Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I've seen no evidence. All you do is screech "CON$!!" and misquote Rush. Never an original thought of your own.

You're probably just software.

Shall we discuss your lack of intelligence?


Yeah. Any of you Useful Idiots ever going to try proving that, or are you going with the Big Lie technique?

Ooops, sorry, rhetorical question. You don't do proof, and all you have is the Big Lie.

And my Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

You can worship Obama if you want. He's not worthy of it.
Your Messiah...
I told you, moron: My Messiah is Jesus Christ.

Do you believe you honor him by your disgraceful behaviour on these forums?
rushlimbaugh.com is the hate site every quote comes from!

perhaps, but it isn't where you got them. which hate site are you cutting and pasting your talking points from?


you're an idiot, edtheliar.

february 17, 2010
rush: This is how the oss described hitler's psychology: "his primary rules were: Never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

january 16, 2009
rush: I don't apologize ever. It helps that i'm never wrong.

november 24, 2009
rush: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

february 11, 2008
rush: See, i think liberalism needs to be beaten back; i think it needs to be defeated; i think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

february 11, 2008
again: This mess is not our fault
rush: "rush, you're going to endorse mccain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole republican party is going to blame you." i wrote back, "how? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

february 22, 2010
rush: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The democrat party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The democrat party. Solely. They own it.
already addressed, you're simply too stupid to grasp it. copy the post to the hate site that is directing your thoughts, and see if they can feed you a rational response.

I belkieve edtheliar has a man crush on Rush Limbaugh.:lol:
And yet, after "checking" you are never able to show a misquote!
Shows who is really "full of crap."
Others have shown you to post inaccurate quotes. You refuse to acknowledge it.

You're not interested in the truth. You just want to get your hate on.
To quote your lying ass, "Prove it, dumbfuck"

So you now admit YOU have checked nothing. All the quotes I use can be googled and then you would see they all come exactly, word for word, from YOUR MessiahRushie's...
Stopped reading. Tired of your lies.
I told you, moron: My Messiah is Jesus Christ.

Do you believe you honor him by your disgraceful behaviour on these forums?
That's between me and Jesus, not between me and some internet retard.

You sure do hate it that people you disagree with are allowed to express their views, don't you?
Expressing views is fine. But your despicable behavior on these forums is contrary to Jesus's teachings.

Has he given you an exemption? :lol:

That's not a hate site and I don't believe you. You are posting talking points, you got them from media matters, KOS, HuffingGlue, demonscumunderground, moveon or some other hate site.

Well looky there here is your hate speech verbatim.

Citing Mein Kampf , Limbaugh Calls Obama's Comments On The Stimulus "The Big Lie" | Media Matters for America

You're a mindless fucking drone, edtheliar, I know goddamned well that you aren't going to compile any information, you merely recite what the hive programs you to recite.
Expressing views is fine.

I'm glad we have your permission, retard. With the affinity your side has for death camps there is always a danger in having ideas that party disapproves of.

But your despicable behavior on these forums is contrary to Jesus's teachings.

How is his behavior "despicable," retard?

Is it that he has violated the most sacred commandment by holding opinions not given to him by the party?

Has he given you an exemption? :lol:

Assumes facts not in existence, retard.
Do you believe you honor him by your disgraceful behaviour on these forums?
That's between me and Jesus, not between me and some internet retard.

You sure do hate it that people you disagree with are allowed to express their views, don't you?
Expressing views is fine. But your despicable behavior on these forums is contrary to Jesus's teachings.

Has he given you an exemption? :lol:

"Despicable behavior"...leftist code for "disagreeing with me". :lol:

That's not a hate site and I don't believe you. You are posting talking points, you got them from media matters, KOS, HuffingGlue, demonscumunderground, moveon or some other hate site.

Well looky there here is your hate speech verbatim.

Citing Mein Kampf , Limbaugh Calls Obama's Comments On The Stimulus "The Big Lie" | Media Matters for America

You're a mindless fucking drone, edtheliar, I know goddamned well that you aren't going to compile any information, you merely recite what the hive programs you to recite.
Somebody obviously can't read!

Other than the fact that they took the same 2 Big Lie quotes from Feb 17, 2010 as a starting point, nothing else was the same. I used your MessiahRushie's OWN words to expose him as a Hitlerian Big Liar without any commentary of my own. Your link did not use any of the 5 numbered quotes I used and used their own commentary instead, but to a mindless DittoTard that qualifies as "verbatim." :cuckoo:

Reread the two again :asshole:

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever. It helps that I'm never wrong.

November 24, 2009
RUSH: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

February 11, 2008
Again: This Mess Is Not Our Fault
RUSH: "Rush, you're going to endorse McCain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole Republican Party is going to blame you." I wrote back, "How? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

February 22, 2010
RUSH: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the Democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The Democrat Party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The Democrat Party. Solely. They own it.

Somebody obviously can't read!

Well, let's look, edtheliar;

{ LIMBAUGH: All right -- now, let's go back to Hitler and the "Big Lie." In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, the expression was coined by Hitler to describe a lie so colossal that no one would believe that somebody could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. The "Big Lie" had to be big -- it had to be so big that nobody would believe anybody would have the audacity to lie that way. If you're gonna go -- if you're gonna lie, go big.


LIMBAUGH: Now the phrase the "Big Lie" was also used in a report prepared during the war by the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA -- the United States Office of Strategic Services -- in describing Hitler's psychological profile. This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or a wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong" -- hello, George W. Bush and the Republicans. "People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if repeated frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it."


You got busted posting the talking points...

Other than the fact that they took the same 2 Big Lie quotes from Feb 17, 2010 as a starting point, nothing else was the same. I used your MessiahRushie's OWN words to expose him as a Hitlerian Big Liar without any commentary of my own. Your link did not use any of the 5 numbered quotes I used and used their own commentary instead, but to a mindless DittoTard that qualifies as "verbatim." :cuckoo:

Reread the two again :asshole:

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever. It helps that I'm never wrong.

November 24, 2009
RUSH: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

February 11, 2008
Again: This Mess Is Not Our Fault
RUSH: "Rush, you're going to endorse McCain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole Republican Party is going to blame you." I wrote back, "How? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

February 22, 2010
RUSH: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the Democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The Democrat Party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The Democrat Party. Solely. They own it.

Somebody obviously can't read!

Well, let's look, edtheliar;

{ LIMBAUGH: All right -- now, let's go back to Hitler and the "Big Lie." In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, the expression was coined by Hitler to describe a lie so colossal that no one would believe that somebody could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. The "Big Lie" had to be big -- it had to be so big that nobody would believe anybody would have the audacity to lie that way. If you're gonna go -- if you're gonna lie, go big.


LIMBAUGH: Now the phrase the "Big Lie" was also used in a report prepared during the war by the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA -- the United States Office of Strategic Services -- in describing Hitler's psychological profile. This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or a wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong" -- hello, George W. Bush and the Republicans. "People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if repeated frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it."


You got busted posting the talking points...

Other than the fact that they took the same 2 Big Lie quotes from Feb 17, 2010 as a starting point, nothing else was the same. I used your MessiahRushie's OWN words to expose him as a Hitlerian Big Liar without any commentary of my own. Your link did not use any of the 5 numbered quotes I used and used their own commentary instead, but to a mindless DittoTard that qualifies as "verbatim." :cuckoo:

Reread the two again :asshole:

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever. It helps that I'm never wrong.

November 24, 2009
RUSH: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

February 11, 2008
Again: This Mess Is Not Our Fault
RUSH: "Rush, you're going to endorse McCain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole Republican Party is going to blame you." I wrote back, "How? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

February 22, 2010
RUSH: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the Democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The Democrat Party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The Democrat Party. Solely. They own it.
Damn you are stupid!

I posted NO talking points, I posted ONLY quotes from your MessiahRushie. I quite brilliantly let Stuttering Limptard call himself a Big Liar with his own big mouth. I made no other comments of any kind. All I did was add the numbers so even the stupidest fool could connect the dots, but even that help was not enough for you! :lol:
I posted NO talking points, I posted ONLY quotes from your MessiahRushie.

That you cut&pasted from the Media Matters hate site.....

I quite brilliantly let Stuttering Limptard call himself a Big Liar with his own big mouth.

Not exactly - in fact, not in the slightest.

I made no other comments of any kind. All I did was add the numbers so even the stupidest fool could connect the dots, but even that help was not enough for you! :lol:

Anyone in this thread can follow the link - it's pretty clear.

Citing Mein Kampf , Limbaugh Calls Obama's Comments On The Stimulus "The Big Lie" | Media Matters for America
I posted NO talking points, I posted ONLY quotes from your MessiahRushie.

That you cut&pasted from the Media Matters hate site.....

I quite brilliantly let Stuttering Limptard call himself a Big Liar with his own big mouth.
Not exactly - in fact, not in the slightest.

I made no other comments of any kind. All I did was add the numbers so even the stupidest fool could connect the dots, but even that help was not enough for you! :lol:
Anyone in this thread can follow the link - it's pretty clear.

Citing Mein Kampf , Limbaugh Calls Obama's Comments On The Stimulus "The Big Lie" | Media Matters for America
Not a single one of the numbered quotes that followed the original quote appears on the mediamatters link!!!!

Every quote came from your MessiahRushie's hate site.

Lie .... er .... er ... try again.

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; [1] never admit a fault or wrong; [2] never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; [3] never leave room for alternatives; [4] never accept blame; [5] concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever. It helps that I'm never wrong.

November 24, 2009
RUSH: The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

February 11, 2008
Again: This Mess Is Not Our Fault
RUSH: "Rush, you're going to endorse McCain at some point, aren't you? You know, he's probably going to lose anyway, but if you don't endorse him you're going to get the blame. The whole Republican Party is going to blame you." I wrote back, "How? I'm irrelevant. I have been defeated. I have been relegated to the ash heap of the past."

February 22, 2010
RUSH: I certainly would not have ignored the other team on the field, the Democrats. They're the only reason we're in this mess. The Democrat Party is the only reason we are threatened with the things we're threatened with. The Democrat Party. Solely. They own it.
Do you believe you honor him by your disgraceful behaviour on these forums?

So let me get this straight, retard; you're calling Dave's behavior disgraceful? :confused::confused::confused:


... :lol::lol:
.... :lol:

Unintentional irony is just the bestist kind!
He's not as bad as you - at least he can string a sentence together.

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