remain unaccountable, irresponsible, and incompetent.
The American people have said they want the top to pay more taxes.

elections matter

the minority of the minortiy doesnt GET ITS WAY in a democracy
Everyone is falling all over themselves to get people to blame "the other guys" for the hardships that will follow falling off the fiscal cliff.

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."

— Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

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That is what the republican party is holding out for.

They are fighting to allow the minority of their minority party to MAKE the laws of this country.

The MINORITY dosent get its way in a democracy
Obama won re-election, but so did a majority of repubs in the House and these guys want more spending cuts. I ain't so sure Obama and the Dems are going to get a free pass if we go over the cliff.

Check this out:

If there is no compromise on the fiscal cliff and the automatic tax increases and spending cuts go into effect at the beginning of next year, 24 percent say they will blame congressional Republicans more, while 19 percent will point the finger at Obama and congressional Democrats.

But a majority of respondents (56 percent) say they’ll blame both sides equally.

NBC/WSJ poll: Public wants compromise to avoid fiscal cliff - First Read
Obama won re-election, but so did a majority of repubs in the House and these guys want more spending cuts. I ain't so sure Obama and the Dems are going to get a free pass if we go over the cliff.

Check this out:

If there is no compromise on the fiscal cliff and the automatic tax increases and spending cuts go into effect at the beginning of next year, 24 percent say they will blame congressional Republicans more, while 19 percent will point the finger at Obama and congressional Democrats.

But a majority of respondents (56 percent) say they’ll blame both sides equally.

NBC/WSJ poll: Public wants compromise to avoid fiscal cliff - First Read

That a pretty old poll wiseacre. I agree in principla that yeah, plenty of blame for all, but in the last 10 days Obama's approval rating on how he is handling the fiscal cliff negotiations has gone up nine points. (from 45% to 54%). Congressional democrats have also seem an increase in their approval ratings on the issue as of late. Boehner has actually gained one point too - from 25% approval to 26% approval - so now he's even with all congressional republicans.
I went down to the bar where the hoes ply their trade and walked right on up to one and asked," Hey! Hoe! Does falling off the fiscal cliff change the political landscape?". She said yes. Hope that helped the OP.
If you're trying to make a point, just say it.
Yes, I had a typo in the headline. Would love to edit it - but can't.
Hoe Does Falling Off the Cliff Change the political landscape?

Well you are not familiar with our nation's history.

1- First the federal government USURPS a power

2- The Usurpation causes and emergency

3- the "emergency" provides the criminals in DC the pretext to USURP yet another power

4- the vicious cycle repeats itself......................

Hoe Does Falling Off the Cliff Change the political landscape?

Well you are not familiar with our nation's history.

1- First the federal government USURPS a power

2- The Usurpation causes and emergency

3- the "emergency" provides the criminals in DC the pretext to USURP yet another power

4- the vicious cycle repeats itself......................


Could you please elaborate with some specifics?

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