Hogg WILD!

Personally I miss the confused, carpet munching, anchor baby ‘it’ thing with the butch cut and the big mouth. What was that little attention whores name?
Living here in Orlando, we have a Publix just about every 5 miles. My local one had no protesters and we only had one in the Orlando area that did and it was led by Anna Eskamani who is running for Congress and is a liberal progressive puke. OMG I would have had fun harassing them if I had known where they were.
The left props up one of these losers every once in a while. Remember what's her name that wanted free birth control? They prop up one of these miscreants, get attention, then start talking about running that prop for congress, etc, etc, then they fade away. Nothing new here.

It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?
So I have a dilemma now. I fully supported Publix when I first heard about this idiot's boycott. I not only went there just because (and had rotissary chicken for lunch), but I emailed the company and told them not to give in to the fascists and that I supported them. Then I hear they gave in to the bully. I emailed them again and informed them of my disappointment and that I wouldn't shop there again. BUT, that idiot Hogg called for further boycotting Publix. Now I can't boycott Publix because I'd be on Hogg's side.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.

I blame the media for much of the problem. They glorify these shooters. I mean that, they aren't trying to but it's the nature of their reporting that does it.
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.

I doubt that...they’ll just be a little more discreet with how they funnel the money in....Remember, these corps got huge Trump given tax bonuses....they’re incentivized like nobody’s business.
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.

Corporate CEO's and boards are running scared from these protest threats. They need to remember that the majority of people in this country lean conservative...not liberal. When corporations cave in to people like Hogg they anger more people than they placate. Why? Because we all know that far left liberals are never satisfied when they get a concession! They always demand more.
Yet here you are posting about a supposed unimportant teenager.


I'm mocking him like I mock you when you go off on one of your tangents.....I'm an equal-opportunity mocker.
You are making a fool of yourself imo. You all whine about this kid endlessly. Yes, hes a little schmuck. Coincidentally a lot of you are acting like big schmucks as a result of him.

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