Hold my daughter vicious disneyland family brawl caugght on video

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It’s not uncommon to see blacks behaving like that in places where you’d least expect it.

I work in a hospital where I help security with combative patients and visitors. It’s something I’ve been doing for years.
On the rare occasions I’ve responded to combative visitors, there’s always been a fat black woman involved. I’m not kidding.
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It’s not uncommon to see blacks behaving like that in places where you’d least expect it.

I work in a hospital where I help security with combative patients and visitors. It’s something I’ve been doing for years.
On the rare occasions I’ve responded to combative visitors, there’s always a fat black woman involved. I’m not kidding.

No surprise there...
Those poor children were crying and bawling while all the adults acted like retards. A good parent/person snaps up the little ones and hauls ass in the opposite direction of anything that could bring harm to them. So many fools.
That is absolutely ridiculous behavior by a bunch of "adults." I sure hope they all got Permabanned from ever stepping foot on that property again. That is a family park with a lot of young kids there. Besides their outrageous behavior, they were using the 'f' word every other word.

She didn't have enough money for that last bag of
Security must have been in Goofy's doughnut house.....

Wrong! They were busy making people uncomfortable at the Starbucks around the Corner!
Look what mom does- she shoves the stroller and never watches to see where it stops. Instead she watches the fight. Conservative here, in favor of abortion. Some people aren’t fit to raise children.
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